Syagrus harenae
Sant’Anna-Santos, Bruno Francisco, Lopes Pereira Nunes, Elaine, Micheli, Rafael & Maria Teodoro Francino, Dayana, 2025, Hidden in the mountain: a new rare Syagrus (Arecaceae) with morphological novelties, Plant Ecology and Evolution 158 (1), pp. 63-81
: 63-81
63-81 |
Licuala lamdongensis
sp. nov.
Henderson, Andrew & Dung, Nguyen Quoc, 2017, New species of Lanonia, Licuala, and Pinanga (Arecaceae) from Vietnam, Phytotaxa 323 (2), pp. 159-172
: 167
167 |
Calamus yentuensis
sp. nov.
Henderson, Andrew & Dung, Nguyen Quoc, 2010, Notes on rattans (Arecaceae) from Vietnam, Phytotaxa 8, pp. 25-33
: 31-33
31-33 |
Elias, Guilherme Alves, Soares, Kelen Pureza, Bortoluzzi, Roseli Lopes & dos Santos, Robson, 2019, Palmeiras (Arecaceae) em Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil, Iheringia, Série Botânica 73 (2), pp. 88-107
: 105
105 |
Areca triandra
Mehmud, Selim & Roy, Himu, 2021, Diversity and distribution of palms (Arecaceae) in Assam, India, Check List 17 (1), pp. 69-93
: 72
72 |
Geonoma cuneata subsp. guanacastensis
subsp. nov.
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 58
58 |
Syagrus glaucescens
Noblick, Larry R., 2017, A revision of the genus Syagrus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 294 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Bahder, Brian W., Zumbado Echavarria, Marco A., Barrantes Barrantes, Edwin A., Kunz, Gernot, Helmick, Ericka E. & Bartlett, Charles R., 2020, A new species of planthopper in the genus Agoo (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea Derbidae) from coquito palms (Astrocaryum alatum) in Costa Rica, Zootaxa 4779 (3), pp. 409-418
: 413
413 |
new species
Burret, Max, 1936, Neue palmen aus Neuguinea II, Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 12, pp. 309-347
: 346
346 |
gen. nov.
Elias, Guilherme Alves, Soares, Kelen Pureza, Bortoluzzi, Roseli Lopes & dos Santos, Robson, 2019, Palmeiras (Arecaceae) em Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil, Iheringia, Série Botânica 73 (2), pp. 88-107
: 90
90 |
Pinanga nuichuensis
sp. nov.
Henderson, Andrew, Ban, Ninh Khac & Thanh, Bui Van, 2010, New species of Areca, Pinanga, and Licuala (Arecaceae) from Vietnam, Phytotaxa 8, pp. 34-40
: 38-39
38-39 |
Geonoma pinnatifrons subsp. oxycarpa
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 122
122 |
Geonoma pinnatifrons subsp. platybothros
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 122
122 |
Geonoma pinnatifrons subsp. ramosissima
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 122
122 |
Geonoma aspidiifolia subsp. fusca
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 37
37 |
Coccothrinax spirituana
Henderson, Andrew, 2023, A revision of Coccothrinax, Hemithrinax, Leucothrinax, Thrinax, and Zombia (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 614 (1), pp. 1-115
: 82
82 |
Trachycarpus fortunei
Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Arecaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 1362-1362
: 1362
1362 |
Geonoma umbraculiformis
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 153-154
153-154 |
Rhapis gracilis
Henderson, Andrew, 2016, A revision of Rhapis (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 258 (2), pp. 137-152
: 142-143
142-143 |
Syagrus mendanhensis
Noblick, Larry R., 2017, A revision of the genus Syagrus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 294 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Calamus banggiensis
comb. nov.
Baker, William J., 2015, A revised delimitation of the rattan genus Calamus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 197 (2), pp. 139-152
: 141
141 |
Calamus ater
comb. nov.
Baker, William J., 2015, A revised delimitation of the rattan genus Calamus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 197 (2), pp. 139-152
: 141
141 |
Calamus acehensis
comb. nov.
Baker, William J., 2015, A revised delimitation of the rattan genus Calamus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 197 (2), pp. 139-152
: 141
141 |
Baker, William J., 2015, A revised delimitation of the rattan genus Calamus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 197 (2), pp. 139-152
: 141
141 |
Corypha umbraculifera
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 450
450 |
Spinopalmoxylon teutonicum
comb. nov.
