Subisotoma, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 23 Treatments

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Subisotoma asiatica     Potapov, Mikhail, Babenko, Anatoly, Fjellberg, Arne & Greenslade, Penelope, 2009, Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. II. A revision of the genus Subisotoma and a description of Isotopenola gen. nov. (Collembola: Isotomidae), Zootaxa 2314, pp. 1-40 : 22 22
Subisotoma quadrisensillata   sp. nov.  Gao, Yan, Xiong, Yan & Potapov, Mikhail, 2009, Checklist of Chinese Isotomidae (Collembola) and a description of a new Subisotoma, Zootaxa 2242, pp. 55-63 : 59-62 59-62
Subisotoma variabilis     Thibaud, Jean-Marc, 2017, Catalogue des collemboles de France, Zoosystema 39 (3), pp. 297-436 : 367 367
Subisotoma bisensillata   sp. nov.  Potapov, Mikhail, Babenko, Anatoly, Fjellberg, Arne & Greenslade, Penelope, 2009, Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. II. A revision of the genus Subisotoma and a description of Isotopenola gen. nov. (Collembola: Isotomidae), Zootaxa 2314, pp. 1-40 : 15-17 15-17
Subisotoma     Potapov, Mikhail, Babenko, Anatoly & Fjellberg, Arne, 2006, Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. Redefinition of genera and description of new species of Scutisotoma and Weberacantha (Collembola, Isotomidae), Zootaxa 1382 (1), pp. 1-74 : 12-15 12-15
Subisotoma meridionalis     Bendjaballah, Mohamed, Zoughailech, Abdelmalek, Brahim-Bounab, Hayette, Hamra-Kroua, Salah, Bedos, Anne & Deharveng, Louis, 2018, Annotated checklist of the springtails (Hexapoda: Collembola) of the Collo massif, northeastern Algeria, Zoosystema 40 (16), pp. 389-414 : 405 405
Subisotoma     Nguyen, Anh T. T., Thuy, Kim N. & Arbea, Javier I., 2022, Catalogue of Vietnamese springtails (Hexapoda, Collembola), Zootaxa 5147 (1), pp. 1-177 : 107 107
Subisotoma tenuis     Potapov, Mikhail, Babenko, Anatoly, Fjellberg, Arne & Greenslade, Penelope, 2009, Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. II. A revision of the genus Subisotoma and a description of Isotopenola gen. nov. (Collembola: Isotomidae), Zootaxa 2314, pp. 1-40 : 11 11
Subisotoma pomorskii   sp. nov.  Potapov, Mikhail, Babenko, Anatoly, Fjellberg, Arne & Greenslade, Penelope, 2009, Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. II. A revision of the genus Subisotoma and a description of Isotopenola gen. nov. (Collembola: Isotomidae), Zootaxa 2314, pp. 1-40 : 11-13 11-13
Subisotoma posteriomollis     Nguyen, Anh T. T., Thuy, Kim N. & Arbea, Javier I., 2022, Catalogue of Vietnamese springtails (Hexapoda, Collembola), Zootaxa 5147 (1), pp. 1-177 : 107 107
Subisotoma erratica   sp. nov.  Potapov, Mikhail, Babenko, Anatoly, Fjellberg, Arne & Greenslade, Penelope, 2009, Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. II. A revision of the genus Subisotoma and a description of Isotopenola gen. nov. (Collembola: Isotomidae), Zootaxa 2314, pp. 1-40 : 25-27 25-27
Subisotoma homonomica   sp. nov.  Potapov, Mikhail, Babenko, Anatoly, Fjellberg, Arne & Greenslade, Penelope, 2009, Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. II. A revision of the genus Subisotoma and a description of Isotopenola gen. nov. (Collembola: Isotomidae), Zootaxa 2314, pp. 1-40 : 13-14 13-14
Subisotoma multisensillata   sp. nov.  Potapov, Mikhail, Babenko, Anatoly, Fjellberg, Arne & Greenslade, Penelope, 2009, Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. II. A revision of the genus Subisotoma and a description of Isotopenola gen. nov. (Collembola: Isotomidae), Zootaxa 2314, pp. 1-40 : 20-22 20-22
Subisotoma pusilla     Potapov, Mikhail, Babenko, Anatoly, Fjellberg, Arne & Greenslade, Penelope, 2009, Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. II. A revision of the genus Subisotoma and a description of Isotopenola gen. nov. (Collembola: Isotomidae), Zootaxa 2314, pp. 1-40 : 8-10 8-10
Subisotoma pusilla     Nguyen, Anh T. T., Thuy, Kim N. & Arbea, Javier I., 2022, Catalogue of Vietnamese springtails (Hexapoda, Collembola), Zootaxa 5147 (1), pp. 1-177 : 108 108
Subisotoma guzeriplica   sp. nov.  Potapov, Mikhail, Babenko, Anatoly, Fjellberg, Arne & Greenslade, Penelope, 2009, Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. II. A revision of the genus Subisotoma and a description of Isotopenola gen. nov. (Collembola: Isotomidae), Zootaxa 2314, pp. 1-40 : 17-18 17-18
Subisotoma corsica     Thibaud, Jean-Marc, 2017, Catalogue des collemboles de France, Zoosystema 39 (3), pp. 297-436 : 367 367
Subisotoma posteriomollis   sp. nov.  Potapov, Mikhail, Babenko, Anatoly, Fjellberg, Arne & Greenslade, Penelope, 2009, Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. II. A revision of the genus Subisotoma and a description of Isotopenola gen. nov. (Collembola: Isotomidae), Zootaxa 2314, pp. 1-40 : 19-20 19-20
Subisotoma quadrisensillata     Nguyen, Anh T. T., Thuy, Kim N. & Arbea, Javier I., 2022, Catalogue of Vietnamese springtails (Hexapoda, Collembola), Zootaxa 5147 (1), pp. 1-177 : 108 108
Subisotoma navacerradensis     Thibaud, Jean-Marc, 2017, Catalogue des collemboles de France, Zoosystema 39 (3), pp. 297-436 : 367 367
Subisