27.93, -12.603: 13 Treatments

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Delorhachis chlorodaedala     Taberer, Tabitha R., Fiebig, Ralf, Giusti, Alessandro & László, Gyula M., 2023, Taxonomic revision of the genus Delorhachis Karsch 1896 (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae), Journal of Natural History 57 (1 - 4), pp. 54-129 : 73 73
Ezishnola inopinata   sp. nov.  László, Gyula M., 2020, On the taxonomy of Meganola cretacea (Hampson, 1914) with description of two new species (Lepidoptera, Nolidae, Nolinae), Ecologica Montenegrina 30, pp. 82-92 : 86-90 86-90
Digitonthophagus gazella     Génier, François & Moretto, Philippe, 2017, Digitonthophagus Balthasar, 1959: taxonomy, systematics, and morphological phylogeny of the genus revealing an African species complex (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), Zootaxa 4248 (1), pp. 1-110 : 39-52 39-52
Neobarombiella vittigera   comb. nov.  Bolz, Helmut & Wagner, Thomas, 2012, 3463, Zootaxa 3463, pp. 1-112 : 47-50 47-50
Omophron (Omophron) clavareaui     Anichtchenko, Alexander & Valainis, Uldis, 2023, Revision of the subgenus Omophron (s. str.) Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera: Carabidae Omophron) of the Afrotropical region, Zootaxa 5284 (2), pp. 201-246 : 211-213 211-213
Metamicroptera christophi     Mbata, Keith J. & Prins, Jurate De, 2023, Annotated checklist of moths of Zambia (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Zootaxa 5354 (1), pp. 1-503 : 305 305
Hyperbola homogena     Mbata, Keith J. & Prins, Jurate De, 2023, Annotated checklist of moths of Zambia (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Zootaxa 5354 (1), pp. 1-503 : 26 26
Parematheudes tenuis     Mbata, Keith J. & Prins, Jurate De, 2023, Annotated checklist of moths of Zambia (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Zootaxa 5354 (1), pp. 1-503 : 82 82
Parematheudes onyx     Mbata, Keith J. & Prins, Jurate De, 2023, Annotated checklist of moths of Zambia (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Zootaxa 5354 (1), pp. 1-503 : 81 81
Chalybion laevigatum     Epeletier, 2016, The Chloriontinae, Sceliphrinae and Sphecinae Wasps of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria including the Genera Chalybion DAHLBOM, Chlorion LATREILLE, Dynatus LEPELETIER de SAINT FARGEAU, Penepodium MENKE, Podium FABRICIUS, Sceliphron KLUG, Stangeella MENKE and Trigonopsis, Linzer biologische Beiträge 48 (2), pp. 1149-1185 : 1159 1159
Chalybion clypeatum     Epeletier, 2016, The Chloriontinae, Sceliphrinae and Sphecinae Wasps of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria including the Genera Chalybion DAHLBOM, Chlorion LATREILLE, Dynatus LEPELETIER de SAINT FARGEAU, Penepodium MENKE, Podium FABRICIUS, Sceliphron KLUG, Stangeella MENKE and Trigonopsis, Linzer biologische Beiträge 48 (2), pp. 1149-1185 : 1154 1154
Isodontia pelopoeiformis var. longiventris     Dollfuss, H., 2008, The Sphecini Wasps of the Genera Chilosphex BOHART & MENKE, Isodontia PATTON, Palmodes KOHL, Prionyx VANDER LINDEN and Sphex LINNAEUS of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Sphecidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2), pp. 1399-1434 : 1402-1403 1402-1403
Chalybion sommereni     Epeletier, 2016, The Chloriontinae, Sceliphrinae and Sphecinae Wasps of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria including the Genera Chalybion DAHLBOM, Chlorion LATREILLE, Dynatus LEPELETIER de SAINT FARGEAU, Penepodium MENKE, Podium FABRICIUS, Sceliphron KLUG, Stangeella MENKE and Trigonopsis, Linzer biologische Beiträge 48 (2), pp. 1149-1185 : 1163-1164 1163-1164