Saccocoelioides antonioi
Lunaschi, Lia I., Álvarez, Victor Hugo Merlo & Damborenea, Cristina, 2012, Type material housed in the Helminthological Collection of the Museo de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Zootaxa 3199, pp. 1-59
: 47
47 |
Saccocoelioides carolae
Lunaschi, Lia I., Álvarez, Victor Hugo Merlo & Damborenea, Cristina, 2012, Type material housed in the Helminthological Collection of the Museo de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Zootaxa 3199, pp. 1-59
: 47
47 |
Saccocoelioides platensis
Lunaschi, Lia I., Álvarez, Victor Hugo Merlo & Damborenea, Cristina, 2012, Type material housed in the Helminthological Collection of the Museo de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Zootaxa 3199, pp. 1-59
: 47
47 |
new species
Wang, Wei-Jun & Pan, Jin-Pei, 1984, Studies on the genus Carassotrema Park, 1938 (Digenea: Haploporidae Nicoll, 1914) in China. In: Parasitic organisms of fresh-water fish of China (compiled by Institute of Hydrobiology Academia Sinica)., Agricultural Publishing House
: 140, 24
140, 24 |
new species
Yamaguti, S., 1970, Digenetic trematodes of Hawaiian fishes, Keigaku Publishing Company
: 88
88 |
new species
Machida, Masaaki & Kamiya, Haruo, 1976, Digenetic trematodes from the marine fishes of the Yaeyama Islands l. Family Waretrematidae., Bulletin of the national Science Museum Tokyo (Zoology) 2, No. 3, pp. 153-156
: 153
153 |
new species
Ramadan, M. M., Saoud, M. F. A, Ashour, A. A. & Mansour, D. A., 1989, A review of the genus Saccocoelium Looss, 1902 (Trematoda, Haploporidae) with a redescription of S. tensum Looss, 1902 and a description of S. gohari sp. n. from Egyptian Lake Qarun fishes., Acta Parasitologica Polonica 34, No. 2, pp. 125-135
: 131
131 |
new species
Linton, E., 1910, Helminth fauna of the Dry Tortugas. II. Trematodes, Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute of Washington 4, pp. 11-98
: 38
38 |
Saccocoelioides godoyi
Lopes, Daniela A., Mainenti, Adriana, Knoff, Marcelo & Gomes, Delir Correa, 2017, Type material of Platyhelminthes housed in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute / FIOCRUZ (CHIOC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 1979 to 2016 (Rhabditophora, Trematoda and Cestoda), ZooKeys 662, pp. 1-48
: 12
12 |
new species
Pulis, Eric E. & Overstreet, Robin M., 2013, Review of haploporid (Trematoda) genera with ornate muscularisation in the region of the oral sucker, including four new species and a new genus, Systematic Parasitology 84, No. 2, pp. 167-191
: 179, Waretrema piscicolum of Machida (1996)
179, Waretrema piscicolum of Machida (1996) |
new species
Blasco-Costa, Isabel, Montero, F. E., Gibson, David Ian, Balbuena, Juan Antonio, Raga, J. A. & Kostadinova, Aneta, 2009, A revision of the Haploporinae Nicoll, 1914 (Digenea: Haploporidae) from mullets (Mugilidae): Saccocoelium Looss, 1902., Systematic Parasitology 72, pp. 159-186
: 166
166 |
Saccocoelioides bacilliformis
Margarita Ostrowski de Núñez, Nathalia J. Arredondo & Alicia A. Gil de Pertierra, 2017, Adult Trematodes (Platyhelminthes) of freshwater fishes from Argentina: a checklist, Revue suisse de Zoologie 124 (1), pp. 91-113
: 102
102 |
new species
Rekharani, Z. & Madhavi, R., 1985, Digenetic trematodes from mullets of Visakhapatnam (India)., Journal of Natural History 19, No. 5, pp. 929-951
: 935
935 |
new species
