Dyscritobaeus sulawensis Mineo, O'Connor et Ashe

Tortorici, Francesco, Caleca, Virgilio, Noort, Simon Van & Masner, Lubomir, 2016, Revision of Afrotropical Dyscritobaeus Perkins, 1910 (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), Zootaxa 4178 (1), pp. 1-59 : 29-35

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4178.1.1

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scientific name

Dyscritobaeus sulawensis Mineo, O'Connor et Ashe


Dyscritobaeus sulawensis Mineo, O'Connor et Ashe

(Figs 3, 6, 8, 11, 15, 17, 18, 31, 34, 39a, 39b, 44a, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78)

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:2E29CC1E-9C7D-4E55-89A9- E75772 View Materials A841E6


Mirotelenomus sp.: Mineo & Villa (1982b), p. 138, Figs XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII Mirotelenomus sp.: Mineo & Villa (1982a), p.178, Figs XXV, XLIII, XLVI, LV Dyscritobaeus sp. (a): Mineo & Caleca (1992) Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 , p. 12; Fig. 3, p. 13.

Dyscritobaeus View in CoL sp. (a): Caleca & Mineo (1995) Figs III, 2, 3 p. 12; Figs IV, 6, 7 p. 13; Figs V, 3, 4 p. 15; Fig. VII, p. 18. Dyscritobaeus sulawensis: Mineo, O’Connor et Ashe (2009) , p. 175, original description. Dyscritobaeus sulawensis: O'Connor & Ashe (2012) , p. 314.

Dyscritobaeus hannibal: O’Connor et Ashe (2011) , p. 347. syn. nov.

Diagnosis. preoccipital area. The marginalis and stigmalis are normally developed as in D. comitans and most of the other species in the genus; this character distinguishes this species from D. armatus (Dodd) , having a reduced stigmalis. T2 with a rounded-shaped specillum in females ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ), but absent in males (Fig. 34); fore wing shape and angle between stigmalis and postmarginalis similar to D. comitans ; the combination of the presence of a specillum in females, absence of specillum in males and features of the fore wing is shared with D. madagascarensis , but distinguishes this species from all species known to be close to D. orientalis (1 described, D. antanananrivensis Tortorici et Caleca sp. nov. and 9 undescribed species). In females the antennal segment A 12 is shorter than A 11 ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 ), with a corresponding claval sensilla formula: 0:2:2:2:1:0 (Fig. 18); this character state is unique in the genus. A dorsal tooth that is longer than the ventral tooth ( Fig. 74 View FIGURES 73 – 78 ) distinguishes the species from D. madagascarensis in both sexes. In females the specillum is rounded in comparison with drop-shaped specillum of D. madagascarenis ; in males the distance between the lateral ocellus and occipital carina is less than the ocellar diameter; the occipital carina is depressed at the vertex in comparison with D. madagascarensis (in which the distance between the lateral ocellus and occipital carina is equal to the ocellar diameter; the occipital carina is less depressed at the vertex).

After comparing the description of D. sulawensis ( Mineo et al. 2009) and photographs of the holotype kindly taken by James O’Connor, with specimens of this species collected from around the world and with the holotype of D. hannibal , we could not find any significant morphological differences between these two species. As a result we consider D. hannibal to be a junior synonym of D. sulawensis .

Description. We provide a redescription to present a comparative uniform treatment of all species included in this paper.

Female : Holotype of Dyscritobaeus hannibal O’Connor et Ashe , Maputo, V. 1989, leg. Angela ( MSNG).

Length of the body: 0.9 mm

Head. Color dark brown, lighter in the lower half. Coriaceous, frontal depression with a smooth area starting from the interantennal process and reaching the mid eye height. Central keel reaching 1/3 the height of the eye ( Fig. 73 View FIGURES 73 – 78 ). Fan-like striation in malar area from oral foramen to eye margin, striation absent in genal area ( Fig. 74 View FIGURES 73 – 78 ). Preoccipital lunula present and sculptured (Figs 3, 15, 75). Head width: height: length = 0.36: 0.31: 0.19 mm. Malar sulcus length: 0.1 mm. Eye width: height = 0.11: 0.16 mm. OOL: LOL: POL = 0.14: 0.05: 0.09 mm. Mandibles bidentate with dorsal tooth a little larger than ventral one ( Fig. 74 View FIGURES 73 – 78 ). Palpi as in Fig IV 6, 7 after Caleca & Mineo (1995) ( Fig. 44a View FIGURES 44 a – c in this paper).

Antenna. Radicle and proximal half of A1 yellowish to light brown; distal half of A1 and proximal half of A2 brown; distal half of A2 light brown to yellow; A3 to A12 brown ( Fig. 73 View FIGURES 73 – 78 ). A1 length: 0.19 mm; A2 longer as A3+ A4. Clava six-segmented; A11 is long, twice A12 length ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 ). Claval sensilla formula 0:2:2:2:1:0 (Fig. 18).

Mesosoma. In dorsal view, mesonotum and mesoscutellum dark brown with posterior mesoscutellar margin yellowish; propodeum dark red. In lateral view, pleurae dark red with metapleural carina yellowish ( Figs 75, 76 View FIGURES 73 – 78 ).

In dorsal view mesonotum and mesoscutellum imbricate; in lateral view speculum with furrow, femoral depression smooth, posterior mesepimeral area delimited anteriorly by a mesepimeral sulcus with a crenulate furrow, dorsal and ventral metapleural area with crenulate depression with rugae ( Fig. 76 View FIGURES 73 – 78 ). Metapleural carina with two pointed projections, one adjacent to propodeal spiracle and second one at posterior margin ( Figs 75, 76 View FIGURES 73 – 78 ). Metascutellum visible in dorsal view, triangular, large metanotal spines slightly surpassing propodeum ( Figs 75, 76 View FIGURES 73 – 78 ).

Mesosoma length 0.19 mm, width 0.35 mm; mesoscutellum length 0.11 mm, width 0.24 mm.

Wings. Fore wing hyaline, surpassing metasoma; ratio st: pm: mg: sm: ww: lw: af: pf = 1: 1.3: 0.5: 3.4: 3.4: 8.3: 0.3: 1.0; angle st-pm= 23° as in Fig. 39a View FIGURES 39 a – f . st length is 0.08 mm.

Coxae brown, femurs brown in the middle to yellowish in the tips; fore and middle tibiae brown in the middle to yellowish in the tips. Hind tibiae and tarsi yellow.

Metasoma. In dorsal view, tergites brown, in ventral view sternites brown, laterotergites yellowish. On T1 the pair of longitudinal submedial carinae are aligned with the metapleural carinae and separate lateral coriaceous microscupture from a microsculpure striate to coriaceous starting at basal grooves ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ). T2 with foveolate anterior margin; costulate to coriaceous, rounded specillum in the middle of T2, costae converging to posterior margin of specillum ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ).

Male (nov.): Singapore, Manday road, 1978/11/30, J. T. Huber, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471528 View Materials ].

Length of the body: 0.71 mm

Head. Darker than in female, black ( Fig. 77 View FIGURES 73 – 78 ). Sculpture as in female. Frontal depression shallower than in female; central keel little surpassing 1/3 the height of the eye. Fan-like striation in malar area from oral foramen to eye margin, striation just evident in genal area. Measures of the head width: height: length = 0.29: 0.25: 0.11 mm. Malar sulcus length: 0.07 mm. Measures of eye width: heigth = 0.09: 0.12 mm. OOL: LOL: POL = 0.06: 0.05: 0.05 mm. Mandibles as in female.

Antenna. Radicles yellow, scape yellowish on tips, brown in the middle; A 2– A 12 brown; A 12 two times A 11. Sex segment with keel in the middle of antennomere ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES 42 – 43 )

Mesosoma. Color lighter than in female, with some parts brown yellow (Fig. 31). Sculpture as in female. Mesosoma length 0.19 mm, width 0.29 mm; mesoscutellum length 0.07 mm, width 0.19 mm.

Wings. Fore wing hyaline, surpassing metasoma; ratio st: pm: mg: sm: ww: lw: af: pf = 1: 1.4: 0.4: 2.8: 3.1: 7.5: 0.4: 0.6; angle st-pm= 23° as in Fig. 39b View FIGURES 39 a – f . st length 0.11 mm

Metasoma. T1 and first half of T2 yellowish; last part of T2 and all the other tergites brown. Sculpture as in female except T2: specillum absent and costae slightly curving in the middle and converging at posterior margin of T2 (Figs 34, 78).

Comment and variability. This species has the widest distribution of all Dyscritobaeus species.

Four hundred and fifty-four specimens were examined from Africa, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Australia, Bangladesh, French Polynesia, India, Korea, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Philippine, Singapore, Solomon Island, Sri Lanka.

The degree of sexual dimorphism is also pronounced: specillum present in female and absent in male; female body dark brown, male with black head, mesosoma and metasoma with yellow parts in contrast with the rest brown or dark brown.

Female length from 0.61 mm in Oriental specimens to 1.19 mm in Japanese specimens.

Females from the Australian region are a little smaller than African ones, the central keel is shorter, and the frontal depression a little bit shallower than in African specimens.

Male body length from 0.64 mm in African specimens to 1.2 mm in Japanese specimens.

Larger specimens of males are more sculptured than smaller ones. A 2 completely yellow in smaller specimens, brown in the middle in larger specimens. Mesosoma in dorsal view may be brown. In some specimens the costae on T2 are curved in the middle of the posterior margin forming a small area resembling a faint specillum (Figs 34, 78).

Anthony Watsham illustrated a dark Dyscritobaeus (available in Johnson 2016: Dyscritobaeus , image 306). This specimen is probably D. sulawensis , considering that Watsham collected many D. sulawensis (see material examined) and no other similar dark Dyscritobaeus specimens, but also in this case, as happened for D. orientalis and probably for D. indicus , he overlooked the presence of the specillum, illustrating T2 as being entirely striate (high magnification and correct lighting is critical to discern the specillum).

The holotype of D. hannibal , here considered to be a junior synonim of D. sulawensis , is deposited in the collection of the Genoa Museum (MSNG) and not in the Insect Collection of Portici Università Federico II, Napoli, Italy (DEZA) as stated by O’Connor and Ashe (2011) in the original description.

Distribution. This species is recorded from the Oriental, Palearctic, Afrotropical, and Australian regions.

Material examined. Holotype. ♀: INDONESIA: Sulawesi: 0°34'N, 123°54'E, 14.x-1.xi.1985, Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park, over the first span of the footbridge over the River Toraut , P. Ashe, Malaise Trap, ( NMID) [ NMINH:2016.7.1]. GoogleMaps

