32.081387, -10.541389: 12 Treatments

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Sphex umtalicus     Dörfel, Thorleif H. & Ohl, Michael, 2022, The wasp genus Sphex in Sub-Saharan Africa (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 796 (1), pp. 1-170 : 72-80 72-80
Paranysson quadridentatus     Pulawski, Wojciech J., 2022, A Revision of the Genus Paranysson Guérin-Méneville, 1844 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67 (16), pp. 361-393 : 388-391 388-391
Myrmarachne luctuosa     Tripathi, Rishikesh, Jose, Athira, Nafin, Karunnappilli Shamsudheen, Babu, Nishi & Sudhikumar, Ambalaparambil Vasu, 2017, Revision of eastern Australian ant-mimicking spiders of the genus Myrmarachne (Araneae, Salticidae) reveals a complex of species and forms, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 179 (3), pp. 642-676 : 654-657 654-657
Stemodiopsis kamundii   sp. nov.  Balkwill, K., 2020, A revision of Stemodiopsis Engl. (Linderniaceae) in South Africa, South African Journal of Botany 135, pp. 377-383 : 381-382 381-382
Hortipes orchatocnemis   sp. nov.  BOSSELAERS, JAN & JOCQUÉ, RUDY, 2000, Hortipes, A Huge Genus Of Tiny Afrotropical Spiders (Araneae, Liocranidae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (256), pp. 4-4 : 4--1 4--1
Azygophleps inclusa     Mbata, Keith J. & Prins, Jurate De, 2023, Annotated checklist of moths of Zambia (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Zootaxa 5354 (1), pp. 1-503 : 44 44
Sphex haemorrhoidalis     Dollfuss, H., 2008, The Sphecini Wasps of the Genera Chilosphex BOHART & MENKE, Isodontia PATTON, Palmodes KOHL, Prionyx VANDER LINDEN and Sphex LINNAEUS of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Sphecidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2), pp. 1399-1434 : 1425-1426 1425-1426
Pseudoradiarctia parva     Mbata, Keith J. & Prins, Jurate De, 2023, Annotated checklist of moths of Zambia (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Zootaxa 5354 (1), pp. 1-503 : 289 289
Ceriagrion junceum   sp. nov.  Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B., Kipping, Jens & Mézière, Nicolas, 2015, Sixty new dragonfly and damselfly species from Africa (Odonata), Odonatologica 44 (4), pp. 447-678 : 510-514 510-514
Zygonyx denticulatus   sp. nov.  Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B., Kipping, Jens & Mézière, Nicolas, 2015, Sixty new dragonfly and damselfly species from Africa (Odonata), Odonatologica 44 (4), pp. 447-678 : 665-669 665-669
Ceriagrion banditum   sp. nov.  Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B., Kipping, Jens & Mézière, Nicolas, 2015, Sixty new dragonfly and damselfly species from Africa (Odonata), Odonatologica 44 (4), pp. 447-678 : 504-510 504-510
Anax gladiator   sp. nov.  Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B., Kipping, Jens & Mézière, Nicolas, 2015, Sixty new dragonfly and damselfly species from Africa (Odonata), Odonatologica 44 (4), pp. 447-678 : 539-544 539-544