Gossia vieillardii (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow

Snow, Neil, 2020, A revision of New Caledonian Gossia N. Snow & Guymer (Myrtaceae), Adansonia 42 (7), pp. 131-177 : 169-172

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5252/adansonia2020v42a7

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scientific name

Gossia vieillardii (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow


Gossia vieillardii (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow View in CoL ( Figs 19 View FIG ; 22 View FIG ; 23 View FIG )

Austrobaileya 8 (2): 181 (2010). — Eugenia vieillardi Brong. & Gris, Bulletin de la Société botanique de France 12: 180 (1865). — Austromyrtus vieillardii (Brongn. & Gris) Burret, Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 15: 503 (1941). View in CoL

— Typus: New Caledonia. Grande Terre, South Prov., Montagnes de Balade, 21°56’36.9960’’S, 166°17’35.9880’’E, Vieillard 484 (lecto-, P[P00463006], designated by Snow ( Snow & Veldkamp 2010: 181); isolecto-, G[G00340962], P[P00463007 specimen on left, P00463008]; see comments below). Myrtus prolixa Baker f., The Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany

45: 311 (1921). — Austromyrtus prolixa (Baker f.) Burret, Notiz-

blatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 15:

505 (1941).

— Typus: New Caledonia. Grande Terre, South

Prov., Kaori forest in sheltered valley, Compton 393 (holo-,

BM[BM000581653], photo BISH).

Myrtus aneityensis Guillaumin, Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 12: 254 (1931). — Austromyrtus aneityensis (Guillaumin) Burret, Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 15: 506 (1941). — Gossia aneityensis (Guillaumin) View in CoL N. Snow, Novon 15: 478 (2005).

— Typus: New Caledonia. Grande Terre, South Prov ., S. J. Kajewski 810 (lecto- [designated by Snow 2005: 181], P [ P0646116 ]). — A later worker incorrectly annotated the lectotype in 2011 as a syntype.

Eugenia heckelii Pancher & Sebert., Notice sur les Bois de la Nouvelle Calédonie: 259 (1874).

— Typus: New Caledonia. Ab. loco, Petit 52 (lectotype here designated, P [ P004629880 ]). — Another collection, Fournie 52 (P00462997) has “type?” written in the upper right-hand corner of a label, but a later worker added “(no)” without further explanation.


ETYMOLOGY. — Named for the French surgeon and botanist Eugène Vieillard (1816-1896), who spent many years in New Caledonia.

