Paravulvus hartingii
Holovachov, Oleksandr, 2014, Nematodes from terrestrial and freshwater habitats in the Arctic, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1165-1165
: 1165
1165 |
Gilarte, Patricia, Carreira, José Antonio & Peña-Santiago, Reyes, 2013, Description of Paravulvus moroccanus sp. n. (Nematoda, Dorylaimida, Nygolaimidae) from the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, with notes on the taxonomy of the genus, Zootaxa 3734 (5), pp. 545-558
: 550-552
550-552 |
Paravulvus moroccanus
sp. nov.
Gilarte, Patricia, Carreira, José Antonio & Peña-Santiago, Reyes, 2013, Description of Paravulvus moroccanus sp. n. (Nematoda, Dorylaimida, Nygolaimidae) from the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, with notes on the taxonomy of the genus, Zootaxa 3734 (5), pp. 545-558
: 546-550
546-550 |
Paravulvus hartingii
Holovachov, Oleksandr, 2014, Nematodes from terrestrial and freshwater habitats in the Arctic, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1165-1165
: 1165
1165 |