128.26083, 33.74736: 10 Treatments

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Spinoncaea ivlevi     Cho, Kyuhee, Park, Chailinn & Boettger-Schnack, Ruth, 2021, Taxonomy of three species of the genus Spinoncaea (Copepoda, Oncaeidae) in the North Pacific Ocean with focus on morphological variability, ZooKeys 1043, pp. 147-191 : 147 147
Spinoncaea tenuis     Cho, Kyuhee, Park, Chailinn & Boettger-Schnack, Ruth, 2021, Taxonomy of three species of the genus Spinoncaea (Copepoda, Oncaeidae) in the North Pacific Ocean with focus on morphological variability, ZooKeys 1043, pp. 147-191 : 147 147
Spinoncaea humesi     Cho, Kyuhee, Park, Chailinn & Boettger-Schnack, Ruth, 2021, Taxonomy of three species of the genus Spinoncaea (Copepoda, Oncaeidae) in the North Pacific Ocean with focus on morphological variability, ZooKeys 1043, pp. 147-191 : 147 147
Dimorphipodia changi   sp. nov.  Lee, Jimin & Huys, Rony, 2019, New Ancorabolidae (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) from Korea: two new genera, revisionary notes and updated identification keys, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 187, pp. 331-377 : 336-348 336-348
Zonosagitta nagae     Choo, Seohwi, Jeong, Man-Ki & Soh, Ho Young, 2022, Taxonomic reassessment of chaetognaths (Chaetognatha, Sagittoidea, Aphragmophora) from Korean waters, ZooKeys 1106, pp. 165-211 : 165 165
Serratosagitta pacifica     Choo, Seohwi, Jeong, Man-Ki & Soh, Ho Young, 2022, Taxonomic reassessment of chaetognaths (Chaetognatha, Sagittoidea, Aphragmophora) from Korean waters, ZooKeys 1106, pp. 165-211 : 165 165
Flaccisagitta hexaptera     Choo, Seohwi, Jeong, Man-Ki & Soh, Ho Young, 2022, Taxonomic reassessment of chaetognaths (Chaetognatha, Sagittoidea, Aphragmophora) from Korean waters, ZooKeys 1106, pp. 165-211 : 165 165
Ferosagitta ferox     Choo, Seohwi, Jeong, Man-Ki & Soh, Ho Young, 2022, Taxonomic reassessment of chaetognaths (Chaetognatha, Sagittoidea, Aphragmophora) from Korean waters, ZooKeys 1106, pp. 165-211 : 165 165
Proceroecia hwanghaensis   sp. nov.  Choi, Eunha, Karanovic, Ivana, Lee, Wonchoel & Angel, Martin V., 2020, Description of two new Proceroecia species (Ostracoda: Halocyprididae) from neritic waters off South Korea with an insight into the morphological and molecular diversity of the genus, Zootaxa 4896 (2), pp. 180-200 : 184-190 184-190
Proceroecia joseondonghaensis   sp. nov.  Choi, Eunha, Karanovic, Ivana, Lee, Wonchoel & Angel, Martin V., 2020, Description of two new Proceroecia species (Ostracoda: Halocyprididae) from neritic waters off South Korea with an insight into the morphological and molecular diversity of the genus, Zootaxa 4896 (2), pp. 180-200 : 190-194 190-194