AFRICA: Benin: Abomey-Calavi ca. 25km N. Coconou, 2♀, 1988/12, J. S. Noyes, MT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471382, 471383 ]; Abomey Calavi, ~25 Km N Cotonou , 30♀ Ƌ, XII-1988 JS Noyes, MT, ( OSUC), [ OSUC 148196, 148197 , 148198, 418406, 418407, 418408, 418410, 418411, 418412, 418414, 418416, 418417, 418420, 418423, 418424, 418428, 418430, 418431, 418432, 418438, 418442, 418443, 418444, 418446, 418448, 418450, 418453, 418454, 418456, 418458]; Burkina Faso: Comoé, Forêt de Boulon , 10°16'39''N 4°29'28''E, 270m GoogleMaps , 10♀, 2006/07/07, F. & S. Génier, MT, (CNCI), [CNC 471384, 471385, 471386, 471387, 471388, 471389, 471390, 471391, 471392, 471393]; Cameroun: Nkoemvon, 1♀, 1979/07–1979/08, P. Jackson, MT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471395 View Materials ] ; 1♀, 1979/09, D. Jackson, (BMNH), [BMNH (E)#971580]; 2♀, 1980/04, P. Jackson, MT, (CNCI), [CNC 471396, 471397]; 1♀, 1980/05/14 – 1980/05/18, P. Jackson, MT, (CNCI), [CNC 471394]; Nkoemvon, Ebolowa, 2Ƌ, 1978/03–1978/05, D. Jackson, ( BMNH), [ BMNH (E)#971581, (E)#971582]; 3Ƌ, 1979/09, D. Jackson, ( BMNH), [ BMNH (E)#971583, (E)#971584, (E)#971585]; 1Ƌ, 1980/07–1980/08, Ms D. Jackson, ( BMNH), [ BMNH (E)#971586]; Central African Republic: Parc National de Dzanga-Ndoki, 38.6km 173º S Lidjombo, Lowland Rainforest , 2º21.60'N 16º09.20'E, 350m GoogleMaps , 3♀, 5Ƌ, 2001/05/22, S. van Noort, Sweeping, (SAMC), [SAM- HYM-P 030679, P 030680, P025605, P025613, P025615, P025619, P047825, P047982]; 1Ƌ, 2001/05/23, S. van Noort, Sweeping, ( SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P025525]; Parc National de Dzanga-Ndoki, Mabéa Bai, 21.4 km 53º NE Bayanga, Lowland Rainforest , marsh clearing, 3º02.01'N 16º24.57'E, 510m GoogleMaps , 1♀, 2001/05/03, S. van Noort, Sweeping, (SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P025534]; 8Ƌ, 2001/05/05, S. van Noort, Sweeping, (SAMC), [SAM-HYM- P025552, P025558, P025559, P025561, P025565, P048101, P047977]; 2♀, 3Ƌ, 2001/05/06, S. van Noort, Sweeping, (SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P025536, P025546, P025566, P047830, P047979]; 1♀, 4Ƌ, 2001/05/06 – 2001/ 05/06, S. van Noort, Sweeping, (SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P047824, P047980]; 6♀, 5Ƌ, 2001/05/07, S. van Noort, Sweeping, ( SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P025575, P025576, P047826, P047827, P047828, P048100, P047978]; Réserve Spéciale de Forét Dense de Dzanga-Sangha, 12.7 kilometers 326° North West Bayanga, Lowland Rainforest, 3° 00.27' N 16° 11.55' E, 420m GoogleMaps , 1♀, 2Ƌ, 2001/05/12, S. van Noort, Sweeping, (SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P025589, P025594, P047829]; 1Ƌ, 2001/05/14 – 2001/05/15, S. van Noort, Malaise Trap, (SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P025553]; 1Ƌ, 2001/05/17, S. van Noort, Sweeping, ( SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P047981]; Prefecture Sangha-Mbaéré P.Nat. de Dzanga-Ndoki 38.6km 173°S Lidjombo , 2°21.60'N 16°03.20'E, 350m, 1♀ Ƌ GoogleMaps , 24-25.v.2001, S. van Noort Malaise rap, CAR01- M206 Lowland Rainforest, ( OSUC), [ OSUC 344711 View Materials ]; Democratic Republic of the Congo : Bandundu, Wamba, Kikongo Mission, along forest edge, 4°15'S 17°10'E, 1♀, 2006/04/19, S. L. Heydon, S. E. Stevenson, YPT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471398 View Materials ] GoogleMaps ; Yangambi, 1Ƌ, 1946/11/07, Catéier, ( IRSNB), [I. G. 24.778] [USNMENT01223068]; Yangambi, Desmodium Triflorum, Belvedere , 4Ƌ , 1946/11/07, ( IRSNB), [I. G. 24.778] [USNMENT01223069, 0 1223070, 0 1223071, 01223072]; Gabon: Réserve des Monts Doudou, 25.2 km 304° NW Doussala, Forest-Coastal lowland rainforest undergrowth - low canopy, 2° 13.63' S 10° 23.67' E, 660m GoogleMaps , 1♀, 2000/ 03/15, S. van Noort, Sweeping, ( SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P048099]; Ghana: Ashanti Prov., Bobiri Forest Reserve, 6°42'N 1°20'W GoogleMaps , 1♀, 2001/07/23 - 2001/07/31, C. Carlton, FIT, (CNCI), [CNC 471399]; 1♀, 2001/08/01 – 2001/08/ 22, C. Carlton, FIT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471400 View Materials ]; 6°32'34"N 03°03'06"W Bia National Park Camp 15, Research camp, 190m, 48♀ Ƌ GoogleMaps , 22-25.vi.2005 J.Gill & TK Phillips coll., YPT, ( OSUC), [ OSUC 495941, 495942 , 495944, 495945, 495946, 495947, 495948, 495949, 495950, 495951, 495952, 495953, 495954, 495955, 495957, 495958, 495959, 495961, 495962, 495963, 495964, 495966, 495967, 495968, 495970, 495971, 495972, 495973, 495974, 495975, 495976, 495977, 495978, 495979, 495980, 495981, 495982, 495983, 495984, 495985, 495986, 495987, 495988, 495989, 495990, 495991, 495992, 495993]; Guinea: Mt-Nimba , rainforest, 7°41'N 8°23W, 514m – 740m, 1♀, 1990/12–1991/03, L. Leblanc, FIT, (CNCI), [CNC 471401]; Mt-Nimba , Gouan River, 514m , 1♀, 1991/01/15 – 1991/01/22, L. Leblanc, FIT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471402 View Materials ]; Ivory Coast: Bouake , 1♀, 1978/02/07, P. Cochereau, Malaise trap, (CNCI), [CNC 471403]; 2♀, 1978/06–1978/07, P. Cochereau, Malaise trap, (CNCI), [CNC 471409, 471410]; rice field, 4♀, 1980/02, P. Cochereau, (CNCI), [CNC 471411, 471412, 471413, 471414]; 1♀, 1980/02, P. Cochereau, mal. tr., (CNCI), [CNC 