Arcticotantulus kristenseni
sp. nov.
Knudsen, Steen Wilhelm, Kirkegaard, Maja & Olesen, Jørgen, 2009, The tantulocarid genus Arcticotantalus removed from Basipodellidae into Deoterthridae (Crustacea: Maxillopoda) after the description of a new species from Greenland, with first live photographs and an overview of the class, Zootaxa 2035, pp. 41-68
: 49-66
49-66 |
Knudsen, Steen Wilhelm, Kirkegaard, Maja & Olesen, Jørgen, 2009, The tantulocarid genus Arcticotantalus removed from Basipodellidae into Deoterthridae (Crustacea: Maxillopoda) after the description of a new species from Greenland, with first live photographs and an overview of the class, Zootaxa 2035, pp. 41-68
: 48
48 |
new species
Huys, Rony, Ohtsuka, Susumu, Boxshall, Geoffrey A. & Itô, Tatsunori, 1992, Itoitantulus misophricola gen. et sp. nov.: first record of Tantulocarida (Crustacea: Maxillopoda) in the North Pacific region, Zoological Science 9, No. 4, pp. 875-886
: 876
876 |