Harmonia eucharis (Mulsant)

POORANI, J., 2023, An illustrated guide to lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian Subcontinent. Part 1. Tribe Coccinellini, Zootaxa 5332 (1), pp. 1-307 : 131-137

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Harmonia eucharis (Mulsant)


Harmonia eucharis (Mulsant)

( Figs 90–94 View FIGURE 90 View FIGURE 91 View FIGURE 92 View FIGURE 93 View FIGURE 94 )

Ballia eucharis Mulsant, 1853a: 167 ; 1866: 191 (as Pelina View in CoL ).—Crotch 1874: 127; Weise 1895a: 132.

Harmonia eucharis: Iablokoff-Khnzorian 1979: 71 ; Poorani 2002a: 331; Ren et al. 2009: 194; Yu 2010: 125.

Ballia christophori Mulsant, 1853a: 163 ; 1866: 188 (as Pelina View in CoL ).—Crotch 1874: 126; Gordon 1987: 14.

Ballia dianae Mulsant, 1853a: 164 .—Crotch 1874: 127; Gordon 1987: 15.

Ballia dianae var. saundersii Crotch, 1874: 127 .— Gordon 1987: 15.

Ballia brahmae Mulsant, 1853a: 164 ; 1866: 189 (as Pelina View in CoL ).— Korschefsky 1932: 278.

Ballia gustavi Mulsant, 1853a: 165 ; 1866: 190 (as Pelina View in CoL ).— Gordon 1987: 15.

Ballia montivaga Mulsant, 1853a: 167 ; 1866: 191 (as Pelina View in CoL ).—Crotch 1874: 127; Gordon 1987: 15.

Ballia testacea Mulsant, 1853a: 169 ; 1866: 192 (as Pelina View in CoL ).— Gordon 1987: 15.

Pelina mayeti Mulsant, 1866: 189 .—Crotch 1874: 127; Gordon 1987: 15.

Ballia mayeti var. perplexa Crotch, 1874: 128 .

Pelina zephyrinae Mulsant, 1866: 190 .—Crotch 1874: 128; Gordon 1987: 15.

Neda bayaderae Mulsant, 1866: 200 .—Crotch 1874: 127 (as Ballia View in CoL ).— Korschefsky 1932: 278; Gordon 1987: 15.

Diagnosis. Length: 6.50–10.50 mm; width: 5.70–7.70 mm. Form broad oval, dorsum convex and glabrous. Elytra pale yellowish brown, nominate form ( Figs 91c View FIGURE 91 , 93f View FIGURE 93 , 94g, h View FIGURE 94 ) pale yellowish with 4–5 black spots on elytra; elytral pattern highly variable ( Figs 90a, b View FIGURE 90 , 91 View FIGURE 91 , 92 View FIGURE 92 ), elytral variations include yellow without black spots, yellow with pale brown spots, pale brown with creamy yellow spots, yellow with basal two-thirds black, dark reddish brown with black lateral borders and other intermediate forms. Abdominal ventrite 5 and 6 emarginate in male, that of female medially projecting backwards and subtruncate, respectively. Abdominal postcoxal line incomplete with a curved associated line ( Fig. 90c View FIGURE 90 ). Male genitalia ( Figs 90e–h View FIGURE 90 ), and spermatheca ( Fig. 90d View FIGURE 90 ) as illustrated.

Immature stages. Life stages ( Figs 93 View FIGURE 93 , 94 View FIGURE 94 ) as illustrated.

Distribution. India: Very common in northeastern and northwestern region (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh); Himalayas; Pakistan; Bhutan; Nepal. Introduced in the USA (North Carolina) for the management of balsam woolly aphid ( Adelges piceae (Ratzeburg)) , but did not establish.

