Neotrygon australiae
sp. nov.
Last, Peter R., White, William T. & Séret, Bernard, 2016, Taxonomic status of maskrays of the Neotrygon kuhlii species complex (Myliobatoidei: Dasyatidae) with the description of three new species from the Indo-West Pacific, Zootaxa 4083 (4), pp. 533-561
: 542-545
542-545 |
Bathytanais arenamans
sp. nov.
Larsen, Kim & Heard, Richard W., 2001, A new tanaidacean subfamily, Bathytanaidinae (Crustacea: Paratanaididae), from the Australian continental shelf and slope, Zootaxa 19, pp. 1-22
: 8-11
8-11 |
Natatolana galathea
Keable, Stephen J., 2006, Taxonomic Revision of Natatolana (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae), Records of the Australian Museum 58 (2), pp. 133-244
: 178-180
178-180 |
Julmarichardia magdae
sp. nov.
Moralés-Núñez, Andres G. & Heard, Richard W., 2021, Julmarichardiidae, a new apseudoidean family (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Apseudomorpha) with the description of a new species of Julmarichardia Guţu 1995 from the Northwest Australian Shelf, Zootaxa 5081 (1), pp. 77-115
: 82-102
82-102 |
Photosella mucronata
Lowry, J. K. & Stoddart, H. E., 2011, The tryphosine genera Photosella gen. nov. and Tryphosella Bonnier, 1893 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Lysianassidae: Tryphosinae) in Australian waters 2956, Zootaxa 2956 (1), pp. 1-76
: 12
12 |
Natatolana buzwilsoni
sp. nov.
Keable, Stephen J., 2006, Taxonomic Revision of Natatolana (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae), Records of the Australian Museum 58 (2), pp. 133-244
: 161-164
161-164 |
Bathytanais culterformis
sp. nov.
Larsen, Kim & Heard, Richard W., 2001, A new tanaidacean subfamily, Bathytanaidinae (Crustacea: Paratanaididae), from the Australian continental shelf and slope, Zootaxa 19, pp. 1-22
: 3-7
3-7 |
Neastacilla soelae
sp. nov.
King, R. A., 2003, Neastacilla Tattersall, 1921 redefined, with eight new species from Australia (Crustacea: Isopoda: Arcturidae), Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 371-416
: 401
401 |
Decatopecten strangei
Dijkstra, Henk H. & Beu, Alan G., 2018, Living Scallops of Australia and Adjacent Waters (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pectinoidea: Propeamussiidae, Cyclochlamydidae and Pectinidae), Records of the Australian Museum (Rec. Aust. Mus.) 70 (2), pp. 113-330
: 187-189
187-189 |
Bamarooka dinjerra
sp. nov.
Lowry, J. K. & Stoddart, H. E., 2002, The Amaryllididae of Australia (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea), Records of the Australian Museum 54, pp. 129-214
: 182-185
182-185 |