471415]; 3♀, 2Ƌ, 1980/02, P. Cochereau, pan trap, (CNCI), [CNC 471416, 471417, 471418, 471419, 471420]; 7♀, 1980/03, P. Cochereau, (CNCI), [CNC 471421, 471422, 471423, 471424, 471425, 471426, 471427]; rice field, 1♀, 1980/03, P. Cochereau, mal. tr., (CNCI), [CNC 471428]; 2♀, 1Ƌ, 1980/ 10/11, P. Cochereau, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471404, 471405, 471406]; 2♀, 1981/10/01, P. Cochereau, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471407, 471408]; 1♀, 1981/12, P. Cochereau, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471429 View Materials ]; 6°13'N 5°02'W Lamto ~ 160km NW of Abidjan GoogleMaps , 13♀ Ƌ, xi.1988 J.S.Noyes MT/YPT, ( OSUC), [ OSUC 141958, 151718 , 151719, 151721, 151722, 64644, 64687, 64743, 64782, 64804, 64820, 64829, 64857]; Lamto Fauchage savane , 1♀ Ƌ, 4.vi.1986 JY Rasplus, ( OSUC), [ OSUC 56475 View Materials ]; Kenya : Malindi, forest near coast, 1Ƌ, 1973/05, H. Falke, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471430 View Materials ]; Nairobi , 1♀, 1Ƌ, 1982/02, M. C. Lubega, pan trap, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471431, 471432 (Ƌ, wing on slide, Fig. 39b View FIGURES 39 a – f )]; 2Ƌ, 1982/03, M. C. Lubega, pan trap, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471433, 471434 ]; Nairobi, Ngong Rd. , forest , 1♀, 1991/12/ 11, B. D. Gill, FIT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471435 View Materials ]; Western Prov . Kakamega, 0°14.13'N 35°51.87'E, 1♀, 2000/06/19 GoogleMaps – 2000/06/26, R. Copland, MT, (CNCI), [CNC 471436]; ICIPE Mbita Point Feb., 1♀ Ƌ, 1983 M.C. Lubega, ( OSUC), [ OSUC 56474 View Materials ]; Nairobi, Kenya Int. Center Ins. Physiol.&Ecol. , 1♀ Ƌ, ii.1982 MC Lubega, (OSUC), [OSUC 56470]; 2♀ Ƌ, iii.1982 MC Lubega, (OSUC), [OSUC 56467, 56468]; 1♀ Ƌ, XI.1982 MC Lubega, (OSUC), [OSUC 56473]; Mozambique: (Holotype ♀ + 2 Paratypes ♀ of Dyscritobaeus hannibal O’Connor et Ashe ) Maputo , 3♀, 1989/05, Angela, (MSNG) [USNMENT01223044, 0 1223045, 01223046]; 2♀, 1993/05, R. Paci, ( UNIPA) [USNMENT01223047, 01223048]; Niassa Cuamba, Mituque , Centro Pastoral, 1♀, 2012/03/28 – 2012/04/3, M. Olmi, MT, (CNCI), [CNC 471437]; Nigeria: Ibadan, 1Ƌ, 1962/10/27, D. C. Eidt, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471438 View Materials ] ; 1♀, 1962/12/15, D. C. Eidt, (CNCI), [CNC 471439]; 1♀, 1962/12/20, D. C. Eidt, (CNCI), [CNC 471440]; 1Ƌ, 1962/12/22, D. C. Eidt, (CNCI), [CNC 471441]; 1Ƌ, 1962/12/26, D. C. Eidt, (CNCI), [CNC 471442]; 1♀, 1962/12/28, D. C. Eidt, (CNCI), [CNC 471443]; 1Ƌ, 1963/01/09, D. C. Eidt, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471444 View Materials ]; Ondo State, Idanre Hills , 7°06'16''N 05°06'13''E, 437m GoogleMaps , 1♀, 2008/07/17, J. Hearty, sweeping, (CNCI), [CNC 471445]; Oyo Ibadan, IITA compound , 1♀, 1987/11, J. S. Noyes, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471446 View Materials ]; Kaduna St. 81 km NW Jos , 1♀ Ƌ, 11.xi.1987 PNeuenschwander, (OSUC), [OSUC 56477]; Rwanda: Kibali, 1♀, 1977 ( UNIPA) [USNMENT01223049] ; Seychelles: Denis I., 1Ƌ, 2000/04/13, M. J. Hill, MT, plot F1, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471447 View Materials ] ; Mahé, 4°37'S 50°26'E, 50m, 1♀, 2000/08/19, J. S. Noyes, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471448 View Materials ] GoogleMaps ; Mahé, Tea Factory, 4°40'S 400m, 1♀, 2000/08/30, J. S. Noyes, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471449 View Materials ] ; South Africa: E. Transvaal, 11km SE Pilgrims Rest , relict native forest, 1400m, 2♀, 1985/12/11 1985/12/31, S. & J. Peck, FIT-Mal., ( CNCI), [ CNC 471450, 471451 ]; Kruger Nat. Park, Pafuri, 12km W jct. Levuvhu & Limpopo Rivers , 2♀, 1984/04/01 – 1984/04/21, M. Brigham, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471452, 471453 ]; Umtamvuna Nature Reserve, Forest - Coastal , 31° 03.509' S 30° 10.484' E, 160m GoogleMaps , 1♀, 1Ƌ, 2000/11/11 – 2000/11/18, S. van Noort, Pitfall Trap, (SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P 031743, P047984]; 2♀, 2000/11/11 – 2000/11/18, S. van Noort, Yellow Pan Trap, ( SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P047832]; 28°23.1'S 32°24.4'E KwaZulu-Natal, St. Lucia, el. 10m, Gwalagwala Tr GoogleMaps . ANMT site 1088, 11♀ Ƌ, 7-20.ii.2004, Coastal Forest w/many lianas, A. Newton , A. Solodovnikov & M. Thayer, flight intercept trap FMHD #2004-044 , ( OSUC), [ OSUC 344663, 344664 , 344665, 344666, 344667, 344668, 344669, 344670, 344671, 344672, 344673] ; Tanzania: Dar es Salaam, Univ. Of Dar es Salaam, 1♀, 1984/10–1984/11, J. Middleton, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471454 View Materials ]; E Usambara Mts. , Amani NR, 05°10'34''S 38°36'01''E, 1004m, 1Ƌ GoogleMaps , 2011/12/15, V. Grebennikov, sift. 0 5, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471455 View Materials ]; Iringa Kilolo dist., Udzungwa Mts., Ndundulu Forest, Luwala camp area, seasonal flooded meadow grassland surrounded by semi-evergreen montane virgin forest, 1880m, 1Ƌ , 2007/03/01 – 2007/03/30, L. A. Hansen, MT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471456 View Materials ]; Mkomazi Game Reserve, Ibaya Camp , Acacia-Commiphora-Combretum bushveld, 3.58'S 37.48'E, 1Ƌ , 