Anastrepha cordata Aldrich, 1925

Norrbom, Allen L. & Korytkowski, Cheslavo A., 2009, A revision of the Anastrepha robusta species group (Diptera: Tephritidae) 2182, Zootaxa 2182 (1), pp. 1-91 : 16-19

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.2182.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Anastrepha cordata Aldrich


Anastrepha cordata Aldrich View in CoL

Figs. 7 View FIGURES 5–9 , 27–28 View FIGURES 18–29 , 68 View FIGURES 63–72 , 97 View FIGURES 97–100 , 111 View FIGURES 108–130 , 169–170 View FIGURES 164–185

Anastrepha cordata Aldrich 1925: 4 View in CoL [description, Belize]; Greene 1934: 144 [wing]; Lima 1934: 502; Stone 1942a: 35 [wing, aculeus tip, Panamá]; Stone 1942b: 304 [ Venezuela]; Fernández Yépez 1953: 23; Foote 1967: 9 [in catalog]; Steyskal 1977: 5 [in key]; Caraballo 1981: 77 [wing, aculeus tip, Venezuela]; Norrbom 1985: 99 [mesonotum, eversible membrane, aculeus tip, egg]; Norrbom & Foote 1989: 21 [egg]; Hernández-Ortiz 1992: 49, 137 [host, México: Veracruz]; Hernández-Ortiz & Pérez-Alonso 1993: 453 [host]; Korytkowski 1997: 50 [in key]; Norrbom et al. 1999a: 78 [in catalog; Guatemala]; Norrbom et al. 1999b: 333 [aculeus tip, classification]; Aluja et al. 2000: 808 [host]; Aluja et al. 2003: 1381 [host, parasitoid wasps, México: Chiapas]; Korytkowski 2004: 54 [in key]; Hernández-Ortiz 2007: 59 [ México: Oaxaca].

Diagnosis. Anastrepha cordata differs from all other species of Anastrepha by its wing pattern in which the proximal arm of the V-band is dark brown, extremely broad, and ovoid, strongly contrasting with the C-band and S-band which are yellow to orange. It also differs from all other species except A. lambda and A. nigrivittata by its scutal color pattern, which includes 3 pairs of dark brown vittae ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 5–9 ), of which the postsutural sublateral pair is fused to a dark band on the posterior margin to form a U-shaped mark. In A. cordata the posterior band has a lateral extension that includes the intra-alar seta whereas in the other two species its margin approaches but does not include the intra-alar. A. cordata further differs from those two species in having the scutum mostly nonmicrotrichose and in the shape of the aculeus tip.

Description. Mostly yellow to orange, with dark brown markings. Setae dark red brown to black.

Head: Mostly yellow to orange, ocellar tubercle and large V-shaped mark on orbital plate, vertex and occiput brown, mark extended to or almost to eye margin laterally, occasionally including bases of orbital setae and/or connected to ocellar tubercle, posteriorly extending to acute apex ca. 0.6 of distance from vertex to ventral margin of occiput. 3–4 frontal setae; 2 orbital setae, posterior seta well developed. Ocellar seta weak, 1.0–1.5 times as long as ocellar tubercle. Postocellar seta occasionally weak or absent. Facial carina, in profile, straight to very slightly convex dorsally and medially. Antenna extended 0.78–0.90 distance to ventral facial margin.

Thorax ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 5–9 ): Mostly yellow to orange with dark brown markings. Typical white or pale yellow areas (postpronotal lobe; paired sublateral scutal vitta from transverse suture towards intra-alar seta; medial scutal vitta; most of scutellum; dorsal margin of anepisternum; katepimeron; and most of anatergite and katatergite) not differentiated in dried specimens examined, possibly present in live or fluid preserved material. Scutum with 3 paired dark brown vittae; submedial vitta between acrostichal and dorsocentral lines, extended from anterior margin to ca. half distance from transverse suture to posterior margin, isolated or occasionally diffusely connected to sublateral vitta posteriorly, anteriorly broader than space between vittae, narrowest at transverse suture; broad, subtriangular, presutural sublateral mark from slightly posterior to level of postpronotal seta to ca. level of presutural supra-alar seta, extending laterally almost to latter seta; narrower postsutural sublateral vitta between dorsocentral and intra-alar lines, extended anteriorly almost to transverse suture, posteriorly connected to band on posterior scutal margin to form U-shaped mark; posterior band broadest medially, extending beyond acrostichal seta anteriorly (when latter present) and onto basal 0.25 or less of disk of scutellum medially, laterally with extension including intra-alar seta and often postalar seta. Subscutellum and mediotergite dark brown except often narrowly medially. Anatergite and katatergite often with small pale to moderate brown posteroventral spot. Meron usually with crescent shaped pale to moderate brown posteroventral spot. Mesonotum 2.26–3.21 mm long. Scutum microtrichose only lateral to intra-alar line posterior to transverse suture; scutellum entirely microtrichose; setulae mostly orange to brown. Acrostichal seta usually absent (present on 2 Panamanian males). Katepisternal seta undifferentiated or weak and much shorter than anepisternal seta.

