Neoleprea sp. A Kritzler, 1984

Londoño-Mesa, Mario H., 2009, Terebellidae (Polychaeta: Terebellida) from the Grand Caribbean region 2320, Zootaxa 2320 (1), pp. 1-93 : 43

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.2320.1.1

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scientific name

Neoleprea sp. A Kritzler, 1984


Neoleprea sp. A Kritzler, 1984

Figures 11 View FIGURE 11 A-I

Neoleprea sp. A , Kritzler, 1984:52–32, 52–34, Figs 52–27, 52–28.

Material examined: Gulf of Mexico: Campeche State: ECOSUR TERE-16 (1) Champoton , 15.II.1999; 3m. TERE-16 CHA-14 (2) Campeche, 16.II.1999. USNM 90536 About USNM (1) Florida (28°30'N 83°29'58″W), VII.1976, MAFLA Sta. 2852H; 22m. GoogleMaps USNM 90537 About USNM (1) Florida (27°56'30″N 83°53'W), VII.1976, MAFLA Sta. II- 2211 F; 43m. GoogleMaps

Description: Best specimen incomplete (15.II.1999), in two fragments; anterior one with thorax 4.2mm long, 1.1mm wide; posterior fragment in poor condition ( Figs 11A,B View FIGURE 11 ). Tentacular membrane short; eyespots in two groups on lateral sides of tentacular membrane, dark, in different sizes ( Fig. 11C View FIGURE 11 ). Tentacles short, smooth. Upper lip rounded, hood-shaped. Lower lip wide, swollen. Branchiae dichotomous, decreasing in length, not well developed ( Fig. 11D View FIGURE 11 ). Thirteen ventral shields, decreasing in size; then, ventral groove up to posterior end. No visible nephridial papillae. Nineteen pairs of notopodia; chaetae of two lengths ( Fig. 11E View FIGURE 11 ), longer sub-distally symmetrically bilimbate, distally with dentate region almost perpendicular ( Fig. 11F View FIGURE 11 ), shorter chaetae sub-distally smooth, distally with dentate region almost perpendicular ( Fig. 11G View FIGURE 11 ). Uncini in single rows ( Fig. 11H View FIGURE 11 ) MF:3–4:5–6:5–6, PP reduced, rounded; PF absent, Oc almost straight; Cp with three series of numerous teeth over long MF, as long as twice longest tooth in second row; USr straight, SrP short, reduced, SrA not seen; LSr slightly convex; AP rounded, AF absent; Bs convex. Uncini in double separated rows ( Fig. 11I View FIGURE 11 ) resembling those from anterior thoracic region, but smaller. Pygidium missing.

Staining pattern: Only ventral shields stain, with the last 5 darker than the anterior ones. Remaining structures remain pale.

Variation: Other specimens are also incomplete, with 5.0mm long and 1.3mm wide, with 19 pairs of notopodia. Material from USNM is incomplete and in poor condition, with thorax 3.5mm long and 0.6mm wide. They have nephridial papillae on segments 5–11, and uncini MF:4:4–6:8–10. Specimen USNM 90537 lacks eyespots (pers. obs.) possibly due to fixation, although Kritzler described them.

Discussion: Neoleprea sp A . Kritzler, 1984 continues to be not formally described, and requires better preserved specimens before it can be described.. This species differs from Neoleprea sp. 1 in having 27 pairs of notopodia, nephridial papillae on segments 7–23, and uncini MF:3–4:4–5:3:3.

Distribution: Southeastern Gulf of Mexico.


El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Mexico)


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Neoleprea sp. A Kritzler, 1984

Londoño-Mesa, Mario H. 2009

Neoleprea sp. A

Kritzler, H. 1984: 52
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