Pseudochthonius lubueno, Assis & Schimonsky & Gallão & Bichuette, 2023

Assis, Leonardo de, Schimonsky, Diego Monteiro von, Gallão, Jonas Eduardo & Bichuette, Maria Elina, 2023, Contribution to the knowledge of Brazilian troglobitic Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida): description of Pseudochthonius lubueno sp. nov. (Chthoniidae) from Serra do Ramalho karst area, state of Bahia, Brazil, Zoologia (e 22048) 40, pp. 1-11 : 8

publication ID 10.1590/S1984-4689.v40.e22048

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scientific name

Pseudochthonius lubueno


Distribution of Pseudochthonius View in CoL in Brazil

The Chthoniidae are characterized by the intercoxal tubercle (when present) with the existence of two setae (bisetosis) and transverse spiracles ( Harvey 1992). The family is distributed in most regions of the world in both epigean and hypogean habitats ( Harvey 2013, Schimonsky and Bichuette 2019). In Brazil, the family is now represented by 35 valid species ( World Pseudoscorpiones Catalog 2022), with a higher incidence in the center of the country, being considered the second with the most described species, 11% of the total for the country (second only to the family Chernetidae , with 39%) and occurring in high expressiveness in caves ( Schimonsky and Bichuette 2019).

The species of Pseudochthonius occur in five Brazilian states ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ): in the state of São Paulo (southeastern Brazil) with representatives of P. strinatii and P. ricardoi (Alto Ribeira karst area), and P. brasiliensis (in the region of Barueri); in state of Minas Gerais (southeastern Brazil), with the troglobitic species P. biseriatus endemic to the cave Olhos d’Água and P. olegario endemic to Lapa Zé de Sidinei cave; in the state of Bahia (northeastern Brazil), with the species herein described P. lubueno sp. nov., troglobitic and endemic to Gruna da Altina cave, P. ramalho endemic of the Gruna do Vandercir cave, P. diamachi found in Gruna das Três Cobras cave, P. koinopoliteia uncovered in Gruna da Água Clara and Pedro Cassiano caves, P. pali found Gruna do Google cave and also P. gracilimanus found in Gruta Azul cave; in the state of Pará (northern Brazil) with representatives P. orthodactylus and P. tuxeni ; and in the state of Amazonas (northern Brazil) the species P. homodentatus has been found in the Ducke Reserve, and P. heterodentatus in the Urucu Oil Province. However, recently, this genus was recorded in other karst areas and biogeographical provinces, increasing its distribution to 37 more caves ( Schimonsky and Bichuette 2019). Pseudochthonius lubueno sp. nov. is the 24 troglobitic pseudoscorpion from Brazil ( Schimonsky et al. 2022).

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