19.993889, -31.823612: 106 Treatments

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Sphecodopsis kuhlmanni     Pöllein, Daniela & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2025, Taxonomic revision of the southern African bee genus Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 980, pp. 1-157 : 106-112 106-112
Sphecodopsis aculeata     Pöllein, Daniela & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2025, Taxonomic revision of the southern African bee genus Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 980, pp. 1-157 : 18-23 18-23
Sphecodopsis capensis     Pöllein, Daniela & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2025, Taxonomic revision of the southern African bee genus Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 980, pp. 1-157 : 10-15 10-15
Scrapter keiskiensis   sp. nov.  Kuhlmann, Michael & Friehs, Thyra, 2020, Nine new species and new records of euryglossiform Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) from South Africa, European Journal of Taxonomy 647, pp. 1-33 : 11-13 11-13
Scrapter convexus   sp. nov.  Mack, Anne & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Revision of the nitidus species group of the bee genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), European Journal of Taxonomy 912, pp. 1-119 : 22-26 22-26
Nomada roggeveldi   sp. nov.  Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, The South African species of the bee genus Nomada SCOPOLI, 1770 (Hymenoptera, Apidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 55 (1), pp. 155-186 : 163-167 163-167
Nomada roggeveldi   sp. nov.  Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, The South African species of the bee genus Nomada SCOPOLI, 1770 (Hymenoptera, Apidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 55 (1), pp. 155-186 : 163-167 163-167
Scrapter hergi   sp. nov.  Kuhlmann, Michael & Friehs, Thyra, 2020, Nine new species and new records of euryglossiform Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) from South Africa, European Journal of Taxonomy 647, pp. 1-33 : 9-11 9-11
Anthidioma chalicodomoides     Kasparek, Max & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2024, Do the members of the rare African bee genus Anthidioma (Megachilidae, Anthidiini) deserve distinct genus status?, Linzer biologische Beiträge 56 (1), pp. 111-120 : 113-116 113-116
Scrapter perpunctatus     Mack, Anne & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Revision of the nitidus species group of the bee genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), European Journal of Taxonomy 912, pp. 1-119 : 63-69 63-69
Sphecodopsis felix   sp. nov.  Pöllein, Daniela & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2025, Taxonomic revision of the southern African bee genus Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 980, pp. 1-157 : 53-58 53-58
Scrapter mellonholgeri   sp. nov.  Kuhlmann, Michael & Friehs, Thyra, 2020, Nine new species and new records of euryglossiform Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) from South Africa, European Journal of Taxonomy 647, pp. 1-33 : 14-16 14-16
Scrapter albitarsis     Kuhlmann, Michael & Friehs, Thyra, 2020, Nine new species and new records of euryglossiform Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) from South Africa, European Journal of Taxonomy 647, pp. 1-33 : 24 24
Sphecodopsis roggeveldensis   sp. nov.  Pöllein, Daniela & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2025, Taxonomic revision of the southern African bee genus Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 980, pp. 1-157 : 60-63 60-63
Nomada gigas     Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, The South African species of the bee genus Nomada SCOPOLI, 1770 (Hymenoptera, Apidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 55 (1), pp. 155-186 : 161-163 161-163
Scrapter nitidus     Mack, Anne & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Revision of the nitidus species group of the bee genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), European Journal of Taxonomy 912, pp. 1-119 : 51-56 51-56
Sphecodopsis aquifolia   sp. nov.  Pöllein, Daniela & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2025, Taxonomic revision of the southern African bee genus Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 980, pp. 1-157 : 7-10 7-10
