Corrieopone nouragues, Esteves & Fisher, 2021

Esteves, Flavia A. & Fisher, Brian L., 2021, Corrieopone nouragues gen. nov., sp. nov., a new Ponerinae from French Guiana (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), ZooKeys 1074, pp. 83-173 : 83

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Corrieopone nouragues

sp. nov.

Corrieopone nouragues sp. nov.

Figs 7 View Figure 7 , 8 View Figure 8 , 37 View Figure 37 , 38 View Figure 38 , 39 View Figure 39 , 40 View Figure 40 , 41 View Figure 41 , 42 View Figure 42 , 43 View Figure 43 , 44 View Figure 44 , 52A View Figure 52 , 53 View Figure 53 , 54 View Figure 54 , 55 View Figure 55 , 56 View Figure 56 , 57 View Figure 57

Type locality.

French Guiana: Cayenne, Nouragues Natural Reserve, Nouragues Research Station, Inselberg Station, Petit Plateau grid; 4.08354° N, 52.68368° W, ± 5 m; alt. 145 m; old-growth lowland terra-firme equatorial evergreen forest; in leaf litter at the base of an Astrocaryum palm ( Arecaceae ).

Type specimens.

Holotype: worker, pinned; "French Guiana: Rés. Nouragues, Inselberg Stn; 4.08354°, -52.68368°, ± 5m; 145m; rainforest; hand collection; 29 Aug. 2018; B.L. Fisher, M. Fichaux leg.; BLF41460"; CASC, CASENT0830464. Paratypes: French Guiana • 1 worker; same data as for holotype; JTLC, CASENT0645962 • 1 worker; same data as for holotype; MNHN, CASENT0872028 • 1 worker; same data as for holotype; MZSP, CASENT0872029 • 3 workers; same data as for holotype; CASC, CASENT0830465, CASENT0923158, CASENT0872031 • 1 dealated queen; same data as for holotype; CASC, CASENT0923157.

Worker description.

Measurements (N = 4; holotype values within parentheses): HL: 1.54-1.57 (1.57); HW: 1.33-1.41 (1.41); SL: 1.59-1.67 (1.67); WL: 2.14-2.26 (2.26); TL: 6.54-7.10 (7.06); CI: 87-90 (89); SI: 119-120 (119).

Medium-sized, slender ants (TL 6.54-7.1 mm) with characters as described for Corrieopone and the following:

Color: reddish brown; lateral surfaces of clypeus and appendages slightly lighter; apex of gaster yellowish (Fig. 37 View Figure 37 ).

General vestiture: Head, mesosoma, petiole, and gaster vested with densely arranged, short, subdecumbent to suberect filiform setae, and with much sparser, longer, suberect to erect filiform setae; posterior region of abdominal segment VII with abundant longer setae (Figs 38A, B View Figure 38 , 40A View Figure 40 , 43A, C View Figure 43 ). Dorsal face of mandible with sparse, appressed, filiform setae, grading laterad to buoyant, flexuous, longer filiform setae (Fig. 38A, E View Figure 38 ). Legs dressed with densely arranged, short, subdecumbent to suberect filiform setae.

Sculpture: Head in dorsal view mostly punctate (Fig. 8D View Figure 8 ). Mandibles sparsely punctate, with shallow fossulae skirting the apical two-thirds of the dorsal face of the masticatory margin (Fig. 8C View Figure 8 ). Clypeus mostly smooth; region adjacent to median area weakly costulate. Pronotum weakly punctate dorsally, grading to costulate laterally (Fig. 8B View Figure 8 ). Mesonotum weakly punctate. Anepisternum mostly smooth to sparsely costulate (Fig. 40B View Figure 40 ). Katepisternum costulate dorsally, grading to obliquely strigulate ventrally (Fig. 40B View Figure 40 ). In profile, metapleuron obliquely strigulate (Fig. 40C View Figure 40 ). Propodeum strigulate-punctate dorsally; obliquely strigulate laterally (Fig. 40C View Figure 40 ); declivitous face strigulate laterally, mostly smooth medially (Fig. 8F View Figure 8 ). Petiolar tergite anterior face mostly smooth; lateral face mostly smooth, sparsely costulate, or confused rugose (Figs 8E View Figure 8 , 43A View Figure 43 ); posterior face mostly smooth dorsally, grading to strigate ventrally (Figs 8F View Figure 8 , 43A View Figure 43 ). Gaster weakly punctate; mostly smooth (Fig. 43C View Figure 43 ).