Szidat, L., 1954, Trematodes nuevos de peces de agua dulce de la República Argentina y un intento para aclarar su carácter marino., Revista del Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales y Museo Argentio de Ciencias Naturales " Bernardino Rivadavia " Buenos Aires. Ciencias Zoológicas 3, No. 1, pp. 1-85
: 38
38 |
new species
Montgomery, William R., 1957, Studies on digenetic trematodes from marine fishes of La Jolla, California, Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 76, pp. 13-36
: 28
28 |
new species
Martin, W. E., 1974, Paralecithobotrys brisbanensis sp. n. from Australian Mullet (Trematoda: Haploporidae., Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 41, No. 1, pp. 16-18
: 18
18 |
new species
Ahmad, J., 1987, On seven new digenetic trematodes of marine fishes from the Arabian Sea, off the Panjim coast, Goa., Pakistan Journal of Zoology 19, No. 4, pp. 321-340
: 335
335 |
new species
Looss, A., 1902, Die Distomen-Unterfamilie der Haploporinae., Archives de Parasitologie 6, pp. 129-143
: 140
140 |
new species
Parukhin, A M, 1978, On studies in trematodofauna of the Indian and Atlantic Ocean fishes., Biologiya Morya, Kiev 45, pp. 90-99
: 97
97 |
new species
Linton, E., 1910, Helminth fauna of the Dry Tortugas. II. Trematodes, Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute of Washington 4, pp. 11-98
: 65
65 |
new species
Thatcher, Vernon E. & Jégu, M., 1996, Intestinal helminths as population markers of the Amazonian fish Mylesinus paraschomburgkii, with descriptions of five new genera and seven new species of trematodes., Amazoniana 14, No. 1, pp. 143-155
: 149
149 |
new species
Lü, Jun-yi, 1995, Notes on digenetic trematodes parasitic in fishes near shallow sea in Guangdong Province, China - 3. Three new species, two new genera and one new subfamily of Digenea., Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 20, No. 2, pp. 141-152
: 142, 150
142, 150 |
new species
Ramadan, M. M., Saoud, M. F. A, Ashour, A. A. & Mansour, D. A., 1988, A review of the trematode genus Lecithobotrys (Haploporidae), with redescription of Lecithobotrys putrescens Looss, 1902 and Lecithobotrys helmymohamedi n. sp. from some Egyptian Lake Qarun fishes., Journal of the Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association 48, No. 3, pp. 437-451
: 445
445 |
new species
Dyer, William G., Bunkley-Williams, Lucy & Williams, E. H., 1999, Saccocoelioides agonostomus sp. n. (Digenea: Haploporidae) from the Mountain Mullet and the Serajo Goby in Puerto Rico, with a summary of the genus., Caribbean Journal of Science 35, No. 3, pp. 225-230
: 226
226 |
new species
Blasco-Costa, Isabel, Montero, F. E., Gibson, David Ian, Balbuena, Juan Antonio, Raga, J. A. & Kostadinova, Aneta, 2009, A revision of the Haploporinae Nicoll, 1914 (Digenea: Haploporidae) from mullets (Mugilidae): Saccocoelium Looss, 1902., Systematic Parasitology 72, pp. 159-186
: 170
170 |
new species
Lumsden, Richard D., 1963, Saccocoelioides sogandaresi sp. n., a new haploporid trematode from the Sailfin Molly Mollienisia latipinna Le Sueur in Texas., Journal of Parasitology 49, No. 2, pp. 281-284
: 282
282 |
new species
Liu, Sheng-fa, 2003, A new species of Carassotrema Park, 1938 (Digenea: Waretrematidae)., Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica 27, No. 3, pp. 283-285
: 283
283 |
new species
