Kona, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 30 Treatments

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Chloridops kona     Ghiraldi, Luca & Aimassi, Giorgio, 2019, Extinct and endangered (‘ E & E’) birds in the ornithological collection of the Museum of Zoology of Torino University, Italy, Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 139 (1), pp. 28-45 : 33 33
Fabales   new species  Blackburn, T. & Cameron, P., 1886, On the Hymenoptera of the Hawaiian Islands. [this paper also published in Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society (3) 10: 194 - 245, 1886], Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester 25, pp. 134-183 : 144 144
Elaphropeza kona   sp. nov.  Grootaert, Patrick & Shamshev, Igor, 2013, The flies of the family Hybotidae (Diptera, Empidoidea) collected during the Boyekoli Ebale Congo 2010 Expedition in Democratic Republic of Congo, Zootaxa 3603 (1), pp. 1-61 : 43-45 43-45
Orthoptera   new species  Otte, Daniel, 1994, The crickets of Hawaii. Origin, systematics and evolution., Orthopterists' Society : 310 310
Orthoptera   new species  Otte, Daniel, 1994, The crickets of Hawaii. Origin, systematics and evolution., Orthopterists' Society : 145 145
Perciformes   new species  Mishra, S. S. & Krishnan, S., 1993, Polydactylus konadaensis a new threadfin fish from India with a key to species of the Polynemidae of India, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 92, No. 1, pp. 285-291 : 285 285
Coleoptera   new species  Blackburn, T. & Sharp, David, 1885, Memoirs on the Coleoptera of the Hawaiian Islands., The Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society, Series 2 3, No. 6, pp. 119-300 : 154, 241,284 154, 241,284
Pulmonata   new species  Sykes, E. R., 1900, Fauna Hawaiiensis. Mollusca, University Press : 364 364
Stylommatophora   new species  Pilsbry, Henry A. & Cooke, C. Montague, 1914, Manual of Conchology. Second series: Pulmonata. Appendix to Amastridae. Tornatellinidae. Index,, Academy of Natural Sciences : 212 212
Drosophila konaensis     Rampasso, Augusto Santos & O’Grady, Patrick Michael, 2022, Distribution and Taxonomy of Endemic and Introduced Drosophilidae in Hawaii, Zootaxa 5106 (1), pp. 1-80 : 30 30
Stylommatophora   new species  Baker, Horace Burrington, 1940, Zonitid snails from Pacific islands part 2. 2. Hawaiian genera of Microcystinae, Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 165, pp. 103-201 : 128 (key), 130 (description) 128 (key), 130 (description)
Cyanea konahuanuiensis   sp. nov.  Sporck-Koehler, Margaret J., Koehler, Tobias B., Marquez, Sebastian N., Waite, Mashuri & Williams, Adam M., 2015, A new species of Cyanea (Campanulaceae, Lobelioideae), from the Ko'olau Mountains of O'ahu, Hawaiian Islands, PhytoKeys 46, pp. 45-60 : 48-54 48-54
Galepsus (Galepsus) konakrynus     Schwarz, Christian J., Pohl, Marius & Frank, Erik T., 2023, A preliminary checklist of the praying mantids of Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast (Insecta: Mantodea), Zootaxa 5373 (1), pp. 1-64 : 55 55
Coleoptera   new species  Blackburn, T. & Sharp, David, 1885, Memoirs on the Coleoptera of the Hawaiian Islands., The Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society, Series 2 3, No. 6, pp. 119-300 : 182, 254,288 182, 254,288
Nesodynerus konanus     Carpenter, James M., 2023, A Catalogue of the Pacific Eumeninae (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), Zootaxa 5315 (5), pp. 401-455 : 422 422
Mycetocharina (Mycetocharina) konardanica     Novák, Vladimir & Ghahari, Hassan, 2015, A checklist of comb-clawed beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Alleculinae) from Iran, Zootaxa 4027 (1), pp. 101-116 : 105 105
Konariinae     Gu, Modest & Bird, Graham J., 2017, The synonymy of the genus Permixtimella Guţu, 2016 (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) with Ektraleptochelia Bamber & Marshall, 2015 and remarks on other leptocheliid taxa, Zootaxa 4263 (3), pp. 587-593 : 589 589
Konariinae   nom. nov.  BAMBER, ROGER N, 2013, A re-assessment of Konarus Bamber, 2006 and sympatric leptocheliids from Australasia, and of Pseudoleptochelia Lang, 1973 (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea), Zootaxa 3694 (1), pp. 1-39 : 10 10
Konariinae     Kong, Chim Chee, 2024, A synopsis of the Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) of Singapore, with a review of tanaidacean diversity in Southeast Asia and the South China Sea, Zootaxa 5451 (1), pp. 1-75 : 34 34
Konarus straddi   comb. nov.  BAMBER, ROGER N, 2013, A re-assessment of Konarus Bamber, 2006 and sympatric leptocheliids from Australasia, and of Pseudoleptochelia Lang, 1973 (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea), Zootaxa 3694 (1), pp. 1-39 : 12-17 12-17
Konarus crassicornis     Kong, Chim Chee, 2024, A synopsis of the Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) of Singapore, with a review of tanaidacean diversity in Southeast Asia and the South China Sea, Zootaxa 5451 (1), pp. 1-75 : 34-35 34-35
Zelotes konarus     Sajadi, Samin Sadat, Wesal, Mohammad Wasil, Zamani, Alireza & Moradmand, Majid, 2024, A checklist of the spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Afghanistan, Zootaxa 5551 (1), pp. 1-50 : 15 15
Konarus crassicornis     BAMBER, ROGER N, 2013, A re-assessment of Konarus Bamber, 2006 and sympatric leptocheliids from Australasia, and of Pseudoleptochelia Lang, 1973 (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea), Zootaxa 3694 (1), pp. 1-39 : 12 12
Konarus     Bamber, Roger N & Chatterjee, Tapas, 2010, The new and the old: littoral tanaidomorph Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) from the Andaman Islands, Indian Ocean, Zootaxa 2558, pp. 17-32 : 18 18
Konarus   gen. nov.  Bamber, Roger N., 2006, Shallow water tanaidaceans (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea) from New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands, Zootaxa 1108, pp. 1-21 : 7 7
Konarus cheiris     BAMBER, ROGER N, 2013, A re-assessment of Konarus Bamber, 2006 and sympatric leptocheliids from Australasia, and of Pseudoleptochelia Lang, 1973 (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea), Zootaxa 3694 (1), pp. 1-39 : 12 12
Konarus crassicornis     Bamber, Roger N & Chatterjee, Tapas, 2010, The new and the old: littoral tanaidomorph Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) from the Andaman Islands, Indian Ocean, Zootaxa 2558, pp. 17-32 : 18-22 18-22
Konarus cheiris   sp. nov.  Bamber, Roger N., 2006, Shallow water tanaidaceans (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea) from New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands, Zootaxa 1108, pp. 1-21 : 7-12 7-12
Konarus     BAMBER, ROGER N, 2013, A re-assessment of Konarus Bamber, 2006 and sympatric leptocheliids from Australasia, and of Pseudoleptochelia Lang, 1973 (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea), Zootaxa 3694 (1), pp. 1-39 : 10-11 10-11
Amphipoda   new genus  Barnard, J. Laurens, 1970, Sublittoral Gammaridea (Amphipoda) of the Hawaiian Islands, Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 34, pp. 1-286 : 70 70

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