-166.2306, 23.8061: 10 Treatments

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Phylladiorhynchus integrirostris     Rodríguez-Flores, Paula C., Macpherson, Enrique & Machordom, Annie, 2021, Revision of the squat lobsters of the genus Phylladiorhynchus Baba, 1969 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Galatheidae) with the description of 41 new species, Zootaxa 5008 (1), pp. 1-159 : 51-54 51-54
Iphione coriolis     Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., Piotrowski, Christina N. & Paulay, Gustav, 2024, Revision of Iphione Kinberg, 1856 (Annelida, Aphroditiformia, Iphionidae), Zootaxa 5548 (1), pp. 1-84 : 44-48 44-48
Platyozius laevis     CASTRO, PETER & NG, PETER K. L., 2010, Revision of the family Euryplacidae Stimpson, 1871 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Goneplacoidea), Zootaxa 2375 (1), pp. 1-130 : 84-89 84-89
Ophionereis sykesi     O’Hara, Timothy D., 2015, Enigmatic ophiuroids from the New Caledonian region, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 73, pp. 47-57 : 49-52 49-52
Schindleria nigropunctata     Ahnelt, Harald, 2019, Redescription of the paedomorphic goby Schindleria nigropunctata Fricke & El-Regal 2017 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from the Red Sea, Zootaxa 4615 (3), pp. 450-456 : 451-452 451-452
Iphione ovata     Piotrowski, Christina N., Bolick, Holly, Harris, Leslie, Paulay, Gustav, Carrera-Parra, Luis F. & Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., 2024, Redescription of Iphione ovata Kinberg, 1856 and confirmation of its Indian Ocean-Eastern Pacific distribution (Annelida, Aphroditiformia, Iphionidae), Zoosystema 46 (1), pp. 1-22 : 5-19 5-19
Moloha major     Ng, Peter K. L., Forges, Bertrand Richer De & Martin, Joel W., 2020, The Homolidae of the Hawaiian Islands, with notes on the taxonomy of Moloha major (Kubo, 1936) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura), Zootaxa 4809 (2), pp. 306-328 : 311-316 311-316
Homola orientalis     Ng, Peter K. L., Forges, Bertrand Richer De & Martin, Joel W., 2020, The Homolidae of the Hawaiian Islands, with notes on the taxonomy of Moloha major (Kubo, 1936) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura), Zootaxa 4809 (2), pp. 306-328 : 307-308 307-308
Yaldwynopsis hawaiiana     Ng, Peter K. L., Forges, Bertrand Richer De & Martin, Joel W., 2020, The Homolidae of the Hawaiian Islands, with notes on the taxonomy of Moloha major (Kubo, 1936) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura), Zootaxa 4809 (2), pp. 306-328 : 316-319 316-319
Homola dickinsoni     Ng, Peter K. L., Forges, Bertrand Richer De & Martin, Joel W., 2020, The Homolidae of the Hawaiian Islands, with notes on the taxonomy of Moloha major (Kubo, 1936) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura), Zootaxa 4809 (2), pp. 306-328 : 308-310 308-310