35.705, 33.048332: 10 Treatments

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Andrena (Notandrena) fulvicornis     Pisanty, Gideon, Scheuchl, Erwin, Martin, Teresa, Cardinal, Sophie & Wood, Thomas James, 2022, Twenty-five new species of mining bees (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae: Andrena) from Israel and the Levant, Zootaxa 5185 (1), pp. 1-109 : 60-61 60-61
Bactericera trigonica     Spodek, Malkie, Burckhardt, Daniel & Freidberg, Amnon, 2017, The Psylloidea (Hemiptera) of Israel, Zootaxa 4276 (3), pp. 301-345 : 332-333 332-333
Cacopsylla pulchella     Spodek, Malkie, Burckhardt, Daniel & Freidberg, Amnon, 2017, The Psylloidea (Hemiptera) of Israel, Zootaxa 4276 (3), pp. 301-345 : 327-328 327-328
Cerceris lunata     Dollfuss, Hermann, 2021, The Sphecid Wasps of the genus Cerceris LATREILLE, 1802 of the Jiři Halada collection (Suchdol nad Lužnicí, Czech Republic), from the Palearctic Region (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 53 (2), pp. 577-630 : 603-604 603-604
Andrena (Micrandrena) convexifrons     Pisanty, Gideon, Scheuchl, Erwin, Martin, Teresa, Cardinal, Sophie & Wood, Thomas James, 2022, Twenty-five new species of mining bees (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae: Andrena) from Israel and the Levant, Zootaxa 5185 (1), pp. 1-109 : 47 47
Lycosa piochardi     Steinpress, Igor Armiach, Cohen, Mira, Pétillon, Julien, Chipman, Ariel D. & Gavish-Regev, Efrat, 2022, Lycosa Latreille, 1804 (Araneae, Lycosidae) of Israel, with a note on Geolycosa Montgomery, 1904, European Journal of Taxonomy 832 (1), pp. 1-54 : 27-43 27-43
Trichothyse golan   comb. nov.  Sankaran, Pradeep M., Haddad, Charles R. & Tripathi, Rishikesh, 2025, A review of the ground spider genus Trichothyse Tucker, 1923 (Araneae, Gnaphosidae), Zootaxa 5583 (1), pp. 39-70 : 59 59
Andrena (Truncandrena) ochraceohirta     Pisanty, Gideon, Scheuchl, Erwin, Martin, Teresa, Cardinal, Sophie & Wood, Thomas James, 2022, Twenty-five new species of mining bees (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae: Andrena) from Israel and the Levant, Zootaxa 5185 (1), pp. 1-109 : 77-78 77-78
Alainites gasithi   sp. nov.  Yanai, Zohar, Sroka, Pavel & Gattolliat, Jean-Luc, 2022, Two new species of Alainites (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) from the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot, ZooKeys 1118, pp. 73-95 : 73 73
Andrena (Holandrena) forsterella     Pisanty, Gideon, Scheuchl, Erwin, Martin, Teresa, Cardinal, Sophie & Wood, Thomas James, 2022, Twenty-five new species of mining bees (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae: Andrena) from Israel and the Levant, Zootaxa 5185 (1), pp. 1-109 : 45-46 45-46