1996/01/29 – 1996/03/11, S. van Noort, Malaise Trap, ( SAMC), [SAM-HYM- P018340]; Mkomazi Game Reserve, Kinondo Mtn, Forest edge - Montane , 1♀, 1996/05/09, H.G. Robertson, Winkler Bag, ( SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P018847]; Udzungwa Mts. , -7,8447 36,8677, 1113m, 1Ƌ , 2014/10/07, V. Grebennikov, sift. 0 2, (CNCI), [CNC 471457]; Zanzibar, Prison Island , Changu, 1♀, 1995/05, Ann Helen Renning, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471458 View Materials ] ; Uganda: 13km SE Kampala, Gaba wetland, 1♀, 2004/06/10 2004/07/17, I. Přikryl, Malaise Trap, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471459 View Materials ]; Kibale National Park, Kanyawara, Makerere, University Biological Field Station , Primary mid-altitude Rainforest , near stream, 1587m , 1♀, 2008/08/04 – 2008/08/26, S. van Noort, Yellow Pan Trap, ( SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P 031257]; Secondary mid-altitude Rainforest , 0° 33.871' N 30° 21.355' E, 1495m GoogleMaps , 2♀, 2008/08/04 – 2008/08/26, S. van Noort, Yellow Pan Trap, ( SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P047831]; Secondary mid-altitude Rainforest , marshy area, 0° 34.806' S 30° 21.874' E, 1491m GoogleMaps , 1♀, 1Ƌ, 2008/08/02 – 2008/08/12, S. van Noort, Malaise Trap, ( SAMC), [SAM-HYM-P 030696]; Primary mid-altitude Rainforest , near stream, 0°34.405'N 30°21.646'E, 1484m, 2Ƌ GoogleMaps , 2008/08/04 – 2008/08/26, S. van Noort, Yellow Pan Trap, ( SAMC), [SAM-HYM- P047983]; Yem en: Ar Rujum , 1♀, 2000/10/16 – 2001/01/15, A. van Harten, MT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471460 View Materials ]; Khamis Bani Sa'd , litter, 1Ƌ , 1999/06/09, A. van Harten, ( CNCI), [ CNC 3754 View Materials /471461]; Lahj , 1Ƌ, 2000/09 , A. van Harten, ( CNCI), [ CNC 5076 View Materials /471462] ; Zimbabwe: Harare (Salisbury), 2♀, 1980/04 , A. Watsham, pantr., ( CNCI), [ CNC 471495, 471496 ] ; 4♀, 1Ƌ, 1980/04, A. Watsham, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471463, 471464 , 471465, 471466, 471467]; Zimbabwe (Rhodesia): 1Ƌ, 1975/05–1975/07 , A. Watsham, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471468 View Materials ] ; 1♀, 1979/04, A. Watsham, ( BMNH), [ BMNH (E)#971587] ; 3♀, 4Ƌ, 1979/05, A. Watsham, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471469, 471470 , 471471, 471472, 471473, 471478, 471479] ; 3♀, 2Ƌ, 1979/06, A. Watsham, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471476, 471477 , (E)#971588, 471474, 471475] ; 1♀, 1979/07, A. Watsham, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471480 View Materials ] ; 1♀, 1980/02, A. Watsham, Pan Trap, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471497 View Materials ] ; 2♀, 1980/03, A. Watsham, Pan Trap, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471498 View Materials (wing on slide, Fig. 39a View FIGURES 39 a – f ), 471499] ; 14♀, 1980/05, A. Watsham, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471484, 471485 , 471486, 471487, 471488, 471489, 471490, 471491, 471492, 471493, 471494, 471481, 471482, 471483] ; 3♀, 1980/06, A. Watsham, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471500, 471501 , 471502] ; 2♀, 1980/07, A. Watsham, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471503, 471504 ] ; Harare (Salisbury), Chishawasha, 1♀, 1979/ 10 , A. Watsham, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471505 View Materials ]; 8♀, 1Ƌ, 1980/02 , A. Watsham, pan trap, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471506, 471507 , 471508, 471509, 471510, 471511, 471512, 471513, 471514] ; 10♀, 3Ƌ, 1980/03, A. Watsham, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471515, 471516 , 471517, 471518, 471519, 471520, 471521, 471522, 471523, 471524, 471525, 471526, 471527] ; AUSTRALIA: Queensland: 3km NE Mt . Webb , 2♀, 1980/10/01 1980/10/03, J.C. Cardale, Yellow Pan Trap, ( ANIC), [ ANIC 32- 070476, 32- 070477 ]; s. s. Rain forest undergrowth , 1♀, 1981/04/30 – 1981/05/04, J. C. Calder & J. Feehan, Berlesate Trap, (ANIC), [ANIC 32- 070478]; Base Tinaroo Falls, 1Ƌ, 1976/03/30, I. D. Galloway, ( QDPC) [USNMENT01223050]; Bellenden Ker Range, Cableway Base Stn , 100m , 2♀, 1981/10/17 – 1981/11/09, Baited window Trap, ( QDPC) [USNMENT01223051, 01223052]; Bowenia State Forest , Byfield Cent. Q. , 1♀, 1Ƌ, 1975/10/31, I. D. Galloway, D-vac., (QDPC) [USNMENT01223053, 01223054]; Brookfield Nr Brisbane, 1♀, 1982/01, Boucek, (BMNH), [BMNH (E)#971589]; Cairns, 1Ƌ, (ANIC), [ANIC 32- 070479]; Capalaba, 2Ƌ, 1980/06/08, J. S. Noyes, (CNCI), [CNC 471590, 471591]; Daintree Nat. Park, Cape Tribulation, Bloomfield Track at Emmagen creek , rainforest, 16°020.357'S 145°27.443'E, 30m, 1♀, 2005/12/17 2005/12/18, A. R. Deans & M. Buffington, yellow, blue, red pan traps (4:1:1), ( CNCI), [ CNC 471592 View Materials ]; Eurimbula Ck., via Round Hill Head , 1♀, 1975/05/03 – 1975/05/05, I. Naumann, ( QDPC) [USNMENT01223055]; Gap. Ck. 5km ESE Mt. Finnigan Q. , 3♀, 1981/05/13 – 1981/05/16, I. D. Naumann, Yellow Pan Trap, ( ANIC), [ ANIC 32- 070480, 32 - 0 70481, 32- 070482]; Gatton , 1♀, 1Ƌ, 1981/03/30 – 1981/04/06, Yellow Pan Trap, (QDPC) [USNMENT01223056, 01223057]; 1♀, 1981/04/06, D-vac in potato crop, (QDPC) [USNMENT01223058]; Grap Ck. 5km ESE, Mt.

