Oxychilus draparnaudi
Plazzi, Federico & Pedroni, Guido, 2023, Biodiversity of extant snails (Gastropoda, Mollusca) in the Pliocene Mountain Spur Natural Reserve (Northern Apennine, Italy), Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 95688-95688
: 95688
95688 |
Oxychilus draparnaudi
Frank, Christa, 2020, Auf den Spuren von Lewis und Clark, des " Oregon " und des " California Trails ": Ein Reisebericht mit Malakologie " Go West " - Following Lewis und Clark, the " Oregon " and the " California Trail ": An itinerary with malacology, Linzer biologische Beiträge 52 (1), pp. 253-308
: 268
268 |
Oxychilus draparnaudi
Trujillo-Díaz, Ali Gabrielle, Araiza-Gómez, Victoria, García-Román, Jazmín, Hernández-Domínguez, José Luis, Zúñiga, Gerardo & Naranjo-García, Edna, 2025, First records of Oxychilus alliarius and O. cellarius (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Oxychilidae) in Mexico: mtDNA identification and potential distributions, ZooKeys 1224, pp. 141-164
: 141-164
141-164 |
Coan, Eugene V., Pacaud, Jean-Michel & Kabat, Alan R., 2024, Gérard-Paul Deshayes (1796 - 1875) and his taxa, Geodiversitas 46 (16), pp. 553-930
: 688
688 |