Winterscheid, Heinrich, 2018, Nomenclatural novelties and typifications in Spinopalmoxylon, Sapindoidea and Carpolithes (fossil Magnoliidae) from central European Paleogene and Neogene, Phytotaxa 347 (3), pp. 224-234
: 226-228
226-228 |
Ulysséa, Mônica Antunes, Prado, Lívia Pires do & Brandão, Carlos Roberto Ferreira, 2017, Catalogue of the Dolichoderinae, Formicinae and Martialinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) types deposited at the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 57 (23), pp. 295-311
: 299
299 |
Syagrus hoehnei
Noblick, Larry R., 2017, A revision of the genus Syagrus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 294 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Hydriastele manusii
Petoe, Peter, Heatubun, Charlie D. & Baker, William J., 2018, A monograph of Hydriastele (Areceae, Arecaceae) in New Guinea and Australia, Phytotaxa 370 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Hydriastele longispatha
Petoe, Peter, Heatubun, Charlie D. & Baker, William J., 2018, A monograph of Hydriastele (Areceae, Arecaceae) in New Guinea and Australia, Phytotaxa 370 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Geonoma santanderensis
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 134-135
134-135 |
Hyphaene thebaica
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 450
450 |
Phoenix reclinata
Zhou, Ya-Dong, Mwachala, Geoffrey, Hu, Guang-Wan & Wang, Qing-Feng, 2022, Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Mount Kenya, East Africa, Phytotaxa 546 (1), pp. 1-108
: 29
29 |
new species
Essig, Frederick Burt, 1978, A revision of the genus Ptychosperma Labill. (Arecaceae), Allertonia 1, pp. 415-478
: 437
437 |
Henderson, Andrew & Dung, Nguyen Quoc, 2017, New species of Lanonia, Licuala, and Pinanga (Arecaceae) from Vietnam, Phytotaxa 323 (2), pp. 159-172
: 159
159 |
Syagrus itacambirana
Noblick, Larry R., 2017, A revision of the genus Syagrus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 294 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Jubaea chilensis
Larraín, Juan, Cano, María J. & Jiménez, Juan A., 2020, New bryophyte records from the Mediterranean region of Chile, Cryptogamie, Bryologie 20 (11), pp. 131-140
: 135-136
135-136 |
Zombia antillarum
Henderson, Andrew, 2023, A revision of Coccothrinax, Hemithrinax, Leucothrinax, Thrinax, and Zombia (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 614 (1), pp. 1-115
: 104-105
104-105 |
Areca catechu
Mehmud, Selim & Roy, Himu, 2021, Diversity and distribution of palms (Arecaceae) in Assam, India, Check List 17 (1), pp. 69-93
: 70-72
70-72 |
Laccosperma cristalensis
sp. nov.
Couvreur, Thomas L. P. & Niangadouma, Raoul, 2016, New species of Uvariopsis (Annonaceae) and Laccosperma (Arecaceae / Palmae) from Monts de Cristal, Gabon, PhytoKeys 68, pp. 1-8
: 4-7
4-7 |
Lanonia honbaensis
Henderson, Andrew & D ựng, Nguy ễn Qu ốc, 2022, A revision of Lanonia (Arecaceae, Coryphoideae, Livistoninae), Phytotaxa 532 (3), pp. 209-245
: 229
229 |
Geonoma brenesii
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 41-42
41-42 |
Nenga undetermined
Lambert, Olivier, Muizon, Christian de, Duhamel, Guy & Plicht, Johannes Van Der, 2018, Neogene and Quaternary fossil remains of beaked whales (Cetacea, Odontoceti, Ziphiidae) from deep-sea deposits off Crozet and Kerguelen islands, Southern Ocean, Geodiversitas 40 (6), pp. 135-160
: 155-156
155-156 |
Elaeis guineensis
Cock, Matthew J. W., Congdon, T. Colin E. & Collins, Steve C., 2016, Observations on the biology of Afrotropical Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera). Part 9. Hesperiinae incertae sedis: Zingiberales feeders, genera of unknown biology and an overview of the Hesperiinae incertae sedis, Zootaxa 4066 (3), pp. 201-247
: 225
225 |
Henderson, Andrew, Ban, Ninh Khac & Thanh, Bui Van, 2010, New species of Areca, Pinanga, and Licuala (Arecaceae) from Vietnam, Phytotaxa 8, pp. 34-40
: 34
34 |
Henderson, Andrew, 2015, A revision of Chuniophoenix (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 218 (2), pp. 163-170
: 163-164
163-164 |
Calamus ruptilis
comb. nov.
Baker, William J., 2015, A revised delimitation of the rattan genus Calamus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 197 (2), pp. 139-152
: 148
148 |
Rodrigues, Sérgio Roberto, Barbosa, Carlos Aparecido Ferreira, Fuhrmann, Juares & Amaro, Ricardo Aparecido, 2018, Mating behavior and description of immature stages of Cyclocephala melanocephala (Fabricius, 1775) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae), identification key and remarks on known immatures of Cyclocephalini species, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 62 (3), pp. 205-219
: 207-214
207-214 |
Calamus georgei
nom. nov.