Finnigan, 6Ƌ, 1981/05/13 – 1981/05/16, I. D. Naumann, Yellow Pan Trap, (ANIC), [ANIC 32- 070483, 32- 070484, 32- 070485, 32- 070486, 32- 070487, 32- 070488]; Great Sandy Nat. Park, 25°00.62'S 153°02.80'E, 1Ƌ, 2002/12/16 – 2002/12/17, J. Munro, A. Owen, YPT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471593 View Materials ]; Laceys Creek Q Mission Beach, s. s. Rain forest undergrowth, 1♀, 1Ƌ , 1980/05/13 – 1980/05/14, I. D. Naumann & J. C. Cardale, ( ANIC), [ ANIC 32- 070489, 32- 070490 ]; Mossman Gourge , 30m, 2♀ , 1984/02/23, L. Masner, (CNCI), [CNC 476269, 476270]; Mt Webb Nat. Pk., 2Ƌ, 1980/09/28 – 1980/09/30, T. Weir, Berlesate Trap, (ANIC), [ANIC 32- 070491, 32- 070492]; 1Ƌ, 1981/04/27 – 1981/04/30, I. D. Naumann, Yellow Pan Trap, (ANIC), [ANIC 32- 070493]; Mt. Tamborine , 1♀, 1978/11–1979/01, Pitfall Trap, ( QDPC) [USNMENT01223059] ; Mt. Webb , 4♀, 1981/04/27 – 1981/04/30, I. D. Naumann, Yellow Pan Trap, (ANIC), [ANIC 32- 070494, 32- 070495, 32- 070496, 32- 070497]; Pebbly Beach, N of Cairns, 1Ƌ, 1974/04/ 27, J. F. Donaldson, ( QDPC) [USNMENT01223060]; Rotary Park, Mossman , 1♀ , 1975/11/06, I. D. Galloway, Dvac., (QDPC) [USNMENT01223061]; Samford, 1Ƌ, 1962/01, E. Warwiell, Yellow Pan Trap, (ANIC), [ANIC 32- 070498]; Shiptons Flat , 1♀, 1980/10/17 1980/10/19, J.C. Cardale, ( ANIC), [ ANIC 32- 070499 About ANIC ]; Townsville James Cook Uni Campus , 1Ƌ , 1988/05/21 – 1988/05/24, A. D. Austin, Pitfall Trap, ( WINC) [USNMENT01223062] ; Tully Falls Road, 1♀, 1976/03/31, I. D. Galloway, ( QDPC) [USNMENT01223063] ; Western Australia: “ Marun ” CALM Site 8/4 Prince Frederick Harbour, 1Ƌ, 1988/06/06 1988/06/11, I. D. Naumann, Yellow Pan Trap, ( ANIC), [ ANIC 32- 070500 About ANIC ]; Mining Camp , Mitchell Plateau, 3♀, 1Ƌ , 1983/05/09 – 1983/05/19, I. D. Naumann & J. C. Cardale, Yellow Pan Trap, ( ANIC), [ ANIC 32- 070501, 32- 070502 , 32- 070503, 32- 070504]; BANGLADESH : Bangladesh: potato crop, 1♀, 1982/11/03, J. V. Harten, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471531 View Materials ] ; FIJI: Suva: Nabua, SPC Compound , 1♀, 2002/06/22 2002/06/30, L. Leblanc, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471532 View Materials ]; FRENCH POLYNESIA: Bora Bora : nr. Pt. Paoaoa, 1♀, 2Ƌ , 1984/09/04, D. M. Lasalle, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471533, 471534 , 471535]; Tahitii: Bora Bora , in grass, 3♀ , 1982/07/21, H. Andersen Col., sweeping grasses, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471536, 471537 , 471530]; INDIA : Karnataka: Bangalore, CIBC grounds, 1♀ , 1974/12/16, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471529]; Uttar Predesh: Aligarh, 1♀, 1980, M. Hayat, (CNCI), [CNC 471538]; 1♀, 1980/11, M. Hayat, (CNCI), [CNC 471539]; 1♀, 1980/ 12, M. Hayat, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471540 View Materials ]; INDONESIA : Bali: Penulisan, potato crop, 1♀, 1978/11/21, J. T. Huber, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471541 View Materials ]; Curug : 1♀, 1980/03/14 – 1980/03/21, H. R. Gillespie, pan trap, (CNCI), [CNC 471542]; 2♀, 1980/12/20 – 1980/12/30, H. R. Gillespie, pan trap, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471543, 471544 ]; Papua: Neth. Guega, W. of Swart Val., 1200m, 1Ƌ , 1958/11/14, J. L. Gressitt, ( BPBM) [USNMENT01223064]; Sulawesi Utara: Dumoga Bone Nat. Pk., Sieved rain-forest litter, 220m, 2♀ , 1985/06/07 – 1985/06/25, A. D. Austin, ( WINC) [USNMENT01223065, 01223066] ; JAPAN: Fukuoka: Mt. Tachibanayama , 2Ƌ, 1980/08/12, C. M. Yoshimoto, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471545, 471546 ] ; Gunma Pref.: Takamine Table Land , 1950m, 1♀ , 1980/07/19, A. & Z. Smetana, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471376 View Materials ]; Honshu Aichi: Yakusa, Toyota , 2♀ , 1990/07/30 – 1990/08/07, K. Yamagishi, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471272, 471273 ]; Honshu Ibaraki Pref.: Tsuchiura , 1Ƌ , 1989/08/08 – 1989/08/13, M. J. Sharkey, (CNCI), [CNC 471274]; Tsuchiura forest , 1♀, 1989/09/11 – 1989/09/19, M. J. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471275]; 3♀, 1989/09/19 – 1989/10/02, M. J. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471276, 471277, 471278]; 1♀, 1989/10/02 – 1989/10/ 16, M. J. