Melanopsis aetolica Neumayr, 1876

Neubauer, Thomas A., 2016, A nomenclator of extant and fossil taxa of the Melanopsidae (Gastropoda, Cerithioidea), ZooKeys 602, pp. 1-358 : 30

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scientific name

Melanopsis aetolica Neumayr, 1876


Melanopsis aetolica Neumayr, 1876 View in CoL

Original source.

Neumayr 1876: 368.

Type horizon.

Gelasian, early Pleistocene.

Type locality.

"Stamna, nordwestlich von Missolunghi" [ Stamná, NW of Mesolóngi], Greece.


Papp (1955: pl. 20, fig. 9) designated a specimen from the type material of Neumayr (1880a) as lectotype, but did not indicate whether it had been illustrated by Neumayr or not. A comparison of the images in both works was inconclusive. However, since it is likely that Neumayr (1880a) used the material reported in 1876 for the description, this designation is considered to be based on the original material and is thus valid. The specimen is stored in the Institute of Paleontology, University of Vienna; no number indicated.


The name became available from Neumayr (1876), where he briefly described the species. He nevertheless described the species as “new” in Neumayr (1880a: 126), providing a detailed description and illustrations (pl. 6, figs 13-17; note that the plate is inserted at the end of the previous article of the same volume).