-73.109955, -36.786674: 10 Treatments

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Coenypha nodosa     Machado, Miguel, Previato, Thales, Grismado, Cristian J. & Teixeira, Renato, 2023, Taxonomic review of the Andean crab spiders genus Coenypha Simon, 1895 (Thomisidae: Stephanopinae), Zootaxa 5306 (3), pp. 301-330 : 323-324 323-324
Coenypha ditissima     Machado, Miguel, Previato, Thales, Grismado, Cristian J. & Teixeira, Renato, 2023, Taxonomic review of the Andean crab spiders genus Coenypha Simon, 1895 (Thomisidae: Stephanopinae), Zootaxa 5306 (3), pp. 301-330 : 312-317 312-317
Pachyrrhiza pictipennis     Irwin, Michael E. & Winterton, Shaun L., 2021, Revision of the Patagonian stiletto fly genus Pachyrrhiza Philippi (Therevidae Agapophytinae), Zootaxa 4975 (2), pp. 273-305 : 290-293 290-293
Homocopris torulosus     Génier, François & Darling, James D. G., 2024, Revision of the South American genera Andinocopris new genus and Homocopris Burmeister, 1846 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Homocoprini new tribe), European Journal of Taxonomy 925, pp. 220-267 : 246-253 246-253
Ariadna lalen   sp. nov.  Giroti, André Marsola & Brescovit, Antonio Domingos, 2018, The taxonomy of the American Ariadna Audouin (Araneae: Synspermiata: Segestriidae), Zootaxa 4400 (1), pp. 1-114 : 98-101 98-101
Urophonius tumbensis     Ojanguren-Affilastro, Andrés A., Pizarro-Araya, Jaime & Prendini, Lorenzo, 2011, New data on Chilean Urophonius Pocock, 1893 (Scorpiones, Bothriuridae), with description of a new species, American Museum Novitates 2011 (3725), pp. 1-44 : 28-39 28-39
Hierochloe redolens var. utriculata   comb. nov.  Lema-Suárez, Irene, Sahuquillo, Elvira & Pimentel, Manuel, 2021, A revision of Hierochloe sect. Monoecia (Anthoxanthinae, Pooideae, Poaceae), Phytotaxa 478 (1), pp. 92-104 : 100 100
Digonis cervinaria   stat. nov.  Ramos-González, Mario I., Venegas-González, María Francisca, Zamora-Manzur, Carlos & Parra, Luis E., 2024, Revision of the genus Digonis (Lepidoptera, Geometridae): new species and new genera, ZooKeys 1216, pp. 173-200 : 173-200 173-200
Lispe setuligera     Fogaça, João M. & de Carvalho, Claudio J. B., 2018, Neotropical Lispe (Diptera: Muscidae): notes, redescriptions and key to species, Journal of Natural History 52 (33 - 34), pp. 2147-2184 : 2173-2180 2173-2180
Coenypha edwardsi     Machado, Miguel, Previato, Thales, Grismado, Cristian J. & Teixeira, Renato, 2023, Taxonomic review of the Andean crab spiders genus Coenypha Simon, 1895 (Thomisidae: Stephanopinae), Zootaxa 5306 (3), pp. 301-330 : 303-305 303-305