Lophopoenopsis Melzer, 1931

Monné, Miguel A., Botero, Juan Pablo, Olivier, Renan Da Silva & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2024, South American Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae): new species, synonymy, description of females, and notes, Zootaxa 5519 (3), pp. 345-383 : 370-371

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5519.3.2

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scientific name

Lophopoenopsis Melzer, 1931


Lophopoenopsis Melzer, 1931 View in CoL

( Figs 69–71 View FIGURES 69–71 )

Lophopoeum (Lophopoenopsis) Melzer, 1931: 63 .

Lophopoenopsis View in CoL ; Gilmour, 1957: 10; Monné, 2024b: 144 View Cited Treatment (cat.).

Note: for full references see Monné (2024b) and Tavakilian & Chevillotte (2023).

Remarks. Melzer (1931) proposed Lophopoeum (Lophopoenopsis) for L. (L.) singulare Melzer, 1931 , and reported (translated): “Apart from these [new species that the author knew but did not describe in the work describing L. (L.) singulare ], however, I still have a new species, which can only be placed in this genus [ Lophopoeum Bates, 1863 ] with reserve. In it ... the elytra do not have setae, with the exception of a few, implanted close to the suture...” In fact, there are few erect setae near the suture. However, although sparse, they are most abundant throughout the posterior fifth of elytra ( Fig 71 View FIGURES 69–71 ). Gilmour (1957) considered Lophopoenopsis as a distinct genus but did not mention the presence of erect setae on elytra.

According to Monné & Monné (2007) (translated): “The set of features mentioned below allow to differentiate Lophopoenopsis from other genera of Acanthocinini that lack erect setae on the surface of the elytra: antennae without tufts of setae, prothorax with lateral tubercle, pronotum without raised tubercles, mesoventral process strongly narrowed backward, elytra without lateral carina, and metatarsomere I longer than II+III together.” Monné et al. (2020b) also included Lophopoenopsis among the American genera without erect setae on elytra. However, the type species of Lophopoenopsis , L. singularis , has sparse and distinct erect setae. Monné & Monné (2007) described L. albosparsus and Monné & Monné (2012) described L. itatiaiensis . Apparently, these last two species have no erect setae on elytra. Unfortunately, the type series of the former and the holotype of the latter belonged to MNRJ collection and were destroyed during fire. Therefore, until other specimens are examined, it will not be possible to correctly allocate these species. The general appearance of L. itatiaiensis resembles that of some species of Eucharitolus . However, the holotype was described as being female and the abdomen does not form a distinct ovipositor and does not surpass the elytral apex.

Lophopoenopsis must to be excluded from the key by Monné et al. (2020b) and included in the key by Monné et al. (2020a). It can be included in the alternative of couplet “25,” based on the type species of the genus:

25(23). Pronotum with tubercles.......................................................... Leptocometes Bates, 1881

- Pronotum without tubercles..........................................................................25’

25’(25). Elytra with erect setae close to the epipleural margin on entire surface.................... Onalcidion Thomson, 1864

- Elytra without erect setae close to the epipleural margin.............................. Lophopoenopsis Melzer, 1931












Lophopoenopsis Melzer, 1931

Monné, Miguel A., Botero, Juan Pablo, Olivier, Renan Da Silva & Santos-Silva, Antonio 2024


Monne, M. A. 2024: 144
Gilmour, E. F. 1957: 10

Lophopoeum (Lophopoenopsis)

Melzer, J. 1931: 63
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