Nesotocerus complanatus, Colonnelli, 2014

Colonnelli, Enzo, 2014, Apionidae, Nanophyidae, Brachyceridae and Curculionidae except Scolytinae (Coleoptera) from Socotra Island, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 54, pp. 295-422 : 360-361

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scientific name

Nesotocerus complanatus

sp. nov.

Nesotocerus complanatus View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 67, 68, 69, 71 View Figs 67–72. 67–69, 71 )

Type material. HOLOTYPE: J ( NMPC), ‘ Yemen, Soqotra Is. // 24-26/xi.2003 // wadi Ayhaft , 150 m // N12°36′38″, E53°58′49″ // [GPS], David Král lgt.’. PARATYPES: 3 ♀♀, same label data as holotype (2 NMPC, 1 ECRI); 2 JJ, ‘ Yemen, Soqotra Is., wadi // Ayhaft, 24-26/xi.2003, N 12° // 36′38″, E 53°58′49″, 190 m // [GPS], leg. P. Kabátek’, ‘ Yemen - Soqotra // 2003 // Expedition; Jan Farkač, // Petr Kabátek & David Král’ (1 NMPC, 1 ECRI); 1 J, ‘ Yemen, Soqotra Is., wadi // Ayhaft, 24-26.xi.2003, N 12°// 36′38″, E 53°58′49″, 190 m // [GPS], leg. P. Kabátek’ ( NMPC); 1 ♀, ‘ Yemen, Soqotra Is., Qariaah // vill. env., 28.xi.2003, N 12°38′// 05″ E 54°12′39″, 11 m [GPS] // leg. P. Kabátek’ ( NMPC); 1 J, ‘ Yemen, Soqotra Is., wadi // Deneghen, 27.xi.2003, N 12° // 36′55″, E 54°03′49″, 85 m // [GPS], leg. P. Kabátek’, ‘ Yemen - Soqotra // 2003 // Expedition; Jan Farkač, // Petr Kabátek & David Král’ ( NMPC); 1 ♀, ‘ Yemen, Socotra Island E // Kesa env., 220-300 m // N 12°39′37″, E 53°26′42″ // 28-29.i.2010, L. Purchart lgt.’ ( NMPC); 1 J 1 ♀, ‘ Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B. // Sokotra Isld. // Ayft valley/ 22-XI-2008 // Leg. Saldaitis/I.G. 31.268 // Achat A. Saldaitis’ (1 IRSB, 1 ECRI); 1 J 1 ♀, ‘ Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B. // C Sokotra Isld., // Top of Diksam valley // 22-III-2009 // Leg. Saldaitis/I.G. 31.268 // Achat A. Saldaitis’ ( IRSB); 1 J, ‘Socotra: W.Ayheft // 28.II.-1.III.2009 - leg. P. // Lo Cascio & F. Grita’ ( PLFG); 1♀, ‘ Socotra ( YE) // Wadi Ayahft, 28.X.2007, R. Sindaco leg.’ ( MCCI); 1 ♀, ‘ Yemen, Socotra Island E // Kesa env. 220-300 m // N 12°39′37″, E 53°26′49″ // 28-29.i.2010, L. Purchart lgt.’ ( NMPC); 2 ♀♀, ‘ Yemen, Socotra Isl.,, // 7 Km NW from Rhi di-Hamri, // flowering Croton shrubs, // V. Hula & J. Niedobová leg.’ (1 NMPC, 1 ECRI); 1JJ 6 ♀♀, ‘ Yemen, Socotra Island // road between Airport and Hadiboh // 12°38′27″N 54°58′22″E, // 80 m, // V. Hula & J. Niedobová leg.’ (5 NMPC, 2 ECRI); 3 JJ 2 ♀♀, ‘ Yemen, Socotra Island // Hoq cave env. // 12°35′10″N 54°21′31″E, // 215 m, // V. Hula & J. Niedobová leg.’ (4 NMPC, 1 ECRI); 6JJ 6 ♀♀, ‘ Yemen, Socotra Island // wadi Dineghen // 12°36′58″N 54°03′48″E, // 90 m, // V.Hula & J. Niedobová leg.’ (7 NMPC, 2 BMNH, 3 ECRI); 1 J 1 ♀, ‘ Yemen, Socotra Island // Kaza Kazihon vill. env. // 12°31′13″N 53°55′36″E, // 900 m, // V. Hula & J. Niedobová leg.’ ( NMPC); 2 JJ 1 ♀, ‘ Yemen, Socotra Island // Sheq vill. env., // Croton socotranus + Jatropha // unicostata shrubland; // 12°39.7′N, 54°03.8′E, 15 m’, ‘Socotra expedition 2012 // J. Bezděk, J. Hájek, V. Hula, // P. Kment, I. Malenovský, // J. Niedobová & L. Purchart leg.’ ( NMPC). GoogleMaps

Description. Male holotype. Body length 7.7 mm. Piceous, rather shining, apical tarsomere dark brown, apical comb of setae of tibiae dark brown, mucro of metatibiae ferruginous. Dorsal and ventral surface with vestiture about same as that of preceding species ( Figs 67–68 View Figs 67–72. 67–69, 71 ).

Head. Rostrum about as long as wide and similar to that of N. rectus sp. nov. Epifrons slightly concave, rather densely punctured, at base with low carina ending at level of its narrowest point which is 0.57 times as wide as rostrum, sides with weak keel. Epistome V-shaped and separated from epifrons by shallow depression. Head and antennae similar to those of preceding species.

Pronotum 1.33 times wider than long, widest at about middle, quite flat dorsally in lateral view; anterior margin not narrower than somewhat flanged basal one; sides moderately rounded; disc with large irregularly polygonal smooth flattened granules becoming little smaller on sides and with just barely visible trace of median low carina on apical half. Scutellum poorly visible.

Elytra elongate oval, 1.52 times longer than wide and 1.97 times as wide as pronotum, disc faintly depressed, apical declivity abruptly overhanging and forming with elytral disc subacute angle.

Legs as in preceding species, only mucro of mesotibiae less acute, so that tuft of compact golden setae greatly exceeds tooth.

Ventral side. Prosternum with tubercle immediately basad of coxae; metaventrite and abdominal ventrite I with large shallow common depression.

Variability. Apart from the vestiture more or less abraded, other males are very similar to the holotype, being the elytral shape of some of them less ovate. Elytra of females are broadly oval and a little more convex on disc, the mucro on inner apical margin of metatibiae is shorter, they are lacking long setae basad of the golden tuft, and their abdomen is flat. Some of the paratypes have more evident apical carina on pronotal disc.

Genitalia. Aedeagus as depicted in Fig. 69 View Figs 67–72. 67–69, 71 . Spermatheca as depicted in Fig. 71 View Figs 67–72. 67–69, 71 .

Body length 6.9–8.7 mm.

Differential diagnosis. This species is close to N. rectus sp. nov. and can be differentiated from it by its much more depressed elytra both in males and females, more irregular and somewhat subpolygonal pronotal granules, darker apical comb of setae, shorter mucro of posterior tibia, narrower aedeagus, different spermatheca ( Figs 65–71 View Figs 62–66.62–64 View Figs 67–72. 67–69, 71 ). Particularly fresh examples are rather similar also to N. labeculatus sp. nov. from which N. complanatus sp. nov. can be distinguished by its apical setae longer than one elytral interval.

Etymology. The species name, Latin adjective complanatus (- a, - um) meaning ‘levelled, razed’, refers to the flattened elytra of the new species.

Distribution. Endemic to Socotra Island.


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Museo Civico di Storia Natural de Carmognola













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