Prey/associated habitat. Aphidoidea: Aphis cf. fabae Scopoli , Aphis cf. gossypii Glover , Aphis spiraecola Patch , Brachycaudus helichrysi (Kaltenbach) , Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus) , Cervaphis quercus Takahashi , Cervaphis rappardi indica Basu , Cinara sp. , Dreyfusia (as Adelges ) knucheli (Schneider-Orelli & Schneider) , Dysaphis sp. , Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) , Eulachnus thunbergii Wilson , Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) , Macrosiphoniella pseudoartemisiae Shinji , Macrosiphoniella yomogifoliae (Shinji) , Mollitrichosiphum alni Ghosh et al. , Myzus persicae (Sulzer) , Myzus varians Davidson , Myzus sp. , Phorodon cannabis Passerini , Pineus sp. , Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae (Linnaeus) , Tuberculatus indicus Ghosh. Associated with Aphis craccivora Koch. Cicadellidae : Idioscopus shillongensis Viraktamath ( Ghorpade 1979b) . Coccidae : Eulecanium tiliae (Linnaeus) (as E. coryli (Linnaeus)) .

Associated with aphids and/or scales infesting apple, peach, plum, quince, apricot, almond, cherry and Spiraea sp. ; adelgids infesting silver fir, blue pine, and spruce. Most prevalent in coniferous forests and oak farms in the northeastern region; associated with Juglans regia , Alnus nitida , Alnus nepalensis , Quercus incana , Q. dilatata , Litsea polyantha , Clerodendron viscosum , Pinus khasya , Artemisia vulgaris , Colocasia antiquorum and Prunus sp.

Seasonal occurrence. Active during late March–August in north and northwestern India. Has only one generation per year; adults hibernate during winter months in northwestern region ( Nagarkatti & Ghani 1972). Abundant on various species of aphids during October–November in northwestern and northeastern regions ( Singh & Singh 1988).

Natural enemies. Phalacrotophora indiana Colyes and an indeterminate nematode ( Nagarkatti & Ghani 1972).

Notes. It is highly polymorphic, as evident from the numerous varieties and synonyms. Numerous colour variants are found in nature and one variant is strikingly similar to a form of H. sedecimnotata (F.) ( Fig. 102b View FIGURE 102 ). Ghani (1962) carried out breeding experiments and found that the various morphs interbred freely and concluded they were only varieties or colour forms of a single species.

Its biology on adelgids was studied in detail by Nagarkatti & Ghani (1972) who described and illustrated the immature stages. Ghani (1962), Ren et al. (2009) and Yu (2010) illustrated some of the common colour morphs. Phaloura & Singh (1991) studied the larval chaetotaxy and Singh & Phaloura (1990) provided a field key to the larval stages. Details of its biology, hosts and predatory potential are available in many publications (see Ghosh et al. 1976; Ghorpade 1979b; Chakrabarti et al. 1995; Phaloura & Singh 1993).


















Harmonia eucharis (Mulsant)

POORANI, J. 2023

Ballia dianae var. saundersii

Gordon, R. D. 1987: 15

Harmonia eucharis:

Yu, G. 2010: 125
Ren, S. X. & Wang, X. M. & Pang, H. & Peng, Z. Q. & Zeng, T. 2009: 194
Poorani, J. 2002: 331
Iablokoff-Khnzorian, S. M. 1979: 71

Pelina mayeti

Gordon, R. D. 1987: 15
Mulsant, E. 1866: 189

Pelina zephyrinae

Gordon, R. D. 1987: 15
Mulsant, E. 1866: 190

Neda bayaderae

Gordon, R. D. 1987: 15
Korschefsky, R. 1932: 278
Mulsant, E. 1866: 200

Ballia eucharis

Weise, J. 1895: 132
Mulsant, E. 1866: 191
Mulsant, E. 1853: 167

Ballia christophori

Gordon, R. D. 1987: 14
Mulsant, E. 1866: 188
Mulsant, E. 1853: 163

Ballia dianae

Gordon, R. D. 1987: 15
Mulsant, E. 1853: 164

Ballia brahmae

Korschefsky, R. 1932: 278
Mulsant, E. 1866: 189
Mulsant, E. 1853: 164

Ballia gustavi

Gordon, R. D. 1987: 15
Mulsant, E. 1866: 190
Mulsant, E. 1853: 165

Ballia montivaga

Gordon, R. D. 1987: 15
Mulsant, E. 1866: 191
Mulsant, E. 1853: 167

Ballia testacea

Gordon, R. D. 1987: 15
Mulsant, E. 1866: 192
Mulsant, E. 1853: 169
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