Rhagovelia triangula
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Cordeiro, Isabelle Da Rocha Silva, Floriano, Carla Fernanda Burguez, Paiva, Nathália De Oliveira, Magalhães, Oséias Martins, Júnior, Evaldo Alves Joaquim, Martins, Thaynara De Souza, Silva, Rafaella Cardoso Da, Siqueira, Gabriel Vieira, Salles, Frederico Falcão, Viala, Séverine, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2023, Descriptions of new species and new records of water bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha & Nepomorpha) from southeastern Brazil, Zootaxa 5393 (1), pp. 1-86
: 67-68
67-68 |
Rhagovelia aiuruoca
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Cordeiro, Isabelle Da Rocha Silva, Floriano, Carla Fernanda Burguez, Paiva, Nathália De Oliveira, Magalhães, Oséias Martins, Júnior, Evaldo Alves Joaquim, Martins, Thaynara De Souza, Silva, Rafaella Cardoso Da, Siqueira, Gabriel Vieira, Salles, Frederico Falcão, Viala, Séverine, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2023, Descriptions of new species and new records of water bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha & Nepomorpha) from southeastern Brazil, Zootaxa 5393 (1), pp. 1-86
: 54
54 |
Neoplecostomus altimontanus
sp. nov.
Uzeda, Pedro L. C., Paiola, Isabel, Cesar, Poliana S., Okubo, Vitor Kenzo N., Marques-Frisoni, Wellington J., Andrade, Breno N. & Langeani, Francisco, 2024, Two new species of Neoplecostomus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from high altitudes of the upper rio Paraná basin, Brazil, Neotropical Ichthyology (e 240021) 22 (4), pp. 25-25
: 25
25 |
Rhagovelia accedens
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Cordeiro, Isabelle Da Rocha Silva, Floriano, Carla Fernanda Burguez, Paiva, Nathália De Oliveira, Magalhães, Oséias Martins, Júnior, Evaldo Alves Joaquim, Martins, Thaynara De Souza, Silva, Rafaella Cardoso Da, Siqueira, Gabriel Vieira, Salles, Frederico Falcão, Viala, Séverine, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2023, Descriptions of new species and new records of water bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha & Nepomorpha) from southeastern Brazil, Zootaxa 5393 (1), pp. 1-86
: 52
52 |
Halobatopsis spiniventris
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Cordeiro, Isabelle Da Rocha Silva, Floriano, Carla Fernanda Burguez, Paiva, Nathália De Oliveira, Magalhães, Oséias Martins, Júnior, Evaldo Alves Joaquim, Martins, Thaynara De Souza, Silva, Rafaella Cardoso Da, Siqueira, Gabriel Vieira, Salles, Frederico Falcão, Viala, Séverine, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2023, Descriptions of new species and new records of water bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha & Nepomorpha) from southeastern Brazil, Zootaxa 5393 (1), pp. 1-86
: 31-32
31-32 |
Cibyra pluriargenteus
Duarte, Marcelo, 2017, Description of Limyra, new genus with a new species and the redescription of Cibyra pluriargenteus (Viette), from southeastern Brazil (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), Zootaxa 4299 (4), pp. 581-591
: 583-585
583-585 |
Hexacylloepus tibialis
sp. nov.
Polizei, Thiago T. S., Barclay, Maxwell V. L. & Bispo, Pitágoras C., 2020, Hexacylloepus Hinton, 1940 rises again; 18 new species of a neglected genus (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea: Elmidae), Zootaxa 4819 (1), pp. 6-48
: 40-42
40-42 |
Polypedilum (Polypedilum) caete
sp. nov.
Shimabukuro, Erika Mayumi, Trivinho-Strixino, Susana & Lamas, Carlos José Einicker, 2019, New Polypedilum Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) from mountains of the Atlantic Forest, Brazil, Zootaxa 4612 (4), pp. 518-532
: 519-521
519-521 |
Polypedilum (Tripodura) yvatekaty
sp. nov.
Shimabukuro, Erika Mayumi, Trivinho-Strixino, Susana & Lamas, Carlos José Einicker, 2019, New Polypedilum Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) from mountains of the Atlantic Forest, Brazil, Zootaxa 4612 (4), pp. 518-532
: 523-525
523-525 |
Polypedilum (Tripodura) ybytyra
sp. nov.
Shimabukuro, Erika Mayumi, Trivinho-Strixino, Susana & Lamas, Carlos José Einicker, 2019, New Polypedilum Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) from mountains of the Atlantic Forest, Brazil, Zootaxa 4612 (4), pp. 518-532
: 527-528
527-528 |
Limyra silvai
sp. nov.
Duarte, Marcelo, 2017, Description of Limyra, new genus with a new species and the redescription of Cibyra pluriargenteus (Viette), from southeastern Brazil (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), Zootaxa 4299 (4), pp. 581-591
: 588-589
588-589 |