Wing ( Figs. 27–28 View FIGURES 18–29 ): Length 6.57–9.04 mm, width 2.84–3.25 mm, ratio 2.44–2.59. Apex of vein R 1 at 0.54–0.57 wing length. Cell c 0.98–1.14 times as long as pterostigma; pterostigma 3.91–4.97 times as long as wide. Vein R 2+3 without sharp bends or undulations. Crossvein r-m at 0.53–0.64 distance from bm-cu to dm-cu on vein M. Vein M only slightly curved apically; cell r 4+5 1.09–1.27 times as wide at apex as at level of dm-cu. Cell bcu with distal lobe relatively short, length of bcu 1.38–1.46 times as long as anterior margin. Wing pattern mostly yellow to orange and dark brown. C-band entirely yellow to orange, including all of cells bc, c, br, r 1 and r 2+3 and pterostigma. Cell c with nonmicrotrichose posteromedial area 0.10–0.40 width of cell. Cband and S-band broadly connected along vein R 4+5 and in specimens from Costa Rica, Panamá and Venezuela also along costa, hyaline area in cell br elongate, oblique, reaching or narrowly separated from vein R 4+5, 0.5–1.0 times as long as distal colored area of cell; cell dm with basal hyaline area small, but usually extending to posterior margin. Basal half of S-band mostly to entirely yellow to orange, occasionally pale brown in posterior third or less of cell cu 1; posterior margin with distinct incision in cell cu 1; distal section of band yellow to orange, usually darker orange to orange brown distal to crossvein dm-cu, occasionally with part of posterior margin very narrowly brown; moderately broad, at apex of vein R 2+3 0.71–0.79 times width of cell r 2+3, even in width to distinctly broadening in cell r 2+3, well separated from apex of vein M; hyaline area proximal to it ending at vein R 2+3 or narrowly separated from it. Hyaline basomarginal spot in cell r 1 narrow triangular, extended to or almost to vein R 4+ 5 in specimens from Belize, Guatemala and México, its apex aligned proximal to crossvein r-m; in specimens from Costa Rica, Panamá and Venezuela reduced to 1–2 small diffuse spots in cell r 1 or completely absent. V-band complete, narrowly to moderately broadly connected to S-band in cell r 2+3; proximal arm entirely dark brown except band apex and in anterior third or less of cell r 4+5, extremely broad, ovoid, without basal extension along wing margin, at level of vein M 3.25–5.00 times as wide as distal arm and 2.36–4.33 times as wide as hyaline area proximal to it in cells r 4+5 and dm; distal arm slender, yellow to orange anteriorly, pale to moderate brown posteriorly, medially often mottled or with narrow brown margin on proximal side.

Abdomen ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 5–9 ): Mostly yellow to orange, syntergite 1+2 and tergites 3 and 4 with broad dark brown bands.

Male terminalia: Lateral surstylus short, extended beyond prensisetae by 1.0–1.5 times length of prensiseta; in lateral view slightly posteriorly curved and very broad, prensisetae equidistant from anterior and posterior margins, posteroapical corner bluntly acute; in posterior view gradually tapered to blunt apex, lateral and medial margins convex. Proctiger with sclerotized areas connected laterally and dorsally. Phallus 8.14–9.58 mm long, 3.08–3.51 times as long as mesonotum; glans 0.62 mm long.

Female terminalia: Oviscape 4.69–7.47 mm long, 1.72–2.42 times as long as mesonotum; distal 0.5–0.8 brown; spiracle at basal 0.17–0.22. Eversible membrane ( Figs. 68 View FIGURES 63–72 , 97 View FIGURES 97–100 ) with ca. 45 long, slender, hooklike dorsobasal scales in 3–4 irregular transverse rows, separated from minute basal denticles by row of smaller, weakly sclerotized scales. Aculeus ( Fig. 111 View FIGURES 108–130 ) straight to slightly ventrally curved in lateral view, 4.79–7.00 mm long; in ventral view base 0.16–0.18 mm wide; shaft 0.08–0.09 mm wide at midlength; tip ( Figs. 169–170 View FIGURES 164–185 ) 0.10–0.17 mm long, 0.055 –0.065 mm wide, 2.0–2.46 times as long as wide, 0.050 –0.065 mm wide in lateral view, 0.91–1.00 times ventral width, in ventral view triangular, evenly tapering, with lateral margin straight to slightly concave, nonserrate. Spermathecae weakly sclerotized.