Nomada gigas     Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, The South African species of the bee genus Nomada SCOPOLI, 1770 (Hymenoptera, Apidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 55 (1), pp. 155-186 : 161-163 161-163
Sphecodopsis subtilis   sp. nov.  Pöllein, Daniela & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2025, Taxonomic revision of the southern African bee genus Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 980, pp. 1-157 : 40-45 40-45
Scrapter convexoides   sp. nov.  Mack, Anne & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Revision of the nitidus species group of the bee genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), European Journal of Taxonomy 912, pp. 1-119 : 20-22 20-22
Rediviva (Redivivoides) namaquaensis     Kuhlmann, Michael, 2024, The male of Rediviva (Redivivoides) kamieskroonensis (KUHLMANN, 2012) (Hymenoptera, Melittidae), with an updated key and additional records of the subgenus, Linzer biologische Beiträge 56 (1), pp. 121-128 : 125-126 125-126
Scrapter ulrikae     Kuhlmann, Michael & Friehs, Thyra, 2020, Nine new species and new records of euryglossiform Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) from South Africa, European Journal of Taxonomy 647, pp. 1-33 : 27 27
Scrapter variabilis   sp. nov.  Mack, Anne & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Revision of the nitidus species group of the bee genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), European Journal of Taxonomy 912, pp. 1-119 : 77-82 77-82
Colletes infracognitus     Zabel, Tina & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the southern African Colletes fasciatus species group (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 899, pp. 1-96 : 41-43 41-43
Colletes testaceipes     Zabel, Tina & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the southern African Colletes fasciatus species group (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 899, pp. 1-96 : 80 80
Redivivoides namaquaensis   sp. nov.  Kuhlmann, Michael, 2012, Revision of the South African endemic bee genus Redivivoides Michener, 1981 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Melittidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 34, pp. 1-34 : 15-19 15-19
Scrapter amplispinatus     Davies, G. B. P., Eardley, C. D. & Brothers, D. J., 2005, Eight new species of Scrapter (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae), with descriptions of S. albifumus and S. amplispinatus females and a major range extension of the genus, African Invertebrates 46, pp. 141-141 : 175-177 175-177
Colletes carolinae   sp. nov.  Zabel, Tina & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the southern African Colletes fasciatus species group (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 899, pp. 1-96 : 13-21 13-21
Sphecodopsis microscopica   sp. nov.  Pöllein, Daniela & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2025, Taxonomic revision of the southern African bee genus Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 980, pp. 1-157 : 82-85 82-85
Sphecodopsis atricapillata   sp. nov.  Pöllein, Daniela & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2025, Taxonomic revision of the southern African bee genus Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 980, pp. 1-157 : 45-50 45-50
Scrapter exiguus     Kuhlmann, Michael & Friehs, Thyra, 2020, Nine new species and new records of euryglossiform Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) from South Africa, European Journal of Taxonomy 647, pp. 1-33 : 24-25 24-25
Colletes inornatus     Zabel, Tina & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the southern African Colletes fasciatus species group (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 899, pp. 1-96 : 43-46 43-46
Redivivoides variabilis   sp. nov.  Kuhlmann, Michael, 2012, Revision of the South African endemic bee genus Redivivoides Michener, 1981 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Melittidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 34, pp. 1-34 : 24-29 24-29
