Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) agilis (Rudolphi, 1819) sensu Yamaguti, 1935

Tkach, Ie. V., Sarabeev, V. L. & Shvetsova, L. S., 2014, Taxonomic Status Of Neoechinorhynchus Agilis (Acanthocephala, Neoechinorhynchidae), With A Description Of Two New Species Of The Genus From The Atlantic And Pacific Mullets (Teleostei, Mugilidae), Vestnik Zoologii 48 (4), pp. 291-306 : 293

publication ID 10.2478/vzoo-2014-0035


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scientific name

Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) agilis


Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) agilis View in CoL ( fig. 1–11 View Fig View Fig , table 2)


G e n e r a l. Neoechinorhynchidae , Neoechinorhynchinae with characters of the genus. All shared structures proportionally larger in females than in males. Body almost cylindrical, normally widest at anterior one third of the body, tapering posteriorly. Trunk long, smoothly curved, robust. Body wall with reticular lacunar system, containing 6 dorsal and 2 ventral giant hypodermal nuclei. Proboscis short, nearly cylindrical, slightly wider than long. Hooks on proboscis arranged in 3 circular rows of 6 hooks each. Hooks in each row equal in size and shape, all rooted. Neck short, about one third in length of proboscis length. Long singlewalled proboscis receptacle with cerebral ganglion at its posterior end. Anterior part of proboscis receptacle enclosed by thin neck ring. Lemnisci unequal, large, digitiform, posteriorly narrowing dramatically, not reaching to anterior testis in males. Shorter lemniscus uninuclear; longer lemniscus binuclear; both distant from anterior testis in males.

Male. Based on 5 mature individuals with sperm and 4 juveniles. Reproductive system occupying posterior half of body. Testes elongate oval, tandem, contacting or slightly overlapping each other. Anterior testis longer than posterior one. Syncytial cement gland elongate, with 8 giant nuclei, contiguous to posterior testis by its anterior end. Round to oval cement gland reservoir leading to 2 cement ducts. Genital pore terminal.

F e m a l e. Based on 10 gravid specimens and 6 juveniles (including 3 syntype specimens). Genital pore sub-terminal, ventral, connected with vagina by elongated canal. Accessory structure of papilla present, terminally to genital pore. Eggs cylindrical, elongate, without polar prolongation of fertilization membrane.

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