Charterginus zavattarii Richards, 1978

Somavilla, Alexandre, Aragão, Marcos, Barroso, Paulo Cézar Salgado, Menezes, Rodolpho Santos Telles & Carpenter, James M., 2023, Taxonomic notes on the genus Charterginus Fox, 1898 (Vespidae: Polistinae: Epiponini) with images of the type specimens and new occurrence records, Zootaxa 5353 (2), pp. 143-152 : 150-151

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5353.2.4

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Charterginus zavattarii Richards, 1978


Charterginus zavattarii Richards, 1978

( Figures 6 A–B View FIGURES 4–6 , 8 View FIGURE 8 )

Charterginus zavattarii Richards, 1978 , Soc. Wasps Am.: 128 (key), 129, fig. 65, female - “ Colombia: Nariño, Barbacoas, 50 m ” (London); also from Valle—Sarmiento, 1994, Rev. Biol. Trop. 42 (1/2): 358 (list)— Kojima and Carpenter, 1998, Entomol. Sci. 1: 420 (morphology)— Andena et al., 2009, Journal of Natural History. 43: 1183–1193 (phylogeny, key).

Diagnosis. Length 11.0 mm., length fore wing 7.5 mm.

Yellow species, with large black marks; antennae black and red-brown; vertex and occiput black; mesosoma yellow, posterior part of pronotum, three wide scutum stripes, margins and central line of scutellum, margins of metanotum, black; propodeum light brown to yellow; legs yellow to reddish; tergum I and II light red-brown, with base and apical band yellow; terga III-V black with a wide yellow apical band, tergum VI almost entirely yellow; sternites yellow, more blackish in the end; wings dark brown, costal region darker. Head and mesosoma closely and coarsely punctured, metasoma with well-marked but sparse punctation. Face shining, almost unpunctured below; clypeus longer than wide, apex truncate; eyes with sparse hairs; gena narrow, less than half width of eyes; occiput without angular projection; occipital carina is strongly margined; humeri slightly projecting; tegula pyriform, much narrowed behind, more than two and a half times as long as wide in front, posterior margin obliquely rounded; metanotum compressed; metanotal tubercle absent; propodeal orifice with sides converging, almost pointed dorsally; metasomal tergum I petiolate, transversely widened posteriorly, with a distinct preapical transverse carina; tergum II with a distinct apico-discal prominence.

Comments. Richards stated that this species agrees very closely with Zavattari’s description of his C. carinatus , but besides coloration, one remarkable feature for distinguishing C. carinatus is the occipital carina is strongly margined in C. zavattari . Although Richards (1978) commented that some individuals of C. zavattari came from a nest-series, no mention about the nest architecture was found in the literature. We examined the holotype and nine paratypes from the NHM and additional material from the type locality at the AMNH.

Type material examined: Holotype ♀: COLOMBIA: Narino, Barbacoas , 50 m, 7–10.x.1972, M Cooper (col.) B.M. 1972-275, NHMUK 010817942 About NHMUK ( NHM) . Paratypes: 09 ♀ with same data as holotype ( NHM) . Paratype ♀: COLOMBIA: Valle , Anchicaya, 300 m, 13–14.i.72, M Cooper (col.) ( NHM) .

Additional material examined: COLOMBIA: Narino, Barbacoas , 7.iv.1974, M Cooper (col.) (♀ AMNH) .

Distribution ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 ): Colombia: Nariño, Valle.


University of Nottingham


American Museum of Natural History














Charterginus zavattarii Richards, 1978

Somavilla, Alexandre, Aragão, Marcos, Barroso, Paulo Cézar Salgado, Menezes, Rodolpho Santos Telles & Carpenter, James M. 2023

Charterginus zavattarii

Richards 1978
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