Crenicichla vittata
Říčan, Oldřich, Piálek, Lubomír, Almirón, Adriana & Casciotta, Jorge, 2023, Description of two new species forming a sympatric species pair of Crenicichla (Teleostei: Cichlidae) endemic to the Piray Guazú River in the Paraná River Basin, Misiones, Argentina and belonging to the C. mandelburgeri species complex, European Journal of Taxonomy 879, pp. 38-63
: 53-57
53-57 |
Crenicichla vittata
Litz, Thomas O. & The, Stefan Koerber Introduction, 2014, Check List of the Freshwater Fishes of Uruguay (CLOFF-UY)., Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 28, pp. 1-40
: 34
34 |
new species
Heckel, J. J., 1840, Johann Natterer’s neue Flussfische Brasilien’s nach den Beobachtungen und Mittheilungen des Entdeckers beschrieben (Erste Abtheilung, Die Labroiden), Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 2, pp. 325-471
: 417
417 |