Head: Head slightly longer than broad (CI: 87-90). In dorsal view, posterior margin of the head slightly concave medially (Figs 37B View Figure 37 , 38A View Figure 38 ). In profile, posteroventral curve of the head without a projecting flange (Figs 37C View Figure 37 , 38B View Figure 38 ). Mandibles triangular, edentate, devoid of basolateral and dorsal pits or dorsolateral and dorsomasticatory sulci (Figs 37B View Figure 37 , 38A, E View Figure 38 ). Basal three-fourths of the mandibular masticatory margin skirted ventrally by two rows of long, flexuous, helicoid setae, with a row of filiform setae present in between. Mandible with a row of filiform setae running obliquely from the basolateral area of the ventral face to the apex of the lateral face; with setae increasing in length towards mandibular apex; apicalmost seta helicoid. Torular lobes closely approximated (Fig. 38A, F View Figure 38 ); torular lateral arches visible in dorsal view (Fig. 38F View Figure 38 ). In profile, torular lobes located at the dorsalmost part of a prominence formed by the clypeal median area and the frontal carinae (Fig. 38B View Figure 38 ). Lateral arch of the torulus projected dorsad, with a somewhat constricted rim (Fig. 38D, F View Figure 38 ). Twelve antennomeres (Fig. 54A View Figure 54 ); bulbus hemispherical, notched on the lateral margin (Fig. 54B View Figure 54 ); bulbus neck tubular (Fig. 54C, D View Figure 54 ). Antennal scape (antennomere I) surpassing the posterior margin of the head (SI: 119-120); antennomeres III and IV longer than all other preapical antennomeres save the scape; antennomere III almost as long as the apicalmost antennomere (Fig. 54A View Figure 54 ). Compound eyes present, located just anterior to the midlength of the head, surrounded by a sulcus; widest diameter of compound eyes: six or seven ommatidia (Fig. 38A, B, D View Figure 38 ). Ocelli absent. Labrum apically bilobed, with lobes broadly rounded apicolaterally (Fig. 39E View Figure 39 ); long, acute cleft at midpoint of apical margin. Middle of outer face of the labrum bulging transversely, with a short, median carina extending basad from the median cleft; the carina may be a weak, blunt protrusion or a somewhat developed ridge (Fig. 55A, B View Figure 55 ). Palpal formula 4,4 (Fig. 55C View Figure 55 ); basalmost maxillary palpomere short, bulbous. Outer face of maxillary stipes without a transverse sulcus (Fig. 55C View Figure 55 ). Galeal comb present (Fig. 55D View Figure 55 ). Galeal crown armed with two or three elliptic setae (Fig. 55D View Figure 55 ); inner face without a translucid comb of setae (Fig. 55C, D View Figure 55 ). Premental shield without a transverse sulcus (Fig. 55C View Figure 55 ).

Mesosoma: In dorsal view, mesonotum round, wider than the dorsal face of the propodeum but narrower than the pronotum (Fig. 37A View Figure 37 ); metanotal sulcus mostly smooth, conspicuous. In profile, mesonotum dome-shaped; notopleural suture separating mesonotum from mesopleuron; promesonotum higher than propodeum; metanotal sulcus deeply impressed (Figs 37C View Figure 37 , 40A View Figure 40 ). In profile, mesopleuron divided into anepisternum and katepisternum (Fig. 40A, B View Figure 40 ). Mesometapleural suture present (Fig. 40A-C View Figure 40 ). Metathoracic spiracle concealed by a spiracular lobe (Fig. 40A, B View Figure 40 ). Posterolateral surface of the metapleuron devoid of a longitudinal flange (Fig. 40A, C View Figure 40 ). Orifice of the metapleural gland round, opening posterolaterad, with ventral margin atop a carina located on the posterolateral margin of the metapleuron (= metapleural carina; Fig. 40C, D View Figure 40 ). Propodeal dorsum devoid of a median longitudinal impression, propodeal spines absent (Fig. 40A View Figure 40 ), propodeal posterolateral margin not carinate (Fig. 40A, C View Figure 40 ). In profile, propodeal lobe rounded, not surpassing posteriorly the dorsoposterior-most point of the rim of the propodeal foramen (Fig. 40C View Figure 40 ); propodeal spiracle slit-shaped (Fig. 40A, C View Figure 40 ). Mesosternal process bidentate; metasternal process bilobate, long (Fig. 40F View Figure 40 ). Metacoxal cavities tightly encircled by unfused annuli (Fig. 40E View Figure 40 ).

