113.30584, 23.076668: 10 Treatments

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Sphenoraia (Sphenoraioides) haizhuensis     Feng, Chuan, Yang, Xing-Ke, Li, Zhi-Qiang & Liu, Yang, 2022, Revision of Sphenoraia Clark, 1865 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae) from China, with descriptions of two new species, ZooKeys 1132, pp. 51-83 : 51 51
Xanthagaricus purpureosquamulosus     Yang, Kun L., Lin, Jia Y., Li, Guang-Mei, Liu, Zhen-Chao, Hosen, Md. Iqbal & Yang, Zhu L., 2024, Heinemannomyces, Hymenagaricus and Xanthagaricus revisited (Basidiomycota, Agaricaceae), Phytotaxa 659 (2), pp. 112-164 : 142-144 142-144
Hymenagaricus splendidissimus   comb. nov.  Yang, Kun L., Lin, Jia Y., Li, Guang-Mei, Liu, Zhen-Chao, Hosen, Md. Iqbal & Yang, Zhu L., 2024, Heinemannomyces, Hymenagaricus and Xanthagaricus revisited (Basidiomycota, Agaricaceae), Phytotaxa 659 (2), pp. 112-164 : 125-127 125-127
Xanthagaricus retisporus   sp. nov.  Yang, Kun L., Lin, Jia Y., Li, Guang-Mei, Liu, Zhen-Chao, Hosen, Md. Iqbal & Yang, Zhu L., 2024, Heinemannomyces, Hymenagaricus and Xanthagaricus revisited (Basidiomycota, Agaricaceae), Phytotaxa 659 (2), pp. 112-164 : 144-146 144-146
Xanthagaricus chamaeleontinus   sp. nov.  Yang, Kun L., Lin, Jia Y., Li, Guang-Mei, Liu, Zhen-Chao, Hosen, Md. Iqbal & Yang, Zhu L., 2024, Heinemannomyces, Hymenagaricus and Xanthagaricus revisited (Basidiomycota, Agaricaceae), Phytotaxa 659 (2), pp. 112-164 : 129-133 129-133
Xanthagaricus necopinatus     Yang, Kun L., Lin, Jia Y., Li, Guang-Mei, Liu, Zhen-Chao, Hosen, Md. Iqbal & Yang, Zhu L., 2024, Heinemannomyces, Hymenagaricus and Xanthagaricus revisited (Basidiomycota, Agaricaceae), Phytotaxa 659 (2), pp. 112-164 : 139-140 139-140
Candelolepiota sinica   comb. nov.  Yang, Kun L., Lin, Jia Y., Li, Guang-Mei, Li, Taihui & Yang, Zhu L., 2024, Rediscovering Leucoagaricus sinicus, with the recognition of Leucoagaricus and Leucocoprinus as separate genera, and two new genera in Agaricaceae (Basidiomycota), Phytotaxa 676 (3), pp. 199-255 : 226-228 226-228
Copelatus oblitus     Jiang, Zhuo-Yin, Zhao, Shuang, Yang, Zhen-Yu, Jia, Feng-Long & Hájek, Jiří, 2022, A review of Copelatus Erichson, 1832 of Mainland China, with description of ten new species from the japonicus complex (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Copelatinae), Zootaxa 5124 (3), pp. 251-295 : 265-266 265-266
Stachybotrys microsporus     Liao, Chunfang, Doilom, Mingkwan, Bhat, D. Jayarama, Thilini Chethana, Kandawatte Wedaralalage, Tangtrakulwanich, Khanobporn, Yang, Yunhui, Al-Otibi, Fatimah, Hyde, Kevin D. & Dong, Wei, 2025, Unveiling four new taxa and Nigrosynnema natarajanensis comb. nov. in Stachybotryaceae (Hypocreales) from monocotyledon plants in Guangdong Province, China, MycoKeys 114, pp. 299-327 : 299-327 299-327
Sirastachys guangdongensis   sp. nov.  Liao, Chunfang, Doilom, Mingkwan, Bhat, D. Jayarama, Thilini Chethana, Kandawatte Wedaralalage, Tangtrakulwanich, Khanobporn, Yang, Yunhui, Al-Otibi, Fatimah, Hyde, Kevin D. & Dong, Wei, 2025, Unveiling four new taxa and Nigrosynnema natarajanensis comb. nov. in Stachybotryaceae (Hypocreales) from monocotyledon plants in Guangdong Province, China, MycoKeys 114, pp. 299-327 : 299-327 299-327