Sphecodopsis keiskiensis   sp. nov.  Pöllein, Daniela & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2025, Taxonomic revision of the southern African bee genus Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 980, pp. 1-157 : 103-106 103-106
Sisyrnodytes sericeus     Londt, Jason G. H., 2010, A review of Afrotropical Acnephalum Macquart, 1838, including the reinstatement of Sporadothrix Hermann, 1907 and descriptions of two new genera (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 51 (2), pp. 431-482 : 442-448 442-448
Elephantulus pilicaudus     Russell A. Mittermeier & Don E. Wilson, 2018, Macroscelididae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 8 Insectivores, Sloths and Colugos, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 206-234 : 234 234
Sisyrnodytes dasykylon   sp. nov.  Londt, Jason G. H., 2009, A review of Afrotropical Sisyrnodytes Loew, 1856 (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 50 (1), pp. 137-137 : 154-155 154-155
Synolcus macrocercus   sp. nov.  Londt, Jason G. H., 2012, The genus Synolcus Loew, 1858, with descriptions of new species (Diptera: Asilidae), African Invertebrates 53 (2), pp. 661-661 : 684-686 684-686
Microphontes kryphios   sp. n.  Markee, Amanda & Dikow, Torsten, 2018, Taxonomic revision of the assassin-fly genus Microphontes Londt, 1994 (Insecta, Diptera, Asilidae), African Invertebrates 59 (2), pp. 195-237 : 195 195
Rhabdogaster pellos   sp. nov.  Londt, Jason G. H., 2006, A review of the Afrotropical genus Rhabdogaster Loew, 1858 with descriptions of new species (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 47, pp. 243-313 : 276-277 276-277
Plegmapterus irisus     Tshililo, Precious, 2020, Review of South African Euryphyminae, Zootaxa 4820 (1), pp. 70-104 : 96-97 96-97
Sphecodopsis semirufa     Pöllein, Daniela & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2025, Taxonomic revision of the southern African bee genus Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 980, pp. 1-157 : 118-123 118-123
Wadicosa manubriata   comb. nov.  Kronestedt, Torbjörn, 2023, Species of Wadicosa (Araneae, Lycosidae): transfer of four species from Africa currently placed in Pardosa, Zootaxa 5227 (5), pp. 531-548 : 540-542 540-542
Scrapter crassipunctatus   sp. nov.  Mack, Anne & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Revision of the nitidus species group of the bee genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), European Journal of Taxonomy 912, pp. 1-119 : 26-30 26-30
Tetramorium dichroum     Mbanyana, Nokuthula, Garcia, Francisco Hita, Robertson, Hamish Gibson & Roux, Johannes Jacobus Le, 2018, A taxonomic revision of seed harvester ants of the Tetramorium solidum group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in southern Africa, European Journal of Taxonomy 454, pp. 1-59 : 19-21 19-21
Glenosema ahlukileyo   sp. nov.  Azevedo, Celso O. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Review of Afrotropical Glenosema Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) with description of 13 new species, Zootaxa 4585 (3), pp. 401-437 : 418-421 418-421
Tetramorium signatum     Mbanyana, Nokuthula, Garcia, Francisco Hita, Robertson, Hamish Gibson & Roux, Johannes Jacobus Le, 2018, A taxonomic revision of seed harvester ants of the Tetramorium solidum group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in southern Africa, European Journal of Taxonomy 454, pp. 1-59 : 48-51 48-51
Enica imitata   comb. nov.  Rollinson, Lisa & Cabrero, Allan, 2025, Species discovery in Southern African bee flies (Diptera, Bombyliidae): A new species in the revised genus Enica Macquart, 1834, African Invertebrates 66 (1), pp. 73-115 : 73-115 73-115
Acnephalomyia dorsalis   comb. nov.  Londt, Jason G. H., 2010, A review of Afrotropical Acnephalum Macquart, 1838, including the reinstatement of Sporadothrix Hermann, 1907 and descriptions of two new genera (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 51 (2), pp. 431-482 : 448-451 448-451
Enica eremophila   comb. nov.  Rollinson, Lisa & Cabrero, Allan, 2025, Species discovery in Southern African bee flies (Diptera, Bombyliidae): A new species in the revised genus Enica Macquart, 1834, African Invertebrates 66 (1), pp. 73-115 : 73-115 73-115
Cephalophus monticola     James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Artiodactyla, Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 315-343 : 332 332
