Schizoribautia peruana Verhoeff, 1941

Thofern, Detlef, Dupérré, Nadine & Harms, Danilo, 2021, An annotated type catalogue of the centipedes (Myriapoda: Chilopoda) held in the Zoological Museum Hamburg, Zootaxa 4977 (1), pp. 1-103 : 84-85

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Schizoribautia peruana Verhoeff, 1941


148. Schizoribautia peruana Verhoeff, 1941

Verhoeff 1941: 71, figs 97–100 (as Sch. peruana n. sp.)

Type locality and specimens. Südperu [Southern Peru], Sivia, 22.5.1936 .

Dimensions. ♀ von 34 mm als auch Adolescens mit 25 mm [♀ has 34 mm and juvenile 25 mm].

Type material. Holotype, 1 paratype. PERU: Ayacucho Region, Sivia [ca. 12°30’S, 73°51’W]. GoogleMaps

Old type catalogue. Weidner (1960), p. 63, No. 37. Holotype, paratype 1.

Collection remarks. The specimens were collected during the Hamburger Südperu-Expedition in 1936 and sifted from rainforest soils (adult) and the river bank (juvenile).

Additional remarks. The specimens were destroyed by fire in World War II ( Weidner 1960).

Current systematic position. Ribautia peruana ( Verhoeff, 1941) , transferred by Attems (1947: 143) as Ribautia peruana Verh. See also Pereira et al. (1995) who listed it as Ribautia (Schizoribautia) peruana Verhoeff, 1941 .

Order Scolopendromorpha Pocock, 1895

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