119.077225, -22.895945: 10 Treatments

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Antichiropus pendiculus   sp. nov.  Car, Catherine A., Harvey, Mark S., Hillyer, Mia J. & Huey, Joel A., 2019, The millipede genus Antichiropus (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae), part 3: species of the Pilbara bioregion of Western Australia, Zootaxa 4617 (1), pp. 1-71 : 46-48 46-48
Indohya sagmata   sp. nov.  Harvey, Mark S., Burger, Mieke A. A., Abrams, Kym M., Finston, Terrie L., Huey, Joel A. & Perina, Giulia, 2023, The systematics of the pseudoscorpion genus Indohya (Pseudoscorpiones: Hyidae) in Australia, Zootaxa 5342 (1), pp. 1-119 : 89-92 89-92
Aname mellosa   n. sp.  Harvey, Frances S. B., Framenau, Volker W., Wojcieszek, Janine M., Rix, Michael G. & Harvey, Mark S., 2012, Molecular and morphological characterisation of new species in the trapdoor spider genus Aname (Araneae: Mygalomorphae: Nemesiidae) from the Pilbara bioregion of Western Australia, Zootaxa 3383, pp. 15-38 : 22-30 22-30
Nocticola quartermainei   sp. nov.  Trotter, Andrew J., Main, Dean C. & Finston, Terrie L., 2017, Speciation in fractured rock landforms: towards understanding the diversity of subterranean cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Nocticolidae: Nocticola) in Western Australia, Zootaxa 4250 (2), pp. 143-170 : 149-154 149-154
Antichiropus cirratus   sp. nov.  Car, Catherine A., Harvey, Mark S., Hillyer, Mia J. & Huey, Joel A., 2019, The millipede genus Antichiropus (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae), part 3: species of the Pilbara bioregion of Western Australia, Zootaxa 4617 (1), pp. 1-71 : 17-19 17-19
Teyl heuretes   sp. nov.  Huey, Joel A., Rix, Michael G., Wilson, Jeremy D., Hillyer, Mia J. & Harvey, Mark S., 2019, Open-holed trapdoor spiders of the genus Teyl (Mygalomorphae: Nemesiidae Anamini) from Western Australia’s Pilbara bioregion: a new species and expanded phylogenetic assessment, Zootaxa 4674 (3), pp. 349-362 : 358 358
Litoria larisonans   sp. nov.  Purser, William A., Doughty, Paul, Rowley, Jodi L., Böhme, Wolfgang, Donnellan, Stephen C., Mitchell, Marion Anstis Nicola, Shea, Glenn M., Amey, Andrew, Mitchell, Brittany A. & Catullo, Renee A., 2025, Systematics of the Little Red Tree Frog, Litoria rubella (Anura: Pelodryadidae), with the description of two new species from eastern Australia and arid Western Australia, Zootaxa 5594 (2), pp. 269-315 : 305-310 305-310
Nocticola cockingi   sp. nov.  Trotter, Andrew J., Main, Dean C. & Finston, Terrie L., 2017, Speciation in fractured rock landforms: towards understanding the diversity of subterranean cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Nocticolidae: Nocticola) in Western Australia, Zootaxa 4250 (2), pp. 143-170 : 154-157 154-157
Gilesdytes vixsulcatus     Giachino, Pier Mauro, Eberhard, Stefan & Perina, Giulia, 2021, A rich fauna of subterranean short-range endemic Anillini (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from semi-arid regions of Western Australia, ZooKeys 1044, pp. 269-337 : 269 269
Indohya cockingi   sp. nov.  Harvey, Mark S., Burger, Mieke A. A., Abrams, Kym M., Finston, Terrie L., Huey, Joel A. & Perina, Giulia, 2023, The systematics of the pseudoscorpion genus Indohya (Pseudoscorpiones: Hyidae) in Australia, Zootaxa 5342 (1), pp. 1-119 : 62-65 62-65