13.631516, 45.07752: 10 Treatments

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Pinnotheres pisum     Becker, C. & Türkay, M., 2010, Taxonomy and morphology of European pea crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae), Journal of Natural History 44 (25 - 26), pp. 1555-1575 : 1564-1569 1564-1569
Lemonia taraxaci     Prozorov, Alexey M., Prozorova, Tatiana A., Volkova, Julia S., Yakovlev, Roman V., Nedoshivina, Svetlana V., Pinzari, Manuela, Pinzari, Mario, Scalercio, Stefano, Bianco, Giovanni, Saldaitis, Aidas, Hausmann, Axel, Revay, Edita E. & Müller, Günter C., 2022, Revision of the Lemonia taraxaci complex, with a description of a new species from Italy and clarification of the status of Lemonia strigata (Lepidoptera Brahmaeidae: Lemoniinae), Zootaxa 5195 (4), pp. 337-360 : 339-342 339-342
Pseudosyllis brevipennis     Álvarez-Campos, Patricia, Giribet, Gonzalo, San Martín, Guillermo, Rouse, Greg W. & Riesgo, Ana, 2017, Straightening the striped chaos: systematics and evolution of Trypanosyllis and the case of its pseudocryptic type species Trypanosyllis krohnii (Annelida, Syllidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 179 (3), pp. 492-540 : 511-516 511-516
Sthenelais boa     Barnich, Ruth & Haaren, Ton Van, 2021, Revision of Sthenelais Kinberg, 1856, Fimbriosthenelais Pettibone, 1971 and Eusthenelais McIntosh, 1876 (Polychaeta, Sigalionidae) in the Northeast Atlantic, European Journal of Taxonomy 740, pp. 138-171 : 149-154 149-154
Salvia verbenaca     Balant, Manica, Glasnović, Peter, Pečnikar, Živa Fišer, Clementi, Moreno & Surina, Boštjan, 2019, In search of an identity for Salvia bertolonii (Lamiaceae), Phytotaxa 413 (2), pp. 117-136 : 130 130
Salvia pratensis     Balant, Manica, Glasnović, Peter, Pečnikar, Živa Fišer, Clementi, Moreno & Surina, Boštjan, 2019, In search of an identity for Salvia bertolonii (Lamiaceae), Phytotaxa 413 (2), pp. 117-136 : 129-130 129-130
Camponotus figaro     Seifert, Bernhard, 2019, A taxonomic revision of the members of the Camponotus lateralis species group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Europe, Asia Minor and Caucasia, Soil Organisms 91 (1), pp. 7-32 : 28-29 28-29
Nepinnotheres pinnotheres     Becker, C. & Türkay, M., 2010, Taxonomy and morphology of European pea crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae), Journal of Natural History 44 (25 - 26), pp. 1555-1575 : 1557-1563 1557-1563
Poecilochthonius spiciger     Moritz, M., 1976, Revision der europäischen Gattungen und Arten der Familie Brachychthoniidae (Acari, Oribatei) Teil 2. Mixochthonius Niedbala, 1972, Neobrachychthonius nov. gen., Synchthonius v. d. Hammen, 1952, Poecilochthonius Balogh, 1943, Brachychthonius Berlese, 1910, Brachychochthonius Jacot, 1938, Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 52, pp. 227-319 : 254-259 254-259
Cochlostoma (Clessiniella) tergestinum     Zallot, Enrico, Mattia, Willy De, Fehér, Zoltán & Gittenberger, Edmund, 2021, Cochlostoma revised: the subgenus Clessiniella Zallot et al., 2015 (Caenogastropoda, Cochlostomatidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 762 (1), pp. 49-95 : 82-87 82-87