DISTRIBUTION, HABITAT AND PHENOLOGY. — Common across much of Grande Terre and some islands ( Fig. 19 View FIG ); in maquis of humid forests or sometimes along streams, mostly over schists, micaschistes, graywackes or serpentines, (5-) 150-1000 m. Flowering January through June; fruiting known year-round.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED. — New Caledonia. North Prov., Silva Peala, ad occidentem Pouebo, 500-600 m, 6.IV.1968, Bernardi 12609 (P, US, Z); ibid. loco, 200 m, 27-28.III.1968, Bernardi 12412 (L, P) ; La Guen, refuge Blaffart , 25.II.2013, Hequet 4055 ( NOU, MO) ; Ouest de la Tiebaghi, 9.XI.1980, Hoff 3089 ( NOU [ NOU029575 ]) ; Ouest de la Tiebaghi, 9.XI.1980, Hoff 3108 ( NOU) ; Ouraï , IX.1876, Lécard 45 (P[P05094057]) ; Forêt de Tendé (Haute Diahot), 500-600 m, 12.IX.1967, MacKee 17547 ( NOU [ NOU029597 ], WELTU ; Haut Diahot – Tendé , Expl. Frouin, 500 m, 31.III.1969, MacKee 20456 ( NOU [ NOU029567 ]) ; Pouebo , crête entre Mandjélia et Salandané, 600 m, 11.X.1969, MacKee 20819 ( NOU [ NOU029626 ]) ; Haute vallée d’Houailou, 350 m, 14.XI.1969, MacKee 21184 ( NOU [ NOU029715 ], P[P02089836]) ; Pouebo , crête entre Mandjélia et Salandané, 15.XII.1969, MacKee 21303 ( NOU [ NOU029568 ]) ; Pouebo , 600- 700 m, 12.IV.1972, MacKee 25216 ( BISH, NOU [ NOU029625 ]) ; Col d’Amos , Haute Mayavetch, 500 m, 10.VII.1972, MacKee 25688 (P[P00463024, P05094542, P05094543]) ; Col d’Amoss , Haute Mayavetch, 500 m, 24.III.1973, MacKee 26472 (P[P02089835]) ; Aoupinié , 27.VII.1974, MacKee 29030 ( NOU [ NOU029614 ], P[P02089834]) ; [Île] Balabio , Baie de Capitaine, 10-150 m, 17.IX.1974, MacKee 29317 ( NOU [ NOU029599 ]; P[P02089839]) ; Pouébo , Mandjélia, 26.IV.1976, MacKee 31172 ( NOU [ NOU029607 ], P[P02089880]) ; Haut Diahot , Paala, 400 m, 1. VI.1976, MacKee 31296 ( NOU [ NOU029615 ]) ; Haut Diahot , Tendé, 600 m, 16. V.1981, MacKee 39055 (MO, NOU [ NOU029605 ], P[P02089876]) ; Ponérihouen , Mont Aoupinié, 700 m, 18.VIII.1981, MacKee 39468 (MO, NOU [ NOU029558 ], [P02089881]) ; Houailou , Néaoua, 450 m, 26. VI.1982, MacKee 40496 (MO, NOU [ NOU029596 ], P[P02089877, P02089878]) ; Vallée de Bua Hio , 22.XII.1966, Schmid 1929 ( NOU [ NOU029573 ], P[P00462994]) ; Mt. Mandjélia from Ouéga, c. 650 m, 11.VIII.2003, Snow 9214 et al. ( ASU, BISH, BRI, CANB, MO, NOU [ NOU000646 ], NY, P[P00459486], WELTU) ; Along streambed below and W of Col d’Amos, 22.X.1959, Thorne 28143 (P[P00462999]) ; Massif Ignambi , 600 m, 28.XI.1967, Veillon 1513 ( NOU [ NOU053250 ], P[P00463000], Z) ; Paagoumène , face site de l’usine, 13. V.1981, Veillon 4479 ( NOU [ NOU029600 ], P[P00463003]) ; Île Balabio , extremité sud, Bweroro, 5 m, 30.IX.1997, Veillon 8035 ( BISH, NOU [ NOU029602 ], P[P00463004]) ; Wagape , 1867, Vieillard s.n. ( NSW). — South Prov., Prony, Balansa 90 (P[P05094056], Z[Z-000092713, Z-000092714, Z-000092718]) ; Mois de May , 300 m, 25. VI.1951, Baumann-Bodenheim 14281 (A, Z) ; Pte Panèta – Kouré , 10. V.1951, Baumann-Bodenheim 13274 (P) ; The Rivière Blanche , Forêt du Mois de Mai, 25. VI.1951, Baumann- Bodenheim 14254 (MO, P, Z) ; région Rivière Bleue , 200 m, 27-28. III.1968, Bernardi 12412 (MO, US, Z) ; Thy House platform, 200 m, 26.II.1980, Brinon 549 ( NOU [ NOU029564 ]) ; Thy , upper eastern track, 290 m, 27.IV.1980, Brinon 646, ( NOU [ NOU029563 ]) ; Thy , quarry track, 200 m, 23.X.1982, Brinon 1401 ( NOU [ NOU029562 ]) ; Plaine des Lacs , c. 245 m, Compton 393 ( BM) ; Goro , entre Forêt Nord et le route Inco, 20.III.2002, Dagostini & Rigault 457 ( NOU [ NOU029618 ]) ; Goro-Inco , relevé R8 , 20.IV.2002, Dagostini et al. 471 ( NOU [ NOU029612 ]) ; Goro-nickel , 20.XI.2002, Dagostini & Rigault 602 ( NOU [ NOU029610 ]) ; Montagne des Sources , 1000 m, 3.XII.1992, Dawson WELTU16579 ( NOU [ NOU029591 ], WEL- TU) ; Col. d’Amieu, 7.XI.1982, Dawson WELTU16600 ( WELTU) ; Port Boisé , 18.XI.1982, Dawson WELTU16604 ( WELTU) ; Prony , 25.XI.1974, Favier 5195 ( NOU [ NOU029601 ]) ; Prony , II.1914, Franc 1689 (L, P[P005094037, P005094042, P005094047], US) ; Prony , II.1914, Franc 1689a (P[P05094043, P05094045]) ; vallée supériure de la Pouéta-Kouré , 200 m, 20. V.1951, Guillaumin & Baumann-Bodenheim 13274 (P[P00463019], Z) ; Montagne des Sources , 22.VIII.1951, Hürlimann 1799 (P[P00463020], Z) ; vallée latérale de lat Riv. Blanche sur la route aux “Électriques”, 165 m, 25.VIII.1958, Hürlimann 3377 (Z) ; Ouenarou Forest Reserve , 280 m, 26.II.1992, Koyama 8185 (P[P00463022]) ; Prony, Le Rat 306 (P[P05094051]) ; Baie de Sud [Baie de Prony], entre Baie N’Go et Touaorou, 12.VIII.1903, Le Rat 600 (P[P05094046]) ; Mt. Dzumac , IV.1905, Le Rat 2659 (P[P05094048]) ; Haute Rivière Bleue , 200 m, 8.IV.1965, MacKee 12396 ( NOU [ NOU029598 ], P[P00463023], WELTU) ; Route de Yaté – Les Dalmates , 150 m, 8.III.1969, MacKee 20272 ( NOU [ NOU029613 ]) ; Col d’Amieu : Toili, 600 m, 22.IX.1970, MacKee 22546 ( NOU [ NOU029561 ], P[P02089837]) ; Montagne des Sources , 23.X. 1974, 800 m, MacKee 29417 (P[P02089841]) ; Forêt Cachée , 250 m, VII.1973, MacKee 26947 ( NOU [ NOU029617 ]) ; Prony , Forêt Nord, 200 m, 6. V.1975, MacKee 30090 ( NOU [ NOU029616 ]) ; Forêt Faux Bon Secours , 1. V.1978, MacKee 35083 ( NOU [ NOU029570 ]) ; Pente Sud du Mt Nakada, 600 m, 18.XI.1979, MacKee 37618 (P[P02089879]); Forêt Faux Bon Secours , 300 m, 17.III.1980, MacKee 37905 ( NOU, P[P02089885]) ; Forêt Faux Bon Secours , 300 m, 25.II.1981, MacKee 38772 ( NOU [ NOU029571 ], P[P02089840]) ; Rivière Bleue , 150 m, 1.IV.1981, MacKee 38890 ( NOU [ NOU029569 ]) ; Vallee de la Ni, 100 m, 3.XII.1981, MacKee 40035 (MO, P[P02089886]); Rivière des Lacs 5 km aval de la Chute, 200 m, 24.I.1987, MacKee 43426 ( NOU [ NOU029604 ]) ; Ouénarou , 150 m, 29.VIII.1987, MacKee 43668 ( NOU [ NOU029603 ]) ; ibid. loco, 150 m, 7.III.1988, MacKee 43923 ( BRI, MO, NOU [ NOU029609 ], P[P02089874]) ; Pic du Pin, 200 m, 27.IX.1988, MacKee 44106 (P); Thy River valley , c. 12 air-km NE of Nouméa, 200 m, 9.IV.1979, McPherson 1539 ( BISH, MO, NSW, NOU [ NOU029620 ], PTBG) ; Thy River valley , c. 12 airkm NE of Nouméa, c. 400 m, 25.IV.1979, McPherson 1567 ( BISH, NOU [ NOU029592 ], P[P00463027]) ; Along road from Dumbéa River valley towards Mt Dzumac, c. 25 air-km N of Nouméa, 24.II.1980, McPherson 2472 (MO, NOU [ NOU029565 ], P[P00463028]) ; Rivière Bleue reserve , c. 30 air-km NE of Nouméa, 30.VII.1980, McPherson 2894 (MO, NOU [ NOU029619 ], NSW, P[P00463029], WELTU) ; Rivière Bleue reserve , c. 200 m, 25.III.1981, McPherson 3648 (MO, NOU [ NOU029621 ], P[P00463030], WELTU) ; Thy River Valley , c. 12 air-km NE of Nouméa, 25.III.1981, McPherson 3685d (MO) ; Rivière des Pirogues , N of Nouméa-Yaté road, 16.I.1982, McPherson 4553 (MO, NOU [ NOU029593 ], WELTU) ; Forested slopes near Mt Rembai, south of Col d’Amieu, 600 m, 6.XI.1982, McPherson 5064 (MO, NOU [ NOU029623 ], P[P05094540]) ; Bay of Prony , 19.XI.1982, McPherson 5160 (MO, NOU [ NOU029566 ], P[P00463030], PTBG) ; Forested slopes above a tributary of the Rivière Ni, 950-1000 m, 10.XI.2003, McPherson 19212 et al. ( BISH, NOU [ NOU004200 ], MO, P[P06668679]) ; Exploitation Forestière Guiraud à l’est de Bourail, Me Adeo, piste en direction du Menazi, 600-700 m, 24.III.1988, Morat 8008 (P[P00462987]) ; Pic du Pin, 7.XI.2002, Munzinger 1745 (MO, NOU [ NOU012263 ], P[P00354256]) ; Haute Dumbéa , 25. V.1967, Nothis 373 ( NOU [ NOU029576 ]) ; Wagap, au-dessus de “Chapeau”, Pancher s.n. (P[P05094053]); Süd-Bai, zwischen der Bai N’Go und Touaourou, 1903, Rohrdorf 12 (Z); Rivière Bleue , 11.III.1966, Schmid 1097 ( NOU [ NOU029594 ], P[P005094538]) ; Rivière Bleue , IV.1970, Schmid 3086 ( NOU [ NOU029574 ], P[P05094541, P00462995]) ; Route du Dzumac, 600 m, 24.IV.1974, Schmid 5000 ( NOU [ NOU029572 ], P[P00462996]) ; Prony , 25.XI.1974, Schmid 5195 (P[P05094539], WELTU) ; Secteur du col d’Amieu, 700 m, 7.IV.1981, Suprin 1122 ( NOU [ NOU029595 ]) ; Monts Dzumac , 26.XI.1981, Suprin 1542 (P[P00462998]) ; La Rivière Blanche, V.1973, Veillon 2873 ( NOU [ NOU029622 , NOU029599 ], P[P00463001, P00463002]). — Province unknown/Ab loco. Franc s.n. (P[P05094044]) ; Lécard s.n. (P[P05094055]); Sébert 74 (Herb. Pancher) (P[P05094052)]).


