Bunocephalus, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 26 Treatments

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Siluriformes   new species  Boulenger, George Albert, 1891, An account of the siluroid fishes obtained by Dr. H. von Ihering and Herr Sebastian Wolff in the Province Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, B 1891, No. 2, pp. 231-235 : 235 235
Bunocephalus verrucosus     Escobar-Camacho, Daniel, Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan, Carrillo-Moreno, Carolina, Argüello, Pablo & Swing, Kelly, 2025, Exceptional concentration of fish diversity in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador (Napo River Basin), Biodiversity Data Journal 13, pp. e 136476-e 136476 : e136476--1 e136476--1
Bunocephalus hertzi   sp. nov.  Esguícero, André L. H., Castro, Ricardo M. C. & Pereira, Thiago N. A., 2020, Bunocephalus hertzi, a new banjo catfish from the upper Rio Paraná basin, Brazil (Siluriformes: Aspredinidae), with the redescription of Bunocephalus larai Ihering 1930, Zootaxa 4742 (1), pp. 105-116 : 110-114 110-114
Siluriformes   new species  Miranda-Ribeiro, P. de, 1944, Uma nova espécie para o gênero Bunocephalus Kner, 1855 (Pisces -- Aspredinidae), Boletim do Museu Nacional Rio de Janeiro, Zoologia 13, pp. 1-3 : 1 1
Bunocephalus larai     Esguícero, André L. H., Castro, Ricardo M. C. & Pereira, Thiago N. A., 2020, Bunocephalus hertzi, a new banjo catfish from the upper Rio Paraná basin, Brazil (Siluriformes: Aspredinidae), with the redescription of Bunocephalus larai Ihering 1930, Zootaxa 4742 (1), pp. 105-116 : 106-109 106-109
Bunocephalus hertzi     De Oliveira, Rianne C., Ota, Renata R., Deprá, Gabriel C., Zawadzki, Cláudio H., Pavanelli, Carla S. & Da Graça, Weferson J., 2022, Catalog of type specimens of the fish collection of the Núcleo de Pesquisas em Limnologia, Ictiologia e Aquicultura (NUP), Universidade Estadual de Maringá Paraná, Brazil, Zootaxa 5128 (1), pp. 1-43 : 31 31
Bunocephalus hartii     dos Santos, Sergio Alexandre & de Britto, Marcelo Ribeiro, 2021, The ichthyofauna of a poorly known area in the middle-southern Espinhaco mountain range, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil: diagnostics and identification keys, ZooKeys 1054, pp. 25-66 : 25 25
Siluriformes   new species  Eigenmann, C. H. & Allen, W. R., 1942, Fishes of western South America. I. The intercordilleran and Amazonian lowlands of Peru. II. - The high pampas of Peru, Bolivia, and northern Chile. With a revision of the Peruvian Gymnotidae, and of the genus Orestias, University of Kentucky : 86 86
Siluriformes   new species  Kner, R., 1855, Ichthyologische Beiträge [Subtitles I-III], Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaften Classe 17, pp. 92-162 : 98 [9] 98 [9]
Siluriformes   new species  Eigenmann, C. H. & Kennedy, C. H., 1903, On a collection of fishes from Paraguay, with a synopsis of the American genera of cichlids, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55, pp. 497-537 : 498 498
Bunocephalus coracoideus     Escobar-Camacho, Daniel, Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan, Carrillo-Moreno, Carolina, Argüello, Pablo & Swing, Kelly, 2025, Exceptional concentration of fish diversity in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador (Napo River Basin), Biodiversity Data Journal 13, pp. e 136476-e 136476 : e136476--1 e136476--1
Bunocephalus erondinae   sp. nov.  Cardoso, Alexandre R., 2010, Bunocephalus erondinae, a new species of banjo catfish from southern Brazil (Siluriformes: Aspredinidae), Neotropical Ichthyology 8 (3), pp. 607-607 : 607--1 607--1