Montgomery, William R., 1957, Studies on digenetic trematodes from marine fishes of La Jolla, California, Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 76, pp. 13-36
: 26
26 |
new species
Lü, Jun-yi, 1993, Note on digenetic trematodes parasitic in fishes near shallow sea in Guangdong Province, China. 1. Cryptogonimidae and Haploporidae (Digenea)., Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 18, No. 3, pp. 287-293
: 289, 293
289, 293 |
new species
Sogandares-Bernal, F., 1959, Digenetic trematodes of marine fishes from the Gulf of Panama and Bimini, British West Indies, Tulane Studies in Zoology 7, pp. 69-117
: 92
92 |
new species
Bargiela, Jaqueline Fernandez, 1988, Los parasitos de la lisa Mugil cephalus L., en Chile: sistematica y aspectos poblacionales (Perciformes: Mugilidae)., Gayana, Zoologia 51, No. 1, pp. 3-58
: 13
13 |
new species
Aguirre-Macedo, M. Leopoldina & Scholz, Tomaš, 2005, Culuwiya cichlidorum n. sp (Digenea: Haploporidae) from the black-belt cichlid Vieja maculicauda (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Nicaragua., Journal of Parasitology 91, No. 6, pp. 1379-1384
: 1379
1379 |
new species
Martin, W. E., 1973, A new genus and species of haploporid trematode (Haploporidae: Trematoda) from Australian mullet., Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 72, No. 3, pp. 166-168
: 166
166 |
new species
Srivastava, H. D., 1937, The morphology and systematic relationships of a new parasite- Waretrema piscicola - gen., et sp., nov., referable to a new family - Waretrematidae - n. fam., of digenetic trematodes., Proceedings of the Indian Science Congress (Hyderabad) 24, pp. 399-400
: 399
399 |
new species
Vigueras, I. P., 1957, Contribution al conocimiento de la fauna helminthologica cubana. (Continuacion)., Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural - Felipe Poey- 23, pp. 1-36
: 31
31 |
Haploporus angustisporus
sp. nov.
Zhou, Meng, Wang, Li, May, Tom W., Vlasak, Josef, Chen, Jia-Jia & Dai, Yu-Cheng, 2019, Phylogeny and diversity of Haploporus (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota), MycoKeys 54, pp. 77-98
: 81-82
81-82 |
Haploporus gilbertsonii
sp. nov.
Zhou, Meng, Wang, Li, May, Tom W., Vlasak, Josef, Chen, Jia-Jia & Dai, Yu-Cheng, 2019, Phylogeny and diversity of Haploporus (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota), MycoKeys 54, pp. 77-98
: 84-86
84-86 |
new species
Belous, E. V., 1954, To the systematics of the trematodes belonging to the family Haploporidae Nicoll, 1914., Trudy Gel'mintologicheskoi Laboratorii 7, pp. 277-281
: 277
277 |
new species
Machida, Masaaki, 1996, Digenean trematodes from mullets in Japanese and adjacent waters., Japanese Journal of Parasitology 45, No. 2, pp. 123-133
: 124
124 |
new species
Durio, Walter O. & Manter, Harold W., 1969, Some digenetic trematodes of marine fishes of New Caledonia. III. Acanthocolpidae, Haploporidae, Gyliauchenidae, and Cryptogonimidae., Journal of Parasitology 55, No. 2, pp. 293-300
: 295
295 |
new species
Bargiela, Jaqueline Fernandez, 1988, Los parasitos de la lisa Mugil cephalus L., en Chile: sistematica y aspectos poblacionales (Perciformes: Mugilidae)., Gayana, Zoologia 51, No. 1, pp. 3-58
: 13
13 |
new species
Dutta, I. B., 1995, Platyhelminthes: Trematoda: Digenea. In: Ghosh, A. K. (Ed.) Fauna of Chilka Lake., Zoological Survey of India
: 256
256 |
new species
