Nigrimacula sichuanensis Wang & Shi

Wang, Hai-Jian & Shi, Fu-Ming, 2016, One new species of the genus Nigrimacula Shi, Bian & Zhou, 2016 (Orthoptera: Meconematinae) from Sichuan, China, Zootaxa 4132 (4), pp. 591-593 : 591-593

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4132.4.11

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scientific name

Nigrimacula sichuanensis Wang & Shi

sp. nov.

Nigrimacula sichuanensis Wang & Shi View in CoL , sp. nov.

Figure 1 View FIGURE 1 .

Male. Body comparatively thin. Head stout and short. Frons slightly inclined; fastigium verticis conical, distinctly protruding forward, apex rounded, with a longitudinal furrow on dorsal surface. Eyes ovate, prominently outwards and forwards. Maxillary palpi shorter, apical segment as long as subapical one, apices swollen.

Pronotum comparatively broad and short, anterior margin slightly projecting, posterior margin obtusely rounded, posterior transversal sulcus distinct, metazona moderately raised; lateral lobes longer than deep, humeral sinus distinct. Thoracic foramen exposed.

Procoxae with a stout and short spine, apices acute; all femora of thoracic legs unarmed on ventral surface; protibiae with 5 spines on inner and outer margins of ventral surface separately; tibial tympana open on both sides, long oval. Posttibiae with 18–21 spines on inner and outer margins of dorsal surface separately, and bearing 1 pair of dorsal apical spurs and 2 pairs of ventral apical spurs.

Tegmina long, reaching the middle area of posttibiae, anterior and posterior margins parallel, apices rounded; hind wings longer than tegmina.

Tenth abdominal tergite longer, posterior margin slightly straight, or lightly concave. Cerci with basal half stout, near apical area compressed, covering with thin stout and short hairs, moderately incurved, apices rounded; with bluntly and short inner processes on the middle. Subgenital plate large, basal half broad, near apical area narrow, posterior margin slightly protruding afterwards. Styli short, located on lateral margins near posterior margin.

Coloration. Body yellowish green. Fastigium verticis black brown, occiput with a longitudinal yellowish brown stripe. Eyes brown. Pronotal disc with a longitudinal comparatively broad yellowish brown stripe, companied with a longitudinal yellowish-white stripe along the outer margins separately. Pronotal disc with 2 pairs of brown spots on anterior margin and median area. Tegmina with some light brown spots, the posterior margins light brown. Cerci with apices light brown.

Female. Cerci conical, short and stout. Ovipositor with base slightly stout, apical half moderately upcurved; dorsal valvulae with apices acute, ventral ones hook-shaped. Subgenital plate broad and large, tong-shaped, posterior margin concave in the middle.

Specimens examined. Holotype: ♂, Zhougongshan, Ya’an, Sichuan, China, 21 August 2015, collected by Wang Haijian. Paratypes: 1♂ 1♀, Zhougongshan, Ya’an, Sichuan, China, 21 August 2015, collected by Wang Haijian; 1♂, Jiguanshan, Chongzhou, Sichuan, 16 October 2015, collected by Chen Xianwei; 1♂, Jiguanshan, Chongzhou, Sichuan, 17 October 2015, collected by Chen Xianwei; 1♀, Jiguanshan, Chongzhou, Sichuan, 14 October 2015, collected by Chen Xianwei. Other specimens: 1♂, Jiguanshan, Chongzhou, Sichuan, 12 October 2015, collected by Chen Xianwei; 1♂, Jiguanshan, Chongzhou, Sichuan, 13 October 2015, collected by Chen Xianwei; 2♂, Jiguanshan, Chongzhou, Sichuan, 14 October 2015, collected by Chen Xianwei; 3♂, Jiguanshan, Chongzhou, Sichuan, 15 October 2015, collected by Chen Xianwei; 1♂ 1♀, Jiguanshan, Chongzhou, Sichuan, 17 October 2015, collected by Chen Xianwei; 2♂, Jiguanshan, Chongzhou, Sichuan, 18 October 2015, collected by Chen Xianwei; 1♂, Jiguanshan, Chongzhou, Sichuan, 19 October 2015, collected by Chen Xianwei; 1♂, Jiguanshan, Chongzhou, Sichuan, 21 October 2015, collected by Chen Xianwei.

Measurements (mm). Body (apex of fastigium verticis to posterior margin of tenth abdominal tergite): ♂8.0–8.5, ♀9.3–9.5; pronotum: ♂3.3–3.5, ♀2.7–2.8; tegmina: ♂14.7–15.5, ♀14.7–15.5; postfemora: ♂12.3–12.7, ♀12.6–12.8; ovipositor (from base of subgenital plate to apex of ovipositor):13.3–13.6.

Discussion. The new species resembles Nigrimacula paraquadrinotata ( Wang, Liu & Li, 2015) , but it differs from the latter in: male cerci with basal half stout, near apical area compressed, moderately incurved, covered with many stout and short hairs, apices rounded; with bluntly and short processes on inner margin of the middle.

Etymology. The new species name is derived from the type locality.













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