
Gustafsson, Daniel R. & Bush, Sarah E., 2014, Three new species of chewing lice of the genus Emersoniella Tendeiro, 1965 (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) from Papua New Guinean kingfishers and kookaburras (Aves: Coraciiformes: Alcedinidae), Zootaxa 3796 (3), pp. 528-544 : 543

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Key to the species of Emersoniella

[modified after Emerson & Price 1978]

Note: Emersoniella bracteata was not seen during this study, and its placement is as in Emerson & Price (1978), who followed Clay (1971). We were unable to find any material of this species at the NHML, despite Clay (1971) stating that several such specimens exist, and we did not examine material from other institutions as a revision of the genus was not the aim of this paper.

1. Pleurites on III–VI without well developed re-entrant heads............ Emersoniella bracteata (Nitzsch [in Giebel], 1866)

- Pleurites on III–VI with well-developed re-entrant heads...................................................... 2

2. Dorsal preantennal suture clearly visible, reaching towards or to aperture of ADS................................... 3

- No dorsal preantennal suture visible...................................................................... 6

3. Anterior head sharply angulate and elongated, generally longer than broad, male genitalia with endomeral plate longer than broad. Dorsal preantennal suture does not reach ADS. On Tany siptera spp....................................... 4

- Anterior head more rounded, generally broader than long, male genitalia with endomeral plate broader than long. Dorsal preantennal suture reaches ADS. On several genera............................................................. 5

4. Female tergite IX with more than one pair of very short setae median to long setae. Head much elongated................................................................................ Emersoniella galateae Emerson & Price, 1978

- Female tergite IX with only one pair of very short setae median to long setae. Head not as elongated............................................................................................... Emersoniella persei new species

5. Male abdominal setae generally short, with few tergocentral setae reaching posterior margin or following tergite. Pronotal setae long, reaching more than half of length of pteronotum. Setae of terminal abdominal segment in male short................................................................................... Emersoniella reninoda new species

- Male abdominal setae long, with tergocentral setae often reaching to or beyond posterior margin of following tergite. Pronotal setae short, not reaching more than half of length of pteronotum. Setae of terminal abdominal segment in male long............................................................................. Emersoniella halcyonis Tendeiro, 1965

6. Mesomere long and wide, reaching or overlapping with basal plate laterally and with endomere distally. Basal plate slender distally. Temporal carinae curve medianly to reach or overlap with gular plate. Female tergite IX with three pairs of tergocentral setae........................................................... Emersoniella regis Emerson & Price, 1978

- Mesomere small, not reaching basal plate laterally and not reaching endomere distally. Basal plate widens distinctly distally. Temporal carinae with no distinct curve. Female tergite IX with two pairs of tergocentral setae............................................................................................... Emersoniella crassicarina new species

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