Petalium, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 9 Treatments

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Petalium incisum     Traylor, Clayton R., Ulyshen, Michael D., Cornish, J. Winston, Tigreros, Gabriel & McHugh, Joseph V., 2025, Progress toward a list of saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera) in the southeastern USA, ZooKeys 1232, pp. 1-95 : 1-95 1-95
Petalium bistriatum     Traylor, Clayton R., Ulyshen, Michael D., Cornish, J. Winston, Tigreros, Gabriel & McHugh, Joseph V., 2025, Progress toward a list of saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera) in the southeastern USA, ZooKeys 1232, pp. 1-95 : 1-95 1-95
Petalium debile     Traylor, Clayton R., Ulyshen, Michael D., Cornish, J. Winston, Tigreros, Gabriel & McHugh, Joseph V., 2025, Progress toward a list of saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera) in the southeastern USA, ZooKeys 1232, pp. 1-95 : 1-95 1-95
Petalium widewuto   sp. nov.  Alekseev, Vitalii I. & Bukejs, Andris, 2021, Two fossil species of Petaliini White (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Dorcatominae) from Eocene Baltic amber, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 21 (1), pp. 11-18 : 15-17 15-17
Petalium     Alekseev, Vitalii I. & Bukejs, Andris, 2021, Two fossil species of Petaliini White (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Dorcatominae) from Eocene Baltic amber, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 21 (1), pp. 11-18 : 12 12
Petalium incisum     Pentinsaari, Mikko, Anderson, Robert, Borowiec, Lech, Bouchard, Patrice, Brunke, Adam, Douglas, Hume, Smith, Andrew B. T. & Hebert, Paul D. N., 2019, DNA barcodes reveal 63 overlooked species of Canadian beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera), ZooKeys 894, pp. 53-150 : 53 53
Petalium whitei     Traylor, Clayton R., Ulyshen, Michael D., Cornish, J. Winston, Tigreros, Gabriel & McHugh, Joseph V., 2025, Progress toward a list of saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera) in the southeastern USA, ZooKeys 1232, pp. 1-95 : 1-95 1-95
Petalium     Meurgey, François & Ramage, Thibault, 2020, Challenging the Wallacean shortfall: A total assessment of insect diversity on Guadeloupe (French West Indies), a checklist and bibliography, Insecta Mundi 2020 (786), pp. 1-183 : 82 82
Petalium bruteno   sp. nov.  Alekseev, Vitalii I. & Bukejs, Andris, 2021, Two fossil species of Petaliini White (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Dorcatominae) from Eocene Baltic amber, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 21 (1), pp. 11-18 : 13-15 13-15