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471279]; 1♀, 1989/10/16 – 1989/10/27, M. J. Sharkey, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471280 View Materials ]; Tsuchiura marsh, 1Ƌ , 1989/09/27 – 1989/10/03, M. J. Sharkey, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471281 View Materials ]; Tsuchiura, Shizizuka forest , 2♀ , 1996/09/04 – 1996/09/05, L. Masner, YPT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471282, 471283 ]; Tsukuba , 6♀ , 1989/05/26 – 1989/05/31, M. Sharkey, YPT&FIT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471284, 471285 , 471286, 471287, 471288, 471289]; Tsukuba, Matsushiro , 1Ƌ , 1989/07/26 – 1989/08/04, M. J. Sharkey, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471290 View Materials ]; Honshu Tochigi Pref.: Nishinasuno, N.G.R.I., 500m, 3♀, 1Ƌ , 1989/08/10, M. J. Sharkey, sweep, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471291, 471292 , 471293, 471294]; Ibaraki: Mt. Tsukuba , 1♀ , 1989/08/29 – 1989/09/06, M. J. Sharkey, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471295 View Materials ]; Tsuchiura City, Shishizuka-Oika , 1♀ , 1989/08/13 – 1989/08/25, M. J. Sharkey, MT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471296 View Materials ]; Tsuchiura marsh, 1♀ , 1989/06/24 – 1989/06/31, M. J. Sharkey, Pan Trap, (CNCI), [CNC 471297]; 1♀, 1989/08/21 – 1989/08/29, M. J. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471298]; 1♀, 1Ƌ, 1989/08/29 – 1989/09/06, M. J. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471299, 471300]; 1♀, 1989/09/19 – 1989/10/02, M. Sharkey, PT-FIT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471301 View Materials ]; Tsuchiura, Expo Site , 4♀, 8Ƌ , 1989/08/01 – 1989/08/08, M. J. Sharkey, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471302, 471303 , 471304, 471305, 471306, 471307, 471308, 471309, 471310, 471311, 471312, 471313]; Tsukuba, Expo Site , 5♀ , 1989/07/24 – 1989/07/31, M. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471314, 471315, 471316, 471317, 471318]; 6♀, 2Ƌ, 1989/08/08 – 1989/08/15, M. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471319, 471320, 471321, 471322, 471323, 471324, 471325, 471326]; 8♀, 1989/08/15 – 1989/08/29, M. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471327, 471328, 471329, 471330, 471331, 471332, 471333, 471334]; 9♀, 2Ƌ, 1989/08/29 – 1989/09/05, M. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471335, 471336, 471337, 471338, 471339, 471340, 471341, 471342, 471343, 471344, 471345]; 1Ƌ, 1989/09/05 – 1989/09/ 11, M. Sharkey, MT, (CNCI), [CNC 471346]; 1♀, 1Ƌ, 1989/09/05 – 1989/09/11, M. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471347, 471348]; 1Ƌ, 1989/09/18 – 1989/09/24, M. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471349]; 1♀, 1989/09/24 – 1989/ 10/02, M. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471350]; 1♀, 1989/10/27 – 1989/11/03, M. Sharkey, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471351 View Materials ]; Tsukuba , NIAES, 2Ƌ, 1989/06/26 – 1989/07/10, M. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471352, 471353]; 1♀, 1989/07/10 – 1989/07/17, M. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471354]; 6♀, 2Ƌ, 1989/07/14 – 1989/07/25, M. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471355, 471356, 471357, 471358, 471359, 471360, 471361, 471362]; 2♀, 2Ƌ, 1989/08/04 – 1989/08/14, M. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471363, 471364, 471365, 471366]; 1♀, 1989/08/14 – 1989/08/27, M. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471367]; 5♀, 1Ƌ, 1989/09/07 – 1989/09/11, M. Sharkey, PT, (CNCI), [CNC 471368, 471369, 471370, 471371, 471372, 471373]; 1♀, 1989/09/11 – 1989/09/18, M. Sharkey, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471374 View Materials ]; Kyushu: Fukuoka, Mt Hiko , potato crop, 4♀ , 1989/05/09 – 1989/05/10, M. J. Sharkey, sweep, (CNCI), [CNC 471547, 471548, 471549, 471550]; 700m, 1♀, 1989/08/25 – 1989/09/04, K. Takeno, M. Sharkey, MT, (CNCI), [CNC 471551]; 2♀, 1989/09/18 – 1989/09/25, K. Takeno, M. Sharkey, MT, (CNCI), [CNC 471552, 471553]; 1♀, 1989/09/25 – 1989/10/02, K. Takeno, M. Sharkey, MT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471554 View Materials ]; Fukuoka, Mt. Tachibana , 1♀ , 1979/ 07/15 – 1979/07/21, K. Yamagishi, cutover land, (CNCI), [CNC 471555]; 3♀, 1Ƌ, 1979/08/12 – 1979/08/18, K. Yamagishi, YPT, (CNCI), [CNC 471556, 471557, 471558, 471559]; 2♀, 1Ƌ, 1979/08/19 – 1979/08/25, K. Yamagishi, YPT, (CNCI), [CNC 471560, 471561, 471562]; 4♀, 1992/08/17, K. Yamagishi, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471563, 471564 , 471565, 471566]; Nagano Pref.: Nakakaruizawa , 1000m, 1Ƌ , 1980/07/19, A. & Z. Smetana, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471375 View Materials ]; NEPAL: Kakani : 2700m, 1♀ , 1983/08/01 – 1983/08/23, H. J. Allen, Malaise