Heriaeus zanii   sp. nov.  Niekerk, P. van & Dippenaar-Schoeman, A. S., 2013, A revision of the crab spider genus Heriaeus Simon, 1875 (Araneae: Thomisidae) in the Afrotropical Region, African Invertebrates 54 (2), pp. 447-447 : 472-475 472-475
Pachyphymus cristulifer     Tshililo, Precious, 2020, Review of South African Euryphyminae, Zootaxa 4820 (1), pp. 70-104 : 90 90
Afromochtherus mendax     Londt, Jason G. H., 2002, Afrotropical Asilinae (Asilidae): A provisional key to genera, with a review of the status of Neomochtherus Osten Sacken, 1878, and descriptions of new genera and species, African Invertebrates 43, pp. 11-92 : 35-37 35-37
Tetramorium solidum     Mbanyana, Nokuthula, Garcia, Francisco Hita, Robertson, Hamish Gibson & Roux, Johannes Jacobus Le, 2018, A taxonomic revision of seed harvester ants of the Tetramorium solidum group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in southern Africa, European Journal of Taxonomy 454, pp. 1-59 : 53-56 53-56
Synolcus acrobaptus     Londt, Jason G. H., 2012, The genus Synolcus Loew, 1858, with descriptions of new species (Diptera: Asilidae), African Invertebrates 53 (2), pp. 661-661 : 665-670 665-670
Glenosema deki   sp. nov.  Azevedo, Celso O. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Review of Afrotropical Glenosema Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) with description of 13 new species, Zootaxa 4585 (3), pp. 401-437 : 406-408 406-408
Glenosema icephe   sp. nov.  Azevedo, Celso O. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Review of Afrotropical Glenosema Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) with description of 13 new species, Zootaxa 4585 (3), pp. 401-437 : 421-423 421-423
Glenosema umphanda   sp. nov.  Azevedo, Celso O. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Review of Afrotropical Glenosema Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) with description of 13 new species, Zootaxa 4585 (3), pp. 401-437 : 411-414 411-414
Dinapsis bicolor   sp. nov.  van Noort, Simon, Shaw, Scott Richard & Copeland, Robert S., 2022, Revision of the endemic African genus Dinapsis (Dinapsini, Megalyridae, Hymenoptera) with description of seven new species, ZooKeys 1112, pp. 27-122 : 27 27
Odontorrhina pubescens subsp. hantam   subsp. nov.  Perissinotto, Renzo, 2012, Description of a new species and a new subspecies of Odontorrhina Burmeister, 1842 (Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae), with ecological notes on the genus, African Invertebrates 53 (2), pp. 733-733 : 737-738 737-738
Capezoum tankwakarooensis   sp. nov.  Maquart, Pierre-Olivier, Richard, Denis & Vitali, Francesco, 2018, Description of two new Obriini Mulsant, 1839 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Tankwa Karoo biome in South Africa and Namibia, Zootaxa 4521 (2), pp. 183-190 : 184-186 184-186
Microphontes whittingtoni     Markee, Amanda & Dikow, Torsten, 2018, Taxonomic revision of the assassin-fly genus Microphontes Londt, 1994 (Insecta, Diptera, Asilidae), African Invertebrates 59 (2), pp. 195-237 : 195 195
Icius insolidus     Haddad, Charles Richard & Wesołowska, Wanda, 2024, On some new and poorly-known Chrysillini from arid western South Africa (Araneae, Salticidae), African Invertebrates 65 (2), pp. 127-159 : 127-159 127-159
Empodiodes melanoscopaeus     Londt, Jason G. H., 2019, A revision of Empodiodes Oldroyd, 1972 with the descriptions of two new species from South Africa (Diptera, Asilidae, Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 60 (1), pp. 67-82 : 67 67
Empodiodes whittingtoni     Londt, Jason G. H., 2019, A revision of Empodiodes Oldroyd, 1972 with the descriptions of two new species from South Africa (Diptera, Asilidae, Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 60 (1), pp. 67-82 : 67 67
Icius pulchellus     Haddad, Charles Richard & Wesołowska, Wanda, 2024, On some new and poorly-known Chrysillini from arid western South Africa (Araneae, Salticidae), African Invertebrates 65 (2), pp. 127-159 : 127-159 127-159
Namaquella arida   sp. nov.  Haddad, Charles R., 2025, And they just keep coming: four new genera of dark sac spiders from southern Africa (Araneae, Trachelidae), African Invertebrates 66 (1), pp. 19-64 : 19-64 19-64