Legs: Apico-anterior portion of protibia with a brush of spatulate-costate setae, next to calcar of strigil (Fig. 41A View Figure 41 ); apicoposterior portion of protibia devoid of stout, spine-like setae (Fig. 41B View Figure 41 ). Basal third of the ventral margin of the calcar lamellate; lamella glabrous, devoid of any notch (Fig. 41B View Figure 41 ). From base to apex, microtrichia on anterior face of calcar grades from tubiform to spatulate (Fig. 56A View Figure 56 ); posterior face of calcar with lanceolate microtrichia (Fig. 41B View Figure 41 ). Anterior and ventral faces of probasitarsus densely vested with spatulate-costate setae (Fig. 41A View Figure 41 ), except for the area immediately anterior to the comb of strigil, which bears shorter, spatulate-bicuspid setae (Fig. 56B View Figure 56 ). Comb of strigil skirted posteriorly by a sulcus (Fig. 56C View Figure 56 ). Row of stout, spine-like setae on posterior face of probasitarsal notch, parallel to comb of strigil (Fig. 56C View Figure 56 ). Counting from base to apex: anterior face of the second tarsomere of foreleg with spatulate-costate setae; ventral faces of second, third, and fourth tarsomeres with stout, spine-like setae (Fig. 42C View Figure 42 ); fourth tarsomere cylindrical. Mesotibia with two spurs (Fig. 41C View Figure 41 ); anterior spur simple (Fig. 56D View Figure 56 ); posterior spur serrate, with lanceolate microtrichia on dorsal face (Fig. 41D View Figure 41 ). Mesobasitarsus devoid of any longitudinal sulcus (Fig. 56D View Figure 56 ); two rows of spine-like setae present along apical half of ventral face of mesobasitarsus and along entire ventral face of second, third, and fourth tarsomeres (Fig. 42D View Figure 42 ). Metacoxal dorsum devoid of any spine-like projection. Posterior portion of metatibial apex with a glabrous, yellowish, oblong, weakly colliculate cuticular patch (Figs 41E View Figure 41 , 57A, B View Figure 57 ); cuticular patch with densely arranged, minute pores (visible under magnifications above 4700 ×; Fig. 57B View Figure 57 ); pores round to slit-shaped (~0.29 um length; visible at 8500 × magnification); cuticle surrounding oblong cuticular patch with sparser, longer slit-shaped pores (~0.45 um length). Ventral face of metatibial apex with two spurs (Fig. 57D View Figure 57 ); anterior spur simple and glabrous. Metatibial posterior spur pectinate; with lanceolate microtrichia on anterior face; with mostly glabrous posterior face, except for lanceolate microtrichia on dorsal surface (Fig. 57C, D View Figure 57 ). Metabasitarsus devoid of any longitudinal sulcus (Fig. 57D View Figure 57 ). Midline of the ventrobasal portion of metabasitarsus with a short, longitudinal carina armed with a row of short, spine-like setae (Fig. 57E View Figure 57 ); the carina is followed apically by a longitudinal row of spatulate setae that extends to the midlength of the segment (Fig. 57F View Figure 57 ); ventral face of metabasitarsus with the apical two-thirds bearing two rows of spine-like setae that skirt the midline row of spatulate setae. Dorsal faces of the mid- and hindlegs devoid of stout, spine-like setae (Fig. 42A, B View Figure 42 ). Ventral faces of the second, third, and fourth tarsomeres with two rows of spine-like setae that skirt the midline of each segment (Fig. 42E View Figure 42 ). Simple pretarsal claws on fore-, mid-, and hindlegs (Fig. 42C-F View Figure 42 ). Arolium indistinct on pro-, meso-, and metapretarsi (Fig. 42C-F View Figure 42 ).

Petiole: Sessile; surmounted by a high, unarmed, conic scale-like node that is narrow in profile and in dorsal view (Figs 37A, C View Figure 37 , 43A View Figure 43 ). Anteroventral portion of the tergite with a lateral carina (Fig. 43A View Figure 43 ); spiracle orifice directed dorsolaterally; posterior face of the tergite with the ventral portion strigate; laterotergite delineated by a longitudinal suture (Fig. 43B View Figure 43 ). Subpetiolar process keel-like, with a round anteroventral projection (Fig. 43A View Figure 43 ), fenestra absent. Anterior disc of sternite with a round proprioceptor zone (Fig. 43B View Figure 43 ). Sternite without a posterior spatulate projection (Fig. 43B View Figure 43 ), articulation with the helcium visible in ventral view.

Gaster: Helcium infra-axial: positioned ventrad to the midheight of the anterior face of abdominal segment III (Fig. 43C View Figure 43 ). Prora well-developed on the anterior face of the sternite of abdominal segment III, lip-shaped (Fig. 43C, D View Figure 43 ). Abdominal segment IV tubular: tergite and sternite with similar lengths, tergite not arched (Fig. 43C View Figure 43 ). Presclerites of the abdominal segment IV forming an even surface with postsclerites (Fig. 43C View Figure 43 ), no girdling constriction. Small stridulitrum present on the pretergite of the abdominal segment IV (Fig. 43E, F View Figure 43 ). Pygidium not armed with spine-like setae, no acute cuticular projections, dorsum convex. Hypopygium as described for the genus (Fig. 44 View Figure 44 ).

Queen description.

Measurements (N = 1): HL: 1.65; HW: 1.54; SL: 1.74; WL: 2.51; TL: 8.48; CI: 93; SI: 113.

Dealate. Color dark brown; clypeus and appendages lighter, reddish; apex of gaster yellowish (Fig. 53A-D View Figure 53 ). Similar to the worker caste but for the darker body color and slightly larger body length (TL 8.48), larger compound eyes, presence of ocelli, and differences in the mesosoma due to the presence of wings (Fig. 53 View Figure 53 ). As described for the genus.


The specific epithet Corrieopone nouragues is a non-Latin noun in apposition. It honors the Nouragues (or Norak) people, a Tupi Amerindian population who once inhabited the area ( Grenand 1982), and the Nouragues Natural Reserve and Research Station.