Naddia eleanorae, De, 2014

De, G., 2014, The genus Naddia in Borneo (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2), pp. 1737-1765 : 1751

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5312184


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Naddia eleanorae

sp. nov.

Naddia eleanorae View in CoL nov.sp.

(Figs 8, 8a, 8al)

Holotype: MALAYSIA, Sabah, Lahad Datu, Ulu Segama For. Res. Danum Valley F.C. , 04˚57.9’N 117˚48.1’E, 200 m alt., 21.xi.2005, 1˚ Forest, coll. Mann, Slade & Villanueva, Flight Interception Trap. Lowland, mixed Dipterocarp Forest, West trail, OUMNH-2006-051 (in OUMNH); 1 paratype: MALAYSIA, Sabah, Tawau , 16-24.ii.2012, 4.76N 117.54E, 399 m Alt. , Coll. C.L. Gray, SAFE project area, F.I.T Riparian forest strip in oil palm, OUMNH-2013-056 (in CRO). GoogleMaps

Description: Proportions of holotype: length: 20.5 mm; length of head: 2.5; total length of head: 2.9; breadth of head: 3.0; length of eye: 1.1; length of temple: 1.4; length of antenna: 2.6; length of pronotum: 3.0; breadth of pronotum: 2.6; length of elytron: 3.5; breadth of elytra: 2.4. Habitus: fig. 8.

Eyes prominent, much shorter than temples. Antennomeres 1-3 elongate, 4 and 5 subequal, 6 to 10 increasingly transverse, only 9 and 10 slightly asymmetrical.

Integument of body black, except elytra which have a distinct dark bluish reflex, contrasting with rest of dorsal surface (not very evident in illustration, but obvious under direct examination). Head and pronotum without coloured pubescence in addition to dark ground pubescence and short, dark lateral setae; abdominal tergites III-VIwith only a few sparse, inconspicuous paler hairs on sides; tergite VII with a pair of triangular anterolateral patches of dense pale pubescence, the sides apparently asetose; apices of protibia and lateral margins of tarsomeres with reddish pubescence.

Sculpture of head moderately coarse, consisting of discrete umbilicate punctures near base and on sides, from level of inner margins of eyes to lateral margins, the vertex and frons with a duller, shield-shaped area in which the interstices form longitudinal rugae; puncturation of pronotum composed of umbilicate punctures about as large as those of posterior and lateral parts of head, sparser and discrete near posterior margin and on sides, closer and denser in the middle, the interstices forming parallel oblique rugae directed from mid-line towards anterior angles in anterior 1/3rd or ¼; sculpture of elytra sub-rugose, consisting of dense, small umbilicate punctures with very narrow shiny interstices; abdominal tergites shiny, the puncturation sparse and shallow, sparser and shallower on anterior half, denser and finer posteriorly on tergite VII, much coarser and sparser on tergite VIII.

Male: sternite VII unmodified; sternite VIII with a small, very shallow emargination; aedoeagus: figs 8a, 8al, the median lobe in lateral view visibly hollow dorsally; ventral extension of basal sclerite short, apically truncate; paramere short and broad, its anterior margin concave.

Derivation of specific name: after our colleague Eleanor Slade, who collected the types of this species and tens of thousands of other beetles in the Danum valley in 2004 and 2005.













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