Acnephalomyia platygaster   comb. nov.  Londt, Jason G. H., 2010, A review of Afrotropical Acnephalum Macquart, 1838, including the reinstatement of Sporadothrix Hermann, 1907 and descriptions of two new genera (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 51 (2), pp. 431-482 : 455-457 455-457
Scrapter roggeveldi   sp. nov.  Kuhlmann, Michael, 2014, Revision of the euryglossiform species of the Afrotropical bee genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 95, pp. 1-69 : 50-54 50-54
Cryptolarynx hirtulus   sp. nov.  Haran, Julien M., Marvaldi, Adriana E., Benoit, Laure, Oberlander, Kenneth, Stals, Riaan & Oberprieler, Rolf G., 2023, Revision of the enigmatic South African Cryptolaryngini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), with description of a new genus and twenty-two new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 877 (1), pp. 1-89 : 22-25 22-25
Cryptolarynx undefined-6     Haran, Julien M., Marvaldi, Adriana E., Benoit, Laure, Oberlander, Kenneth, Stals, Riaan & Oberprieler, Rolf G., 2023, Revision of the enigmatic South African Cryptolaryngini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), with description of a new genus and twenty-two new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 877 (1), pp. 1-89 : 66 66
Nemia karrooa     Abdalla, Ishtiag H., Mansell, Mervyn W. & Sole, Catherine L., 2019, Revision of the southern African genera Nemopterella Banks and Nemia Navás (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae: Nemopterinae), with descriptions of new genera and species, Zootaxa 4635 (1), pp. 1-89 : 79-80 79-80
Omophron (Omophron) capense   s. str.  Anichtchenko, Alexander & Valainis, Uldis, 2023, Revision of the subgenus Omophron (s. str.) Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera: Carabidae Omophron) of the Afrotropical region, Zootaxa 5284 (2), pp. 201-246 : 218-222 218-222
Mesoceration semicarinulum   sp. nov.  Perkins, Philip D., 2008, Facial affect recognition in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis, Zootaxa 1864, pp. 1-124 : 40-41 40-41
Parasthetops pampinus   sp. nov.  Perkins, Philip D., 2008, Facial affect recognition in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis, Zootaxa 1864, pp. 1-124 : 18-19 18-19
Hydraena sebastiani   sp. nov.  PERKINS, PHILIP D., 2014, A revision of the water beetle genus Hydraena Kugelann for southern Africa (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), Zootaxa 3758 (1), pp. 1-92 : 81 81
Parasthetops semiplanus   sp. nov.  Perkins, Philip D., 2008, Facial affect recognition in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis, Zootaxa 1864, pp. 1-124 : 17-18 17-18
Cryptolarynx undefined-4     Haran, Julien M., Marvaldi, Adriana E., Benoit, Laure, Oberlander, Kenneth, Stals, Riaan & Oberprieler, Rolf G., 2023, Revision of the enigmatic South African Cryptolaryngini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), with description of a new genus and twenty-two new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 877 (1), pp. 1-89 : 66 66
Heliophila roggeveldensis   sp. nov.  Al-Shehbaz, Ihsan A., 2020, Ten new species in the southern African genus Heliophila (Brassicaceae; Cruciferae), Phytotaxa 434 (1), pp. 65-88 : 81-83 81-83
Gonioscelis punctipennis     Londt, Jason G. H., 2004, A review of the afrotropical genus Gonioscelis Schiner, 1866 (Diptera: Asilidae), with descriptions of new species, African Invertebrates 45, pp. 21-124 : 81-83 81-83
Plegmapterus saturatus     Tshililo, Precious, 2020, Review of South African Euryphyminae, Zootaxa 4820 (1), pp. 70-104 : 97-98 97-98
Rhachitopis crassus     Tshililo, Precious, 2020, Review of South African Euryphyminae, Zootaxa 4820 (1), pp. 70-104 : 99 99
Leptopilos digitus   sp. nov.  Haddad, Charles R. & Booysen, Ruan, 2022, The ground spider genera Leptodrassex Murphy, 2007 and Leptopilos Levy, 2009 (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) in southern Africa, including the description of a new genus and seven new species, Zootaxa 5194 (1), pp. 1-32 : 26-27 26-27
Menemerus transvaalicus     Haddad, Charles Richard & Wesołowska, Wanda, 2024, On some new and poorly-known Chrysillini from arid western South Africa (Araneae, Salticidae), African Invertebrates 65 (2), pp. 127-159 : 127-159 127-159