Thatcher, Vernon E., 1978, Quatro especies novas da familia Haploporidae (Trematoda: Digenea) de peixes de agua doce da Colombia, com uma revisao do genero Saccocoelioides Szidat, 1954., Acta amazonica 8, No. 3, pp. 477-484
: 481
481 |
new species
Wu, Jin-ying, Lü, Jun-yi & Zhu, Tian-wu, 1996, Studies on the digenetic trematodes of shallow sea fishes from Guangdong Province, China 4. Descriptions of a new genus and a new species (Digenea: Monorchiidae)., Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 21, No. 3, pp. 277-282
: 278, 281
278, 281 |
new species
Pulis, Eric E. & Overstreet, Robin M., 2013, Review of haploporid (Trematoda) genera with ornate muscularisation in the region of the oral sucker, including four new species and a new genus, Systematic Parasitology 84, No. 2, pp. 167-191
: 180
180 |
new species
Martin, W. E., 1978, Digenetic trematodes of the marine fish, Girella nigricans (Ayres), from Southern California with the description of two new species., Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 45, No. 2, pp. 175-181
: 180
180 |
new species
Manter, Harold W. & Pritchard, M. H., 1961, Studies on digenetic trematodes of Hawaiian fishes: Families Monorchiidae and Haploporidae, Journal of Parasitology 47, No. 3, pp. 483-492
: 487
487 |
new species
Zhukov, E. V., 1971, New trematodes of marine and freshwater fishes from the basins of the Japan and Yellow seas., Parazitologiya 5, pp. 155-160
: 155
155 |
new species
Aguirre-Macedo, M. Leopoldina & Violante-González, Juan, 2008, Saccocoelioides lamothei n. sp. from Dormitator latifrons (Pisces: Eleotridae) from coastal lagoons of Guerrero, Mexico., Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 79, pp. 33-33
: 34S
34S |
new species
Pulis, Eric E. & Overstreet, Robin M., 2013, Review of haploporid (Trematoda) genera with ornate muscularisation in the region of the oral sucker, including four new species and a new genus, Systematic Parasitology 84, No. 2, pp. 167-191
: 176
176 |
new species
Shireman, Jerome V., 1964, Carassotrema mugilicola, a new haploporid trematode from the Striped Mullet, Mugil cephalus, in Louisiana., Journal of Parasitology 50, No. 4, pp. 555-556
: 555
555 |
new species
Teixeira de Freitas, J. F., 1947, Novo gênero de Haploporinae (Trematoda, Haploporoidea)., Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 45, No. 3, pp. 587-593
: 588
588 |
new species
Manter, Harold W., 1947, The digenetic trematodes of marine fishes of Tortugas, Florida, The American Midland Naturalist 38, No. 2, pp. 257-416
: 267
267 |
new species
Linton, E., 1910, Helminth fauna of the Dry Tortugas. II. Trematodes, Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute of Washington 4, pp. 11-98
: 69
69 |
new species
Looss, A., 1902, Die Distomen-Unterfamilie der Haploporinae., Archives de Parasitologie 6, pp. 129-143
: 141
141 |
new species
Hassanine, Reda M. E., 2007, Trematodes from Red Sea fishes: Prosteganoderma brayi gen. nov., sp. nov. (Zoogonidae Odhner, 1902) and Forticulcita mugilis sp. nov. (Haploporidae Nicoll, 1914)., Helminthologia 44, No. 4, pp. 183-183
: 186
186 |
new species
Martin, W. E., 1973, Life history of Saccocoelioides pearsoni n. sp. and the description of Lecithobotrys sprenti n. sp. (Trematoda: Haploporidae)., Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 92, No. 1, pp. 80-95
: 89
89 |
new species
Siddiqi, Ather H. & Cable, Raymond M., 1960, Digenetic trematodes of marine fishes of Puerto Rico, Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands 17, pp. 257-369
