Robertsella meridionalis
Cintra, Flavio de Almeida Alves-Júnior Girlene Fábia Segundo Viana Maria Fernanda Abrantes Torres Kátia Cristina de Araújo Silva Israel Hidenburgo Aniceto, 2021, New distributional records of species of the family Pseudorhombilidae Alcock, 1900 (Crustacea: Decapoda) from Brazilian waters, Nauplius (e 2021016) 29, pp. 1-10
: 6
6 |
Cosmotriphora melanura
Fernandes, Maurício Romulo & Pimenta, Alexandre Dias, 2020, Unraveling one of the ‘ Big Five’: update of the taxonomy of Triphoridae (Gastropoda, Triphoroidea) from Brazil, European Journal of Taxonomy 665 (665), pp. 1-170
: 142-145
142-145 |
Triphora charybdis
Fernandes, Maurício Romulo & Pimenta, Alexandre Dias, 2020, Unraveling one of the ‘ Big Five’: update of the taxonomy of Triphoridae (Gastropoda, Triphoroidea) from Brazil, European Journal of Taxonomy 665 (665), pp. 1-170
: 51-53
51-53 |
Nototriphora decorata
Fernandes, Maurício Romulo & Pimenta, Alexandre Dias, 2020, Unraveling one of the ‘ Big Five’: update of the taxonomy of Triphoridae (Gastropoda, Triphoroidea) from Brazil, European Journal of Taxonomy 665 (665), pp. 1-170
: 152-156
152-156 |
Lepteces ornatus
Alves-Júnior, Flavio De Almeida, Lucatelli, Débora, Santana, William & Souza-Filho, Jesser Fidelis De, 2019, First record of two rare spider crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Majoidea) from Brazil, Zootaxa 4688 (1), pp. 111-118
: 112-115
112-115 |
Collodes leptocheles
Alves-Júnior, Flavio De Almeida, Lucatelli, Débora, Santana, William & Souza-Filho, Jesser Fidelis De, 2019, First record of two rare spider crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Majoidea) from Brazil, Zootaxa 4688 (1), pp. 111-118
: 115
115 |
Alves-Júnior, Flavio de Almeida, Santana, Julianna de Lemos & Souza-Filho, Marina de Sá Leitão Câmara de Araújo and Jesser Fidelis de, 2016, First record of Euchirograpsus americanus A. Milne-Edwards, 1880 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Plagusiidae) from northeastern Brazil, Nauplius (e 2016023) 24, pp. 1-4
: 2-4
2-4 |
Anuropodione carolinensis
Boyko Ricardo José de Carvalho Paiva Aurinete Oliveira Negromonte Jesser Fidelis de Souza-Filho, Flavio de Almeida Alves-Júnior Christopher B., 2019, First record of the genus Anuropodione Bourdon, 1967 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae) from the South Atlantic, Nauplius (e 2019003) 27, pp. 1-7
: 2-6
2-6 |
Tanacetipathes tanacetum
Lima, Manuela M., Cordeiro, Ralf T. S. & Perez, Carlos D., 2019, Black Corals (Anthozoa: Antipatharia) from the Southwestern Atlantic, Zootaxa 4692 (1), pp. 1-67
: 26-27
26-27 |
Tanacetipathes barbadensis
Lima, Manuela M., Cordeiro, Ralf T. S. & Perez, Carlos D., 2019, Black Corals (Anthozoa: Antipatharia) from the Southwestern Atlantic, Zootaxa 4692 (1), pp. 1-67
: 28-30
28-30 |
Tanacetipathes thamnea
Lima, Manuela M., Cordeiro, Ralf T. S. & Perez, Carlos D., 2019, Black Corals (Anthozoa: Antipatharia) from the Southwestern Atlantic, Zootaxa 4692 (1), pp. 1-67
: 30-33
30-33 |