Calocybe ionides (Bull.) Donk

Ma, Ao, Hu, Jia-Jun, Chen, Yue-Qu, Wang, Xin, Tuo, Yong-Lan, Yue, Lei, Li, Xue-Fei, Dai, Dan, Wei, Yun-Hui, Zhang, Bo & Li, Yu, 2024, Multiple evidence reveals two new species and new distributions of Calocybe species (Lyophyllaceae) from northeastern China, MycoKeys 103, pp. 37-55 : 37

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MycoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Calocybe ionides (Bull.) Donk


Calocybe ionides (Bull.) Donk

Figs 4A View Figure 4 , 7 View Figure 7


Basidiomata gregarious, small. Pileus 1.3-2.8 cm diameter, convex to oblate semispherical, with an umbo at center, hygrophanous, smooth, entire, involute, violet (16E8) to purple-black (17E8), occasionally deeper at center. Lamellae white (16A1), crowded, adnate, with 1-3 lamellulae. Stipe 1.5-3.0 cm long and 0.1-1.2 cm wide, center, paler violet (16E8), cylindrical, hollow, smooth, fibrous, covered with white tomentose at base. Context thin, white, fleshy, odorless.

Basidiospores (3.0)4.0-6.0 × (2.0)2.2-3.0 μm, Q = (1.50)1.67-2.40(2.50), Qm = 2.11, oblong, smooth, hyaline, inamyloid. Basidia 12.0-19.0 × 3.0-6.0 μm, clavate, 2- or 4- spored, hyaline, thin-walled. Pileipellis hyphae 3.0-6.0 μm wide, smooth, hyaline. Stipitipellis hyphae smooth, 3.0-7.5 μm wide, annulated, with a litter thick-walled.

Specimen examined.

China. Jilin Province, Changchun City, Jingyuetan National Forest Park, 27 Aug 2019, Jia-Jun Hu and Gui-Ping Zhao, HMJAU48264; Liaoning Province, Fushun City, Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County, Gangshan Provincial Forest Park, 13 September 2018, Ao Ma, HMJAU 49165; Heilongjiang Province, Da Hinggan Ling Prefecture, Shuanghe National Nature Reserve, 18 July 2019, Di-Zhe Guo, HMJAU 48270.


Grows on the leaf litter in coniferous or broad-leaved forests.


The main characteristics of this species are small basidiomata, a purple-blue color of the pileus, white lamellae, and a stipe that is either of the same color or lighter than the pileus. According to its main morphological characteristics, this species can be assigned to Sect. Calocybe Carneoviolaceae .