Patellapis volutatoria
Timmermann, Kim & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2009, Variable Selection and Inference for Multi-period Forecasting Problems, Zootaxa 2099, pp. 1-188
: 181-188
181-188 |
Sisyrnodytes sericeus
Londt, Jason G. H., 2010, A review of Afrotropical Acnephalum Macquart, 1838, including the reinstatement of Sporadothrix Hermann, 1907 and descriptions of two new genera (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 51 (2), pp. 431-482
: 442-448
442-448 |
Tephritis argentea
Brake, Irina, 2009, Revision of Milichiella Giglio-Tos (Diptera, Milichiidae) 2188, Zootaxa 2188 (1), pp. 1-166
: 26-60
26-60 |
Rhachitopis curvipes subsp. curvipes
Tshililo, Precious, 2020, Review of South African Euryphyminae, Zootaxa 4820 (1), pp. 70-104
: 100
100 |
Fidiobia celeritas
sp. nov.
van Noort, Simon, Lahey, Zachary, Talamas, Elijah J., Austin, Andrew D., Masner, Lubomir, Polaszek, Andrew & Johnson, Norman F., 2021, Review of Afrotropical sceliotracheline parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae), Journal of Hymenoptera Research 87, pp. 115-222
: 115
115 |
Philoliche (Philoliche) elegans
Morita, Shelah, 2008, A revision of the Philoliche aethiopica species complex (Diptera: Tabanidae), African Invertebrates 49 (1), pp. 129-158
: 148-150
148-150 |
Macroderes bias
Abdalla, Ishtiag H., Deschodt, Christian M., Scholtz, Clarke H. & Sole, Catherine L., 2018, An update to the taxonomy of the genus Macroderes Westwood 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) with descriptions of new species from South Africa, Zootaxa 4504 (1), pp. 41-75
: 45-47
45-47 |
Cassida litigiosa
Borowiec, Lech & Świętojańska, Jolanta, 2022, A monograph of the Afrotropical Cassidinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Part 6. Revision of the tribe Cassidini 3, the genus Cassida L., Zootaxa 5171 (1), pp. 1-250
: 102-105
102-105 |
Acolastus muelleri
sp. nov.
Schöller, M., 2006, Acolastus cochlearis n. sp. und A. muelleri n. sp. - zwei neue Blattkäfer aus Südafrika (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cryptocephalinae, Pachybrachina), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 837-844
: 839-841
839-841 |
Epirinus schoolmeestersi
sp. nov.
Deschodt, Christian M., Davis, Adrian L. V. & Daniel, Gimo M., 2019, The endemic Southern African genus Epirinus Dejean, 1833 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) revisited: five new species and two new synonyms, Zootaxa 4603 (2), pp. 327-340
: 330-332
330-332 |