Baker, William J., 2015, A revised delimitation of the rattan genus Calamus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 197 (2), pp. 139-152
: 150
150 |
Geonoma multisecta
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 104-106
104-106 |
Geonoma stricta subsp. pendula
subsp. nov.
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 146-147
146-147 |
Geonoma undata subsp. edulis
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 158-159
158-159 |
Cocos nucifera
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 432
432 |
Geonoma euspatha
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 71-73
71-73 |
new species
Keim, Ary Prihardhyanto & Dransfield, John, 2012, A monograph of the genus Orania (Arecaceae: Oranieae), Kew Bulletin 67, pp. 127-190
: 165
165 |
new species
Banka, Roy A. & Barfod, Anders Sanchez, 2004, A spectacular new species of Licuala (Arecaceae, Coryphoideae) from New Guinea, Kew Bulletin 59, pp. 73-75
: 73
73 |
Syagrus ruschiana
Noblick, Larry R., 2017, A revision of the genus Syagrus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 294 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Geonoma longipedunculata
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 89-90
89-90 |
Hydriastele ramsayi
Petoe, Peter, Heatubun, Charlie D. & Baker, William J., 2018, A monograph of Hydriastele (Areceae, Arecaceae) in New Guinea and Australia, Phytotaxa 370 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Poupin, Joseph, Corbari, Laure, Pérez, Thierry & Chevaldonné, Pierre, 2012, Deep-water decapod crustaceans studied with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia (Crustacea: Decapoda), Zootaxa 3550, pp. 43-60
: 49
49 |
Adorador, Jiro T. & Fernando, Edwino S., 2019, Orania zheae (Oranieae, Arecoideae, Arecaceae), a new species from the Philippines, with notes on another slender-stemmed species, Phytotaxa 391 (1), pp. 69-80
: 78
78 |
Syagrus kellyana
Noblick, Larry R., 2017, A revision of the genus Syagrus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 294 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
new species
Burret, Max, 1940, Neue Palmen aus Neuguinea VI (gesammelt von Frau M. S. Clemens), Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis 15, pp. 7-12
: 9
9 |
Areca catechu
Poojar, Dyamanagouda, Ramakrishnan, Vishnupriya & Gowda, Channegowde Chinnamade, 2021, Two new records of spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) with new host plant from Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu, India, Persian Journal of Acarology 11 (1), pp. 153-157
: 154-155
154-155 |
new species
Beccari, Odoardo, 1923, 87. Neue Palmen Papuasiens II, Botanische Jahrbücher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. 58, pp. 441-462
: 449
449 |
Iguanura namsabiensis
sp. nov.
Henderson, Andrew, Aung, Mu Mu & Armstrong, Kate, 2020, A remarkable new Iguanura (Arecaceae, Arecoideae, Areceae) from northern Myanmar, Phytotaxa 446 (1), pp. 77-80
: 77
77 |
Syagrus lorenzoniorum
Noblick, Larry R., 2017, A revision of the genus Syagrus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 294 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Sabinaria magnifica
sp. nov.
Galeano, Gloria & Bernal, Rodrigo, 2013, Sabinaria, a new genus of palms (Cryosophileae, Coryphoideae, Arecaceae) from the Colombia-Panama border, Phytotaxa 144 (2), pp. 27-44
: 28-42
28-42 |
Licuala bankae
sp. nov.
Barfod, Anders S. & Heatubun, Charlie D., 2022, Seven new species of Licuala (Livistoninae, Arecaceae) from New Guinea, Phytotaxa 555 (1), pp. 1-16
: 2-5
2-5 |
Henderson, Andrew & Villalba, Isabel, 2013, A revision of Welfia (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 119 (1), pp. 33-44
: 35
35 |
Henderson, Andrew & Villalba, Isabel, 2013, A revision of Welfia (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 119 (1), pp. 33-44
: 35
35 |
Henderson, Andrew & Dung, Nguyen Quoc, 2017, New species of Lanonia, Licuala, and Pinanga (Arecaceae) from Vietnam, Phytotaxa 323 (2), pp. 159-172
: 164
164 |
Licuala caespitosa
sp. nov.
