Amauromyza (Cephalomyza) flavifrons (Meigen)

Guglya, Yuliia, 2021, Rearing mining flies (Diptera: Agromyzidae) from host plants as an instrument for associating females with males, with the description of seven new species, Zootaxa 5014 (1), pp. 1-158 : 26-27

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Amauromyza (Cephalomyza) flavifrons (Meigen)


Amauromyza (Cephalomyza) flavifrons (Meigen) View in CoL

( Figs. 67–70 View FIGURES 67–74 , 359–362 View FIGURES 355–362 )

Material examined: Ukraine: Vinnytsa Region: Chechelnyk , 48°12’N, 29°20’E,, Yu. Guglya, ex Saponaria officinalis (2 puparia) GoogleMaps ; Poltava Region: near Luchky , 48°57’N, 34°09’E,, Yu. Guglya, ex Silene latifolia subsp. alba (1 puparium) GoogleMaps ; Kharkiv Region: near Petrivske , 49°10’N, 36°58’E, 1.vii.2019, Yu. Guglya, ex Silene latifolia subsp. alba (3♀ 3 puparia); same locality,, Yu. Guglya, ex Silene sp. (1 puparium); same locality, 14–21.vii.2020, Yu. Guglya, ex Silene latifolia subsp. alba (5♂ 5♀) GoogleMaps .

Hosts. Caryophyllaceae : Agrostemma L., Cerastium Tourn ex L., Dianthus L., Gypsophila L., Moehringia L., Saponaria L., Silene L., Stellaria L.; Amaranthaceae : Beta L., Spinacia L. ( Benavent-Corai et al. 2005), Atriplex L., Chenopodium L., Suaeda Forssk. ex J.F. Gmel. ( Warrington 2021) .

Mine. ( Fig. 67 View FIGURES 67–74 ) The solitary larva forms a white serpentine-blotch blister mine. Pupation takes place outside the mine in the soil.

Puparium. ( Figs. 68–70 View FIGURES 67–74 ) Reddish-brown, glossy, 2.3 mm long, with distinct segmentation; surface quite smooth except for narrow spine bands and two last abdominal segments are finely wrinkled. Posterior spiracles set on narrow conical protuberances entirely strongly separate; orange, with three hook-like sessile bulbs set in a circular configuration. Anal plate slightly protruding above the surface of the puparium viewed from the side and directed ventrally.

Cephalopharyngeal skeleton. ( Fig. 359 View FIGURES 355–362 ) Right mouthhook larger than the left, each with ventral portion sharply abducted and bearing two long and sharp accessory teeth. Intermediate sclerite narrow, 0.96× as long as maximum height of left mouthhook. The mouthhook, the intermediate sclerite ventro-posteriorly, anterior portion of the pharyngeal sclerite and the dorsal cornu are strongly sclerotized; the intermediate sclerite dorso-anteriorly and ventral cornu are much less so. Indentation index 85.

Female head. ( Figs. 360, 361 View FIGURES 355–362 ) Bright yellow to orange, with antenna and face brown, oc tr and postgena black; orbit not projecting above eye in profile, 3 orb s, 3 fr s; lunule low and flattened posteriorly, reaching the level of the 2 nd fr s; pped small, slightly longer than high; gena medially 0.16× as high as maximum height of eye.

Female genitalia. ( Fig. 362 View FIGURES 355–362 ) Spermathecae equal in size, brown, asymmetrically oval, flat basally, without basal collar. Internal duct invagination wide, 0.26× as deep as maximum height of spermatheca. Spermathecal duct corrugated and weakly sclerotized.

Distribution. Holarctic ( Papp & Černý 2016). Ukraine (first record).

Comments. In Ukraine this species seems to be rather common and develops in two or three generations with adult emerging in May, June and July (personal observation).













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