: 291
291 |
new species
Park, James T., 1938, A new fish trematode with single testis from Korea., Keijo Journal of Medicine 6, No. 4, pp. 290-299
: 290
290 |
new species
Lunaschi, Lía I., 1984, Helminthos parasitos de peces de agua dulce de la Argentina I. Tres nuevas especies del genera Saccocoelioides Szidat, 1954 (Trematoda Haploporidae)., Neotropica, La Plata 30, No. 83, pp. 31-42
: 38
38 |
new species
Looss, A., 1902, Die Distomen-Unterfamilie der Haploporinae., Archives de Parasitologie 6, pp. 129-143
: 138
138 |
new species
Blasco-Costa, Isabel, Balbuena, Juan Antonio, Raga, J. A., Kostadinova, Aneta & Olson, Peter D., 2010, Molecules and morphology reveal cryptic variation among digeneans infecting sympatric mullets in the Mediterranean., Parasitology 137, pp. 287-302
: 290
290 |
new species
Hassan, S. H., Khidr, A. E. - A. A. & Samak, O. A. A., 1990, Four trematodes from marine fishes in Egypt., Journal of the Egyptian German Society of Zoology 2, pp. 63-74
: 64
64 |
new species
Nisreen Ezz El-Dien, M., Abdel-Rahman, M. S., El-Gawady, H. M. A., Imam, E. A. E. & Fahmy, M. M., 1990, Detection of two new trematode species from marine fishes in Egypt., Journal of the Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association 50, No. 4, pp. 507-517
: 509
509 |
new species
Szidat, L., 1954, Trematodes nuevos de peces de agua dulce de la República Argentina y un intento para aclarar su carácter marino., Revista del Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales y Museo Argentio de Ciencias Naturales " Bernardino Rivadavia " Buenos Aires. Ciencias Zoológicas 3, No. 1, pp. 1-85
: 36
36 |
Saccocoelioides bacilliformis
Gallas, Moisés & Utz, Laura R. P., 2019, Revalidation of Saccocoelioides bacilliformis (Digenea, Haploporidae) parasitizing species of Astyanax (Characiformes, Characidae) from southern Brazil, Iheringia, Série Zoologia (e 2019039) 109, pp. 1-5
: 2-3
2-3 |
new species
Wu, Jin-ying, Lü, Jun-yi & Chen, Zhi-Sheng, 1999, Studies on digenetic trematodes of shallow sea fishes from Guangdong Province, China. 6. Description of two new species (Digenea)., Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 24, No. 3, pp. 272-276
: 272
272 |
Saccocoelium obesum
Arabuli, Lela, Murvanidze, Lali, Faltynkova, Anna & Mumladze, Levan, 2024, Checklist of digeneans (Platyhelminthes, Trematoda, Digenea) of Georgia, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 110201-110201
: 110201
110201 |
new species
El-Shahawi, G. A. Z., El-Gindy, H. I., Imam, E. A. & Al-Bassel, D. A., 1992, On Neosaccocoelium aegyptiacus n. gen., n. sp. (Digenea: Haploporidae) and descriptions of two new species of genus Saccocoelium., Journal of the Egyptian German Society of Zoology 8, pp. 339-353
: 344
344 |
new species
Sharma, P. N. & Gupta, A. N., 1970, Lecithobotrys vitellosus n. sp. (Haploporidae: Trematoda) from India., Rivista di Parassitologia 31, pp. 175-178
: 175
175 |
new species
Looss, A., 1902, Die Distomen-Unterfamilie der Haploporinae., Archives de Parasitologie 6, pp. 129-143
: 136
136 |
Saccocoelioides elongatus
Margarita Ostrowski de Núñez, Nathalia J. Arredondo & Alicia A. Gil de Pertierra, 2017, Adult Trematodes (Platyhelminthes) of freshwater fishes from Argentina: a checklist, Revue suisse de Zoologie 124 (1), pp. 91-113
: 102-103
102-103 |