Henderson, Andrew & Dung, Nguyen Quoc, 2017, New species of Lanonia, Licuala, and Pinanga (Arecaceae) from Vietnam, Phytotaxa 323 (2), pp. 159-172
: 164
164 |
Lanonia manglaensis
Henderson, Andrew & Dung, Nguyen Quoc, 2017, New species of Lanonia, Licuala, and Pinanga (Arecaceae) from Vietnam, Phytotaxa 323 (2), pp. 159-172
: 164
164 |
Lanonia manglaensis
Henderson, Andrew & Dung, Nguyen Quoc, 2017, New species of Lanonia, Licuala, and Pinanga (Arecaceae) from Vietnam, Phytotaxa 323 (2), pp. 159-172
: 164
164 |
Astrocaryum jauari
Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903
: 391
391 |
Henderson, Andrew & D ựng, Nguy ễn Qu ốc, 2022, A revision of Lanonia (Arecaceae, Coryphoideae, Livistoninae), Phytotaxa 532 (3), pp. 209-245
: 220-221
220-221 |
Geonoma concinna subsp. concinna
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 50
50 |
Geonoma concinna subsp. simplex
subsp. nov.
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 50
50 |
Geonoma concinna
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 49-50
49-50 |
Astrocaryum murumuru
Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903
: 391
391 |
Coccothrinax gonaivensis
Henderson, Andrew, 2023, A revision of Coccothrinax, Hemithrinax, Leucothrinax, Thrinax, and Zombia (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 614 (1), pp. 1-115
: 51
51 |
Astrocaryum minus
Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903
: 391
391 |
Geonoma hollinensis
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 79
79 |
Calamus inermis
Mehmud, Selim & Roy, Himu, 2022, Two new synonyms of Calamus inermis (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 530 (1), pp. 127-129
: 127-129
127-129 |
Raphia vinifera
Monteiro, Francisca, Costa, Esperança Da, Kissanga, Raquel, Costa, José Carlos & Catarino, Luís, 2022, An annotated checklist of the vascular flora of Quiçama National Park, Angola, Phytotaxa 557 (1), pp. 1-67
: 54
54 |
Calamus tenuis
Mehmud, Selim & Roy, Himu, 2021, Diversity and distribution of palms (Arecaceae) in Assam, India, Check List 17 (1), pp. 69-93
: 80
80 |
Geonoma paradoxa
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 113-114
113-114 |
Chuniophoenix nana
Henderson, Andrew, 2015, A revision of Chuniophoenix (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 218 (2), pp. 163-170
: 166-169
166-169 |
Acrocomia aculeata
Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903
: 390-391
390-391 |
Calamus urdanetanus
comb. nov.
Baker, William J., 2015, A revised delimitation of the rattan genus Calamus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 197 (2), pp. 139-152
: 149
149 |
Calamus trichrous
Baker, William J., 2015, A revised delimitation of the rattan genus Calamus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 197 (2), pp. 139-152
: 149
149 |
Calamus serpentinus
comb. nov.
Baker, William J., 2015, A revised delimitation of the rattan genus Calamus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 197 (2), pp. 139-152
: 149
149 |
Calamus siberutensis
comb. nov.
Baker, William J., 2015, A revised delimitation of the rattan genus Calamus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 197 (2), pp. 139-152
: 149
149 |
Calamus sedisspirituum
comb. nov.
Baker, William J., 2015, A revised delimitation of the rattan genus Calamus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 197 (2), pp. 139-152
: 149
149 |
new species
Beccari, Odoardo, 1909, Palmae, Nova Guinea. Contributions to the anthropology, botany, geology and zoology of the Papuan region. Botany 8, pp. 203-220
: 215
215 |
gen. nov.
Bianucci, Giovanni, Lambert, Olivier & Post, Klaas, 2007, A high diversity in fossil beaked whales (Mammalia, Odontoceti, Ziphiidae) recovered by trawling from the sea floor off South Africa, Geodiversitas 29 (4), pp. 561-618
: 589
589 |
Calamus herbarum var. torulosum
Wijayawardene, Nalin N., Dai, Dong-Qin, Premarathne, Bhagya M., Wimalasena, Madhara K., Jayalal, Udeni, Wickramanayake, Kawmini D., Dangalla, Hasanka, Jayathunga, Hashini, Brahmanage, Rashika S., Karunarathna, Samantha C., Weerakoon, Gothamie, Ariyawansa, Kahandawa G. S. U., Yapa, Neelamanie, Madawala, Sumedha, Nanayakkara, Chandrika M., Fan, Xin-Lei, Kirk, Paul M., Zhang, Gui-Qing, Ediriweera, Aseni, Bhat, Jayarama, Dawoud, Turki M. & Tibpromma, Saowaluck, 2023, Checklist, typification details, and nomenclature status of ascomycetous fungi originally described in Sri Lanka, Phytotaxa 611 (1), pp. 1-105
: 11
11 |
Geonoma poiteauana
Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271
: 132-133
132-133 |
new species
Pintaud, Jean-Christophe & Hodel, Donald R., 1998, Three new species of Burretiokentia, Principes 42, pp. 152-155
: 164
164 |