Shrubs or trees

2-8(-18) m.


Terete, surface smooth; internodes> 5 mm.


Coriaceous, 2 per node; petioles 2.5-6.5 mm; blades (2.0-)3.5- 8.0(-9.5) × (1.3-)1.8-3.5(-5.2) cm, narrowly elliptic to mostly elliptic or broadly elliptic, base cuneate (rarely rounded), surface flat, margin flat, apex obtuse to acute, midnerve above flush or sulcate, secondary veins above flush, oil glands of lower surface absent or sparse, indistinct.


1.5-5.0 cm, pedicels (1-)6-15(-30) mm; of monads, 3-flowered cymes, or racemes, terminal or axillary, extrafloral bracts absent or scale-like.


0.5-1.4 mm, narrowly triangular, sparsely sericeous.


(2.5-)5-5.5 × 3.5-6 mm, obconic, surface smooth, sparsely sericeous; ovary apex glabrous to sparsely hairy.


Lobes 5, 1.4-2.7 mm, broadly ovate or rounded, ciliate on margins, glabrous above, glabrous to sparsely sericeous below, green.

Petals (4-)5-7 × 3-4 mm, glabrous above and below, ciliate on margins.

Filaments 3-5 mm; anther sacs 0.4-0.6 mm.


4-5 mm, sparsely (or rarely densely) villous on lower ½-¾.


(5-)7-10(-12) × 6.5-10 mm, subglobular to globular, base rounded or often prominently tapered, red to dark red; seeds 1-2.


Gossia vieillardii is the most widespread species of the genus in New Caledonia. As presently understood, it is the only species of Gossia of New Caledonia that is not strictly endemic, occurring also in Vanuatu ( Snow & Veldkamp 2010).

I annotated a specimen as the lectotype at P in August of 2004 but suggested later ( Snow & Veldkamp 2010: 181) that it could be considered the holotype. Digital access to specimens at P, unavailable in 2004 and 2010, now reveals twelve specimens under Vieillard 484, representing at least four genera ( Gossia, Decasperum J.R. Forst. & G. Forst., Uromyrtus Burret and Archirhodomyrtus [Nied.] Burret). In contrast to my suggestion in 2010, the specimen should be considered the lectotype (as still annotated).

Gossia vieillardii shows considerable variation in its morphology, but no character differences warranted splitting the species. For example, a few specimens have slightly bullate leaves (e.g., Mackee 21184 and 22546). The species is the only one observed thus far in New Caledonia with occasionally tri-locular ovaries ( Baker 1921). The petioles of G. vieillardii are bright pink or magenta. The base of the fruit on specimens is either rounded or noticeably tapered. The petals are whitish and said to be sweetly scented ( Baker 1921). The flowers of some specimens are relatively small and have a densely pubescent hypanthium (e.g., MacKee 25216), whereas others are glabrous. The species can resemble G. diversifolia , but the latter has 4-angled branchlets. Gossia pancheri is similar but has a longer and more densely hairy hypanthium.


Institut de Recherche pour le Développement


Victoria University of Wellington


Bishop Museum, Botany Division


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Arizona State University


Queensland Herbarium


Australian National Botanic Gardens


Royal Botanic Gardens, National Herbarium of New South Wales


University of Stellenbosch


Bristol Museum


Tulane University, Museum of Natural History


National Tropical Botanical Garden














Gossia vieillardii (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow

Snow, Neil 2020

Gossia vieillardii (Brongn. & Gris)

Snow 2010: 181
Burret 1941: 503
Brongniart & Gris 1865: 180

Gossia aneityensis (Guillaumin)

Snow 2005: 478
Burret 1941: 506
Guillaumin 1931: 254

Backer 1921: 311

Pancher & Sebert 1874: 259
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