Trap, (CNCI), [CNC 471567]; NEW CALEDONIA: Noumea: Ouen Toro, 2Ƌ, 1972/01, P. Cochereau, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471571, 471572 ] ; 1♀, 1Ƌ, 1972/01/07, P. Cochereau, (CNCI), [CNC 471568, 471569]; 1Ƌ, 1972/05, P. Cochereau, (CNCI), [CNC 471573]; 1♀, 1972/06/01 – 1972/06/19, P. Cochereau, (CNCI), [CNC 471570]; PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Madang: Morox , 4°16'S 144°58'E, 100m, 1♀, 2006/08/01 GoogleMaps 2006/08/16, V. Iwam, YPT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471574 View Materials ]; Nagada , 5°17'S 145°49'E, 5m, 1Ƌ GoogleMaps , 2006/06/06, J. Hrček, YPT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471575 View Materials ]; Wanang , 5°15'S 145°16'E, 100m, 2Ƌ GoogleMaps , 2006/08/23, P. Damen, MT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471576, 471577 ]; Morobe Prov: Wau Ecol. Instit, 2♀ , 1983/07/26 – 1983/07/31, S. & P. Miller, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471578, 471579 ]; 1Ƌ, 1983/08, S. & P. Miller, PT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471580 View Materials ]; Okapa : Eastern H’ land , South, 1Ƌ, 1964/10/27, R. Hornabrook, ( ANIC), [ ANIC 32- 070505 About ANIC ] ; PHILIPPINES: Davao : Davao, 1♀, 1961/11, M. Gavarra, Yellow Pan Trap, ( BMNH), [ BMNH (E)#971590] ; Negros Oriental: Cuernos de Negros , 7km W Valencia, primany forest edge, 9°17'N 123°15'E, 700m, 1♀, 1987/07/15 GoogleMaps – 1987/07/21, D. C. Darling, E. Mayordo, MT with pans, (CNCI), [CNC 471581]; 3♀, 1987/07/25 – 1987/07/29, D. C. Darling, E. Mayordo, MT wit pans, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471582, 471583 , 471584]; SINGAPORE : Singapore: Manday road, 1Ƌ, 1978/11/30, J. T. Huber, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471528 View Materials ]; SOLOMON ISLAND: Guadalcanal: Honiara , 0–100m, 1Ƌ, 1970/10, N. L. H. Krauss, ( BPBM) [USNMENT01223067]; New Georgia: Munda, 1Ƌ, 1980/11, N. L. H. Krauss, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471585 View Materials ] ; SOUTH KOREA: Chung-nam: Daejon-si, Wadong , for. Edge , wild rose patch, 36°24.02'N 127°25.98'E, 1♀, 2006/05/06 GoogleMaps 2006/05/28, P. Tripotin, MT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471377 View Materials ]; Jirisan: Hamyang-gum, Macheon-myon , Samjeong-li , forest gully, 35°20'55''N 127°38'21''E, 700m, 2♀ GoogleMaps , 2002/08/25 – 2002/09/14, P. Tripotin, MT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471378, 471379 ]; Kangwon: Chuncheon, Nam-myeon , Hudong-li , pastured area, trail close to forest edge, 1♀ , 2003/06/14 – 2003/07/06, P. Tripotin, MT, (CNCI), [CNC 471380]; in semi-shade, forest edge, 1♀, 2003/07/31 – 2003/08/16, P. Tripotin, MT, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471381 View Materials ]; district On-dzong, Kus-gang san, along Ok-ru dong, 300–600m, 1Ƌ , 1975/08/05, J. Papp & A. Vojnits, ( HNHM), [No.317] [USNMENT01223073] ; SRI LANKA: Sabaragamuwa: Kegalle, 1♀, 1970/01/ 14, Mussard Besuchet Lobl, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471588 View Materials ] ; West Province: Nugegoda, 1Ƌ, 1969/01/01, B. P. Karumaratne, ( CNCI), [ CNC 471589 View Materials ]; THAILAND: PhetchabunKhao : Kho Nat. Park, 16°32.546'N 0' , 560m, 1♀, 2007/06/19 – 2007/06/26, Somchai Chachumnan, S. Singtong, ( CNCI), [ CNC #2458 View Materials /471586]; Suphanburi: Pu Toei Nat. Park, Huai Mongpae , 14°56.574'N 99°25.23'E GoogleMaps , 378m, 1♀, 2008/09/08 – 2008/09/09, W. Jaisue, PT, (CNCI), [CNC #3570/471587].


Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 'Giacomo Doria'


Canadian National Collection Insects


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


National Museum of Ireland


Oregon State University


Iziko Museums of Cape Town


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


International Institute of Tropical Agriculture


Australian National Insect Collection


Queensland Primary Industries Insect Collection


Waite Insect and Nematode Collection


Seattle Pacific University


International Institute of Biological Control


Bishop Museum


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)














Dyscritobaeus sulawensis Mineo, O'Connor et Ashe

Tortorici, Francesco, Caleca, Virgilio, Noort, Simon Van & Masner, Lubomir 2016

Dyscritobaeus sulawensis:

O'Connor & Ashe 2012

Dyscritobaeus hannibal: O’Connor et Ashe (2011)

O'Connor et Ashe 2011

Dyscritobaeus sulawensis: Mineo, O’Connor et Ashe (2009)

Mineo, O'Connor et Ashe 2009
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