Luffa cylindrica
Nacoulma, Blandine M. I., Schmidt, Marco, Hahn, Karen & Thiombiano, Adjima, 2020, A checklist of vascular plants of the W National Park in Burkina Faso, including the adjacent hunting zones of Tapoa-Djerma and Kondio, Biodiversity Data Journal 8, pp. 54205-54205
: 54205
54205 |
Luffa cylindrica
DeFilipps, Robert A. & Krupnick, Gary A., 2018, The medicinal plants of Myanmar, PhytoKeys 102, pp. 1-341
: 59-60
59-60 |
Luffa aegyptiaca
Umoh, Omodot Timothy & Bassey, Margaret Emmanuel, 2021, Morphology and distribution of species of the family Cucurbitaceae in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, Phytotaxa 508 (2), pp. 107-128
: 120
120 |
Luffa acutangula
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 464
464 |
Luffa cylindrica
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part M), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 651-689
: 681
681 |
Luffa cylindrica
Monteiro, Francisca, Costa, Esperança Da, Kissanga, Raquel, Costa, José Carlos & Catarino, Luís, 2022, An annotated checklist of the vascular flora of Quiçama National Park, Angola, Phytotaxa 557 (1), pp. 1-67
: 28
28 |
Luffa operculata
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part M), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 651-689
: 681
681 |
Luffa saccata
sp. nov.
Telford, Ian R. H., Schaefer, Hanno, Greuter, Werner & Renner, Susanne S., 2011, A new Australian species of Luffa (Cucurbitaceae) and typification of two Australian Cucumis names, all based on specimens collected by Ferdinand Mueller in 1856, PhytoKeys 5, pp. 21-29
: 24-27
24-27 |
' H,., H \ Hu, ., Xlolfl, ., Udqfn, ., ., Kdgkrxoldwl, ., ., Vvlpdlod, ., ., Rxvvrxid, . -, ., Egrxo-. Dulph, ., Duehw, Attié, M., . & wKLWH,., 2012, 5 Hfrugv Ri Iuxjlyrurxv Iuxlw Àlhv (' Lswhud: 7 Hskulwlgdh: ' Dflql) Iurp Wkh & Rprur Dufklshodjr, African Invertebrates 53 (1), pp. 69-78
: 72
72 |
Luffa cylindrica
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part M), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 651-689
: 680
680 |
Luffa aegyptiaca
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part L), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 610-650
: 643
643 |
' H,., H \ Hu, ., Xlolfl, ., Udqfn, ., ., Kdgkrxoldwl, ., ., Vvlpdlod, ., ., Rxvvrxid, . -, ., Egrxo-. Dulph, ., Duehw, Attié, M., . & wKLWH,., 2012, 5 Hfrugv Ri Iuxjlyrurxv Iuxlw Àlhv (' Lswhud: 7 Hskulwlgdh: ' Dflql) Iurp Wkh & Rprur Dufklshodjr, African Invertebrates 53 (1), pp. 69-78
: 72
72 |
Gerdes, Klaas, Kihara, Terue Cristina, Martinez Arbizu, Pedro, Kuhn, Thomas, Schwarz-Schampera, Ulrich, Mah, Christopher L, Norenburg, Jon L, Linley, Thomas D, Shalaeva, Kate, Macpherson, Enrique, Gordon, Dennis, Stoehr, Sabine, Messing, Charles G, Bober, Simon, Guggolz, Theresa, Christodoulou, Magdalini, Gebruk, Andrey, Kremenetskaia, Antonina, Kroh, Andreas, Sanamyan, Karen, Bolstad, Kathrin, Hoffman, Leon, Gooday, Andrew J & Molodtsova, Tina, 2021, Megafauna of the German exploration licence area for seafloor massive sulphides along the Central and South East Indian Ridge (Indian Ocean), Biodiversity Data Journal 9, pp. 69955-69955
: 69955
69955 |
Diaz, M. C., Soest, Van, Rützler, K. & Guzman, H. M., 2005, Aplysina chiriquiensis, a new pedunculate sponge from the Gulf of Chiriquí, Panamá, Eastern Pacific (Aplysinidae, Verongida), Zootaxa 1012 (1), pp. 1-12
: 2-3
2-3 |
Luffaria digitata
n. sp.
Gunther, Albert C. L. G., Dallas, William S., Carruthers, William & Francis, William, 1885, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Including Zoology, Botany, and Geology, Reptiles and Batrachians from Brazil, LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO.; SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, AND CO.; KENT AND CO.,; WHITT AKER AND CO.: BAILLIERE, PARIS: MACLACHLAN AND STEWART, EDINBURGH: HODGES, FOSTER, AND CO., DUBLIN: AND ASHER, BERLIN: TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, pp. 1-96
: 201
201 |
Gunther, Albert C. L. G., Dallas, William S., Carruthers, William & Francis, William, 1885, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Including Zoology, Botany, and Geology, Reptiles and Batrachians from Brazil, LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO.; SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, AND CO.; KENT AND CO.,; WHITT AKER AND CO.: BAILLIERE, PARIS: MACLACHLAN AND STEWART, EDINBURGH: HODGES, FOSTER, AND CO., DUBLIN: AND ASHER, BERLIN: TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, pp. 1-96
: 201
201 |
Luffariella tubula
sp. nov.
Sim, Chung Ja, Lee, Kyung Jin & Kim, Young A, 2017, Two new species of genus Luffariella (Dictyoceratida: Thorectidae) from Korea, Journal of Species Research 6 (2), pp. 190-194
: 190-192
190-192 |
Luffariella koreana
sp. nov.
Sim, Chung Ja, Lee, Kyung Jin & Kim, Young A, 2017, Two new species of genus Luffariella (Dictyoceratida: Thorectidae) from Korea, Journal of Species Research 6 (2), pp. 190-194
: 192-194
192-194 |