Gnathospinosa Liao & Huang, 2019

Liao, Cheng-Qing, Wang, Min & Huang, Guo-Hua, 2019, A new genus Gnathospinosa (Lepidoptera: Tineidae: Euplocaminae) from China, with description of a new species and its taxonomic position, Zootaxa 4555 (3), pp. 416-424 : 417-418

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4555.3.10

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scientific name

Gnathospinosa Liao & Huang

gen. nov.

Gnathospinosa Liao & Huang , gen. nov.

Type species: Gnathospinosa qinlingensis Liao & Huang , sp. nov. by present designation.

Description. Male. Wing span about 17–18 mm.

Head: Vertex with erect piliform scales. Antenna bipectinate, pectinations elongate and ciliated; scape elongate, cylindrical; pedicel short; flagellum with 35 flagellomeres, basal 25 flagellomeres bipectinate. Maxillary palpus with 3 segments, very short and indistinct. Galeae short. Labial palpus developed and directed forward, second palpomere expanded, lateral bristles absent.

Thorax: Dorsal surface covered with yellowish scales mixed some black scales. Foreleg with epiphysis present on tibiae ( Fig. 4D View FIGURE 4 ), tarsus without spines; occurrence of spurs on legs follows the formula 0-2-4 ( Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 A–C). Wings moderately elongate, slightly rounded apically; forewings ground color yellowish with large dark spots; venation complete, R 4 and R 5 long stalked in forewing; R 5 ending at termen near apex; chorda present; 1A+2A separated at base; hindwing relatively elongate, rounded apically, all veins present; crossvein M-CuA present, M branched in discal cell ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–2 ).

Abdomen: Male genitalia complex; uncus simple, divided into two lobes; tegumen and vinculum fused into a ring; gnathos broad, strongly sclerotized, covered with spines; saccus absent; aedeagus small, inflated basally, without cornuti.

Female unknown.

Distribution. China (Shaanxi).

Etymology. The generic name is derived from the structure of male genitalia with the gnathos covered with scaly spines (spinosus in Latin). The generic name should be treated as feminine.

Remarks. This genus is placed in the subfamily Euplocaminae according to the following morphological evidences: in males i) antenna bipectinate; ii) valva two-folded, iii) uncus bilobed, iv) gnathos arms fused medially ( Gaedike 2015). It can easily be distinguished from other subfamilies in Tineidae by the following diagnostic characters in males: i) valva with an auricular hairy projection on inner surface, ii) gnathos broad, strongly sclerotized and covered with scaly spines.











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