Saccocoelioides octavus
Margarita Ostrowski de Núñez, Nathalia J. Arredondo & Alicia A. Gil de Pertierra, 2017, Adult Trematodes (Platyhelminthes) of freshwater fishes from Argentina: a checklist, Revue suisse de Zoologie 124 (1), pp. 91-113
: 103
103 |
Saccocoelioides szidati
Margarita Ostrowski de Núñez, Nathalia J. Arredondo & Alicia A. Gil de Pertierra, 2017, Adult Trematodes (Platyhelminthes) of freshwater fishes from Argentina: a checklist, Revue suisse de Zoologie 124 (1), pp. 91-113
: 103
103 |
new species
Manter, Harold W. & Pritchard, M. H., 1964, Mission de Zoologie médicale au Maniema (Congo Léopoldville) (P. L. G. Benoit, 1959). 5. Vermes - Trematoda., Annales du Musée de l'Afrique Central, Series in- 8 °, Sciences Zoologiques 132, pp. 75-101
: 77
77 |
new species
Andres, Michael J., Curran, Stephen S., Fayton, Thomas J., Pulis, Eric E. & Overstreet, Robin M., 2015, An additional genus and two additional species of Forticulcitinae (Haploporidae), Folia Parasitologica 62
: -1
-1 |
new species
Manter, Harold W. & Pritchard, M. H., 1961, Studies on digenetic trematodes of Hawaiian fishes: Families Monorchiidae and Haploporidae, Journal of Parasitology 47, No. 3, pp. 483-492
: 488
488 |
new species
Ahmad, J., 1985, Studies on digenetic trematodes of marine fishes from the Arabian Sea, off the Panjim coast, Goa, India. Part 49. On three new haploporid trematodes (Digenea: Haploporidae)., Revista Ibérica de Parasitología 45, No. 4, pp. 281-291
: 286
286 |
new species
Sheena, P. & Janardanan, K. P., 2007, The life cycle of Hapladena gymnocephali sp. nov. (Digenea: Haploporidae) from the bald glassy perchlet Ambassis gymnocephalus in Kerala, India., Journal of helminthology 81, pp. 301-306
: 302
302 |
new species
Ahmad, J., 1986, Studies on digenetic trematodes of marine fishes from the Arabian Sea off the Panjim coast, Goa, India. Part 50. On two new haploporid trematodes (Digenea: Haploporidae)., Revista Ibérica de Parasitología 46, No. 1, pp. 27-33
: 27
27 |
new species
Nagaty, H. F., 1948, Trematodes of fishes from the Red Sea. Part 4: On some new and known forms with a single testis., Journal of Parasitology 34, No. 5, pp. 355-363
: 361
361 |
Haploporus microsporus
sp. nov.
Zhou, Meng, Wang, Li, May, Tom W., Vlasak, Josef, Chen, Jia-Jia & Dai, Yu-Cheng, 2019, Phylogeny and diversity of Haploporus (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota), MycoKeys 54, pp. 77-98
: 86-89
86-89 |
Intromugil annakohnae
Lopes, Daniela A., Mainenti, Adriana, Knoff, Marcelo & Gomes, Delir Correa, 2017, Type material of Platyhelminthes housed in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute / FIOCRUZ (CHIOC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 1979 to 2016 (Rhabditophora, Trematoda and Cestoda), ZooKeys 662, pp. 1-48
: 12
12 |
new species
Martin, W. E., 1973, A new subfamily, two new genera, and three new species of haploporid trematodes., Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 41, No. 1, pp. 112-117
: 113
113 |
new species
Thatcher, Vernon E., 1978, Quatro especies novas da familia Haploporidae (Trematoda: Digenea) de peixes de agua doce da Colombia, com uma revisao do genero Saccocoelioides Szidat, 1954., Acta amazonica 8, No. 3, pp. 477-484
: 479, nom. nov. pro Saccocoelioides No. 5 Szidat 1954
479, nom. nov. pro Saccocoelioides No. 5 Szidat 1954 |