Egg (30 dissected from abdomen of holotype): Slender, 1.23–1.36 mm long, 0.13–0.14 mm wide at broadest point, slightly curved, posterior end strongly tapered to slender point. Anterior end without lobe distal to micropyle, micropyle nipple-shaped.

Distribution. Anastrepha cordata is known from México (Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas), Belize, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panamá, and Venezuela.

Biology. The only reported host plant is Tabernaemontana alba Mill. (Apocynaceae) ( Hernández-Ortiz 1992, Hernández-Ortiz & Pérez-Alonso 1993, Aluja et al. 2000). The larvae feed in the fruit. An examined female was collected on a species of Brysonima (Malpighiaceae) which is unlikely to be a host plant.

Type Data. Holotype female ( USNM USNMENT00104303 About USNM ), BELIZE: Belize [date and collector unknown] [examined]. It bears the following labels: British Honduras / Collection J M Aldrich / [red] Type No. 26839 U.S.N.M. / Wing No. 16 / Anastrepha cordata Ald. The terminalia and both wings have been slide mounted.

Other specimens examined. BELIZE: Stann Creek, Mile 10, on Brysonima , 19 Sep 1966, L. Chan, 1♀ ( BMNH) . COSTA RICA: Heredia: Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, Estación Magsasay , LN 264600 531100, 200 m, Nov 1990, M. Zumbado, 1♀ ( INBio INBioCRI001111264) . GUATEMALA: Petén: Poptún, Poptún, Barrio El Porvenir, 16°19'50"N 89°25'25"W, McPhail trap, 20 Jun 1995, J. López, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT00050350 About USNM ) GoogleMaps . MÉXICO: Veracruz: Gutierrez Zamora , 4 mi. N of, 30 m, 26 Jun 1953, Univ. Kans. Mex. Expedition, 1♂ (UKaL USNMENT00215384) ; Tuxpan , Feb 1987, A. Cisneros, 1♀ ( UNAM) . PANAMA: Panamá: El Cermeño, 5 Dec 1939, J. Zetek 4600, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT000104297 About USNM ); same, 6

Feb 1940, J. Zetek 4630, 1♂ ( USNM USNMENT000104299 About USNM ) ; same, 22 Oct 1940, J. Zetek 4692, 1♂ ( USNM USNMENT000104295 About USNM ) ; same, 12 Aug 1941, J. Zetek 4850, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT000104296 About USNM ) ; same, 15 Oct 1941, J. Zetek 4885, 1♂ ( USNM USNMENT000104294 About USNM ) ; same, 28 Oct 1941, J. Zetek 4891, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT000104298 About USNM ) ; La Campana, Muñoz Grove , fruit fly trap, 6 Feb 1940, J. Zetek 4286, 1♂ ( USNM USNMENT000104301 About USNM ) . VENEZUELA: Puerto Caballo , fruit fly trap, 13 Jan 1940, P. Anduze 4286, 1♂ ( USNM USNMENT000104300 About USNM ) .


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


National Biodiversity Institute, Costa Rica


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico














Anastrepha cordata Aldrich

Norrbom, Allen L. & Korytkowski, Cheslavo A. 2009

Anastrepha cordata

Hernandez-Ortiz, V. 2007: 59
Korytkowski, C. A. 2004: 54
Aluja, M. & Rull, J. & Sivinski, J. & Norrbom, A. L. & Wharton, R. A. & Macias-Ordonez, M. & Diaz-Fleischer, F. & Lopez, M. 2003: 1381
Aluja, M. & Pinero, J. & Lopez, M. & Ruiz, C. & Zuniga, A. & Piedra, E. & Diaz-Fleischer, F. & Sivinski, J. 2000: 808
Norrbom, A. L. & Carroll, L. E. & Thompson, F. C. & White, I. M. & Freidberg, A. 1999: 78
Norrbom, A. L. & Zucchi, R. A. & Hernandez-Ortiz, V. 1999: 333
Korytkowski, C. A. 1997: 50
Hernandez-Ortiz, V. & Perez-Alonso, R. 1993: 453
Hernandez-Ortiz, V. 1992: 49
Norrbom, A. L. & Foote, R. H. 1989: 21
Norrbom, A. L. 1985: 99
Caraballo, J. 1981: 77
Steyskal, G. C. 1977: 5
Foote, R. H. 1967: 9
Fernandez Yepez, F. 1953: 23
Stone, A. 1942: 35
Stone, A. 1942: 304
Greene, C. T. 1934: 144
Lima, A. M. da & Costa 1934: 502
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