-106.416664, 23.133333: 10 Treatments

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Dardanus stimpsoni   sp. nov.  Parente, Manuel Ayón & Hendrickx, Michel E., 2009, 2323, Zootaxa 2323, pp. 1-71 : 27-40 27-40
Salmacina tribranchiata     Bastida-Zavala, J. Rolando, 2008, Serpulids (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Eastern Pacific, including a brief mention of Hawaiian serpulids, Zootaxa 1722, pp. 1-61 : 43 43
Therochaeta caudata     Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., 2013, Revision of Therochaeta Chamberlin, 1919 (Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae), Zoosystema 35 (2), pp. 227-263 : 234-236 234-236
Arktourella margarethae   gen. et sp. nov.  Gómez, Samuel & Nazari, Fatemeh, 2021, Proposal of Arktourella gen. nov., a new genus of the family Normanellidae Lang 1944 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) from the Province of Cortez, Zootaxa 5057 (1), pp. 29-51 : 37-46 37-46
Robertgurneya     Gómez, Samuel, 2020, A new species of Robertgurneya Apostolov & Marinov, 1988, with an illustrated record of R. rostrata (Gurney, 1927), an amended genus diagnosis and comments on R. soyeri (Apostolov, 1974) and R. spinulosa (Sars, 1911) (Harpacticoida Miraciidae), Zootaxa 4861 (4), pp. 451-485 : 452-475 452-475
Chalarosthrix bisetosa   sp. nov.  Gómez, Samuel & Nazari, Fatemeh, 2022, Chalarosthrix gen. nov., a new taxon of the Sphingothrix-Triathrix clade (Harpacticoida: Cletodidae) from the Province of Cortez, Eastern Mexican Pacific, Zootaxa 5116 (3), pp. 410-428 : 418-425 418-425
Spinodiosaccus primus   gen. et sp. nov.  Gómez, Samuel, Corgosinho, Paulo Henrique Costa & Rivera-Sánchez, Karen I., 2021, Proposal of new genera and species of the subfamily Diosaccinae (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Miraciidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 759 (1), pp. 1-62 : 27-38 27-38
Typhlamphiascus medici   sp. nov.  Gómez, Samuel, Corgosinho, Paulo Henrique Costa & Rivera-Sánchez, Karen I., 2021, Proposal of new genera and species of the subfamily Diosaccinae (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Miraciidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 759 (1), pp. 1-62 : 12-24 12-24
Nereis casoae     Garcia-Garza, Maria Elena, de Leon-Gonzalez, Jesus Angel & Tovar-Hernandez, Maria Ana, 2024, Catalogue of type specimens deposited in the Polychaeta Collection of the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (Mexico), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 118576-118576 : 118576 118576
Eupagurus gladius     Hendrickx Rafael Lemaitre, Manuel Ayón Parente Michel E., 2022, Generic reassignment and redescription of Pagurus gladius (Benedict, 1892), and description of a new species of Pagurus Fabricius, 1775 (Crustacea: Paguroidea: Paguridae) from the Mexican Pacific, Nauplius (e 2022039) 30, pp. 1-16 : 2-9 2-9