Margarita Ostrowski de Núñez, Nathalia J. Arredondo & Alicia A. Gil de Pertierra, 2017, Adult Trematodes (Platyhelminthes) of freshwater fishes from Argentina: a checklist, Revue suisse de Zoologie 124 (1), pp. 91-113
: 102
102 |
Chalcinotrema platense
Margarita Ostrowski de Núñez, Nathalia J. Arredondo & Alicia A. Gil de Pertierra, 2017, Adult Trematodes (Platyhelminthes) of freshwater fishes from Argentina: a checklist, Revue suisse de Zoologie 124 (1), pp. 91-113
: 101-102
101-102 |
Saccocoelioides carolae
Margarita Ostrowski de Núñez, Nathalia J. Arredondo & Alicia A. Gil de Pertierra, 2017, Adult Trematodes (Platyhelminthes) of freshwater fishes from Argentina: a checklist, Revue suisse de Zoologie 124 (1), pp. 91-113
: 102
102 |
Chalcinotrema salobrensis
Margarita Ostrowski de Núñez, Nathalia J. Arredondo & Alicia A. Gil de Pertierra, 2017, Adult Trematodes (Platyhelminthes) of freshwater fishes from Argentina: a checklist, Revue suisse de Zoologie 124 (1), pp. 91-113
: 102
102 |
new species
Nagaty, H. F., 1948, Trematodes of fishes from the Red Sea. Part 4: On some new and known forms with a single testis., Journal of Parasitology 34, No. 5, pp. 355-363
: 360
360 |
new species
Liu, Sheng-fa, 2002, One new species of Saccocoelioides (Digenea: Haploporidae) from Liza carinatus in Taiwan Strait., Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Strait 21, No. 1, pp. 37-44
: 37, 42
37, 42 |
new species
Overstreet, Robin M., 1982, Forticulcita glabra gen. et sp. n. (Digenea, Haploporidae) in Red Sea mullet., Zoologica Scripta 11, No. 2, pp. 83-85
: 83
83 |
new species
Looss, A., 1902, Die Distomen-Unterfamilie der Haploporinae., Archives de Parasitologie 6, pp. 129-143
: 143
143 |
new species
Lamothe-Argumedo, R., 1976, Estudio helmintologico de los animales silvestres de la Estacion de Biologia Tropical ' Los Tuxtlas', Veracruz. Trematoda. l. Una especie nueva de Saccocoelioides Szidat, 1954, parasita de Astyanax fasciatus aeneus Gunther., Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Series Zoología) 45, No. 1, pp. 39-44
: 39
39 |
new species
Sogandares-Bernal, F., 1959, Digenetic trematodes of marine fishes from the Gulf of Panama and Bimini, British West Indies, Tulane Studies in Zoology 7, pp. 69-117
: 93
93 |
new species
Martin, W. E., 1973, Isorchis manteri sp. n. from Australian Mullet and a key to haploporid trematode genera with two testes., Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 40, No. 2, pp. 237-240
: 237
237 |
new species
Lunaschi, Lía I., 1984, Helminthos parasitos de peces de agua dulce de la Argentina I. Tres nuevas especies del genera Saccocoelioides Szidat, 1954 (Trematoda Haploporidae)., Neotropica, La Plata 30, No. 83, pp. 31-42
: 35
35 |
Haploporus crassus
sp. nov.
Zhou, Meng, Wang, Li, May, Tom W., Vlasak, Josef, Chen, Jia-Jia & Dai, Yu-Cheng, 2019, Phylogeny and diversity of Haploporus (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota), MycoKeys 54, pp. 77-98
: 82-83
82-83 |
new species
Martin, W. E., 1973, A new subfamily, two new genera, and three new species of haploporid trematodes., Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 41, No. 1, pp. 112-117
: 117
117 |
new species
Ahmad, J., 1986, Studies on digenetic trematodes of marine fishes from the Arabian Sea off the Panjim coast, Goa, India. Part 50. On two new haploporid trematodes (Digenea: Haploporidae)., Revista Ibérica de Parasitología 46, No. 1, pp. 27-33
: 30
30 |