Bunocephalus retropinnis     Litz, Thomas O. & The, Stefan Koerber Introduction, 2014, Check List of the Freshwater Fishes of Uruguay (CLOFF-UY)., Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 28, pp. 1-40 : 29 29
Siluriformes   new species  Eigenmann, C. H. & Allen, W. R., 1942, Fishes of western South America. I. The intercordilleran and Amazonian lowlands of Peru. II. - The high pampas of Peru, Bolivia, and northern Chile. With a revision of the Peruvian Gymnotidae, and of the genus Orestias, University of Kentucky : 86 86
Siluriformes   new species  Eigenmann, C. H., 1912, Some results from an ichthyological reconnaissance of Colombia, South America. Part I. (Contrib. Zool. Lab. Ind. Univ. No. 127.), Ind. Univ. Studies 16, pp. 1-27 : 10 10
Siluriformes   new species  Steindachner, F., 1882, Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Flussfische Südamerika’s (IV), Anzeiger 19, No. 19, pp. 175-180 : 176 176
Siluriformes   new species  Myers, G. S., 1927, Descriptions of new South American fresh-water fishes collected by Dr. Carl Ternetz, Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 3 68, No. 3, pp. 107-135 : 125 125
Siluriformes   new species  Eigenmann, C. H., 1912, The freshwater fishes of British Guiana, including a study of the ecological grouping of species, and the relation of the fauna of the plateau to that of the lowlands, Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum 5, No. 1, pp. 1-578 : 127 127
Siluriformes   new species  Güntert, H., 1942, Beschreibung einiger zum Teil noch unbekannter südamerikanischer Siluriden aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Basel, Zoologischer Anzeiger 138, No. 1, pp. 27-40 : 28 28
Bunocephalus hartti   sp. nov.  Carvalho, Tiago P., Cardoso, Alexandre R., Friel, John P. & Reis, Roberto E., 2015, Two new species of the banjo catfish Bunocephalus Kner (Siluriformes: Aspredinidae) from the upper and middle rio São Francisco basins, Brazil, Neotropical Ichthyology (Neotrop. Ichthyol.) 13 (3), pp. 499-512 : 500-504 500-504
Siluriformes   new species  Eigenmann, C. H. & Allen, W. R., 1942, Fishes of western South America. I. The intercordilleran and Amazonian lowlands of Peru. II. - The high pampas of Peru, Bolivia, and northern Chile. With a revision of the Peruvian Gymnotidae, and of the genus Orestias, University of Kentucky : 85 85
Siluriformes   new species  Cope, Edward Drinker, 1870, Contribution to the ichthyology of the Marañon, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 11, pp. 559-570 : 568 568
Bunocephalus minerim   sp. nov.  Carvalho, Tiago P., Cardoso, Alexandre R., Friel, John P. & Reis, Roberto E., 2015, Two new species of the banjo catfish Bunocephalus Kner (Siluriformes: Aspredinidae) from the upper and middle rio São Francisco basins, Brazil, Neotropical Ichthyology (Neotrop. Ichthyol.) 13 (3), pp. 499-512 : 505-509 505-509
Siluriformes   new species  Cope, Edward Drinker, 1874, On some Batrachia and Nematognathi brought from the upper Amazon by Prof. Orton, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 26, pp. 120-137 : 132 132
Bunocephalus erondinae     Bertaco, Vinicius A. & Azevedo, Marco A., 2018, Type catalog from the fish collection of the Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Zootaxa 4392 (1), pp. 83-100 : 89 89
Bunocephalus knerii     Escobar-Camacho, Daniel, Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan, Carrillo-Moreno, Carolina, Argüello, Pablo & Swing, Kelly, 2025, Exceptional concentration of fish diversity in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador (Napo River Basin), Biodiversity Data Journal 13, pp. e 136476-e 136476 : e136476--1 e136476--1

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