-61.422863, 3.3497221: 15 Treatments

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Poppiana dentata     Magalhães, Francinéia Zanetti Patrícia Macedo de Castro Célio, 2018, Freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Pseudothelphusidae, Trichodactylidae) from the state of Roraima, Brazil: species composition, distribution and new records, Nauplius (e 2018011) 26, pp. 1-19 : 13 13
Ameromyia modesta     Tavares, Leon Gustavo de Miranda, Machado, Renato Jose Pires & Calor, Adolfo Ricardo, 2023, The Neotropical antlion genus Ameromyia Banks, 1913 (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae), systematics and redefinition under a phylogenetic approach, Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 81, pp. 499-553 : 499 499
Fredius stenolobus     Magalhães, Francinéia Zanetti Patrícia Macedo de Castro Célio, 2018, Freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Pseudothelphusidae, Trichodactylidae) from the state of Roraima, Brazil: species composition, distribution and new records, Nauplius (e 2018011) 26, pp. 1-19 : 10-11 10-11
Papagona dietrichi   sp. nov.  De Freitas, Abner S., Zahniser, James N. & Takiya, Daniela M., 2021, Review of the genus Papagona Ball, 1935 (Hemiptera: Caliscelidae) including a new Neotropical species, Zootaxa 5023 (1), pp. 107-120 : 110-114 110-114
Acostatrichia brevipenis     Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, 2020, A review of the Neotropical microcaddisfly genus Acostatrichia Mosely, 1939 with description of a new species from Brazil (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae: Leucotrichiinae), Zootaxa 4755 (2), pp. 201-230 : 213 213
Metaleptobasis bicornis     Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2013, <p> <strong> A revision of <em> Metaleptobasis </ em> Calvert (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with seven synonymies and the description of eighteen new species from South America </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3738 (1), pp. 1-155 : 18-22 18-22
Neoxyphinus furtivus   comb. nov.  Abrahim, Naiara, Brescovit, Antonio D., Rheims, Cristina A., Santos, Adalberto J., Ott, Ricardo & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2012, A Revision of the Neotropical Goblin Spider Genus Neoxyphinus Birabén, 1953 (Araneae, Oonopidae), American Museum Novitates 2012 (3743), pp. 1-76 : 61-67 61-67
Anacroneuria atrifrons     Menezes, Emely Trajano De, Boldrini, Rafael & Novaes, Marcos Carneiro, 2020, New species of the genus Macrogynoplax and new records of Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Roraima State, Brazil, Zootaxa 4722 (5), pp. 463-471 : 465-466 465-466
Potamophilops bostrychophallus     Almeida, Maria Do Livramento Sampaio De, Fernandes, André Silva & Rini, Rafael Bold-, 2020, A new species of Macrelmis Motschulsky, 1859 (Coleoptera: Elmidae) and new records of Elmidae from Roraima State, northern Brazil, Zootaxa 4718 (2), pp. 277-284 : 282 282
Traumatomutilla parallela     Bartholomay, Pedro R., Williams, Kevin A., Cambra, Roberto A. & Oliveira, Marcio L., 2022, Revision of the Traumatomutilla indica species-group (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), Zootaxa 5108 (1), pp. 1-97 : 53-60 53-60
Dasmeusa pauperata     Pecly, Nathalia H., Takiya, Daniela M., Cavichioli, Rodney R. & Mejdalani, Gabriel, 2023, Taxonomic revision and phylogeny of the sharpshooter genus Dasmeusa Melichar, 1926, with a scanning electron microscopy study of D. pauperata (Fabricius, 1803) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellini), Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 81, pp. 655-687 : 655 655
Chirotica maraca   sp. nov.  Lima, Adriane G. M. & Fernandes, Daniell R. R., 2024, Synopsis of the Darwin wasp Chirotica Förster, 1869 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Phygadeuontinae) in Brazil, Zootaxa 5418 (2), pp. 101-139 : 122-124 122-124
Paraphotina insolita     Agudelo, Antonio A. & Rafael, José A., 2016, Review of Paraphotina (Mantodea: Photinaidae), Zoologia (e 20160055) 33 (6), pp. 1-13 : 7-13 7-13
Euplocania maraca   sp. nov.  Pereira, Antoniel Francisco, Silva-Neto, Alberto Moreira da & Boldrini, Rafael, 2022, Three new species of Euplocania Enderlein (Psocodea, ‘ Psocoptera’, Ptiloneuridae), for the state of Roraima, Brazil, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (Pap. Avulsos Zool., S. Paulo) 62, pp. 1-8 : 4-6 4-6
Chirotica juquia   sp. nov.  Lima, Adriane G. M. & Fernandes, Daniell R. R., 2024, Synopsis of the Darwin wasp Chirotica Förster, 1869 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Phygadeuontinae) in Brazil, Zootaxa 5418 (2), pp. 101-139 : 120-122 120-122