Psecadioides Butler, 1881

Huang, Guo-Hua, Hirowatari, Toshiya & Wang, Min, 2010, A review of the China-Himalayan members of the subfamily Euplocaminae (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Tineidae), Zootaxa 2511, pp. 1-21 : 7

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.196055


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scientific name

Psecadioides Butler, 1881


Psecadioides Butler, 1881 View in CoL View at ENA

Psecadioides Butler, 1881 View in CoL , Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1881: 593. Type species: Psecadioides aspersus Bulter, 1881 View in CoL by original designation.

Luffiodes Matsumura, 1931 , 6000 Illust. Insects Japan-Empire: 1107. Type species: Luffiodes apicaris Matsumura, 1931 . (Synonymized by Moriuti, 1982: 166)

Description. Head: Vertex and frons covered roughly with dense, erect scales. Antenna about 0.5 × length of forewing; scape without pectin. Maxillary palpus short. Labial palpus with 0–2 strong lateral bristles on the second segment. Thorax: Dorsum and tegula covered with blackish or white scales. Forewing length 5.0–11.0 mm; wings with similar pattern, moderately elongate, rounded apically. Forewing with all veins present; R4 and R5 long stalked, R5 ending at the apex; chorda present; hindwing relatively elongate, rounded apically, all veins present and separate basally, crossvein M-CuA present or absent, M branched in discal cell. Abdomen: Male genitalia complex, uncus consisting of 2–4 distinct, strongly sclerotized lobes, separated from tegumen; vinculum broad; subscaphium membranous; gnathos absent; juxta indistinct; valva tapered basally, rounded apically, with raised spinules dorsally, covered with dense, long, thick bristles on inner surface, or valva strongly elongate, ventrally with a distinct projection at middle; inner side with dense, long, thick bristles on posterior half; aedeagus straight to slightly curved, inflated basally, cornuti absent. Female genitalia simple, seventh segment with hairs covering genitalia, eighth tergum with setulae, anterior margin laterally covered with long bristles; posterior margin with dense setulae; ovipositor long; corpus bursae ellipsoidal, without signum.

Host. Unknown.

Distribution. China-Himalaya Region.

Remarks. All species of Psecadioides have a similar wing pattern and a complex uncus in the male genitalia. The genus was established by Butler (1881) with Psecadioides aspersus as the type species. Previously, the genus included a single species ( Robinson & Tuck, 1996; Robinson, 2008) found only in Japan ( Butler 1881, Matsumura 1931, Issiki 1957, Moriuti 1982). The genus Psecadioides was once considered a synonym of Myrmecozela Zeller, 1852 , but Moriuti (1982) removed it from synonymy. No Psecadioides species previously have been reported outside of Japan. We treat five species in the genus, three of which we describe as new (P. c u n e u s sp. nov., P. owadai sp. nov., and P. prominens sp. nov.) and one of which we transfer from Euplocamus ( P. tanylopha (Meyrick) , comb. nov.).














Psecadioides Butler, 1881

Huang, Guo-Hua, Hirowatari, Toshiya & Wang, Min 2010


Moriuti 1982: 166
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