Xestomyza undefined-a     Hauser, Martin, 2012, A new species of Xestomyza Wiedemann, 1820 from South Africa, with a key to the genera of Xestomyzinae (Diptera: Therevidae), African Invertebrates 53 (1), pp. 175-175 : 184 184
Drassodella septemmaculata     Mbo, Zingisile & Haddad, Charles R., 2019, A revision of the endemic South African long-jawed ground spider genus Drassodella Hewitt, 1916 (Araneae: Gallieniellidae), Zootaxa 4582 (1), pp. 1-62 : 50-53 50-53
Scrapter sittybon     Kuhlmann, Michael, 2014, Revision of the euryglossiform species of the Afrotropical bee genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 95, pp. 1-69 : 54-57 54-57
Scrapter confusus   sp. nov.  Mack, Anne & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Revision of the nitidus species group of the bee genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), European Journal of Taxonomy 912, pp. 1-119 : 107-111 107-111
Capicola hantamensis   sp. nov.  Michez, Denis & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2007, Phylogenetic analysis of the bee genus Capicola with the description of Capicola hantamensis sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Dasypodaidae), Zootaxa 1444 (1), pp. 61-68 : 63-65 63-65
Sphecodopsis regina   sp. nov.  Pöllein, Daniela & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2025, Taxonomic revision of the southern African bee genus Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 980, pp. 1-157 : 141-146 141-146
Colletes aureocinctus     Zabel, Tina & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the southern African Colletes fasciatus species group (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 899, pp. 1-96 : 13 13
Scrapter minutus   sp. nov.  Kuhlmann, Michael, 2014, Revision of the euryglossiform species of the Afrotropical bee genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 95, pp. 1-69 : 29-31 29-31
Colletes schultzei     Zabel, Tina & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the southern African Colletes fasciatus species group (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 899, pp. 1-96 : 75 75
Enica syrticola   comb. nov.  Rollinson, Lisa & Cabrero, Allan, 2025, Species discovery in Southern African bee flies (Diptera, Bombyliidae): A new species in the revised genus Enica Macquart, 1834, African Invertebrates 66 (1), pp. 73-115 : 73-115 73-115
Sphecodopsis bifida   sp. nov.  Pöllein, Daniela & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2025, Taxonomic revision of the southern African bee genus Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Nomadinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 980, pp. 1-157 : 125-128 125-128
Colletes laticaudus     Zabel, Tina & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the southern African Colletes fasciatus species group (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 899, pp. 1-96 : 56 56
Colletes fabiani   sp. nov.  Zabel, Tina & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the southern African Colletes fasciatus species group (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 899, pp. 1-96 : 24-31 24-31
Plegmapterus fernandezi     Tshililo, Precious, 2020, Review of South African Euryphyminae, Zootaxa 4820 (1), pp. 70-104 : 96 96
Gonatopus karooensis   sp. nov.  Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619 : 459-460 459-460
Gonatopus luteipes     Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619 : 515 515
Apoaphelopus mostovskii     Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619 : 594 594
Gonatopus costalis   sp. nov.  Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619 : 555-557 555-557
Gonatopus scholtzi   sp. nov.  Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619 : 452-454 452-454
Macroderes leipoldti   sp. nov.  Abdalla, Ishtiag H., Deschodt, Christian M., Scholtz, Clarke H. & Sole, Catherine L., 2018, An update to the taxonomy of the genus Macroderes Westwood 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) with descriptions of new species from South Africa, Zootaxa 4504 (1), pp. 41-75 : 59-60 59-60
Gonatopus nigropictus   sp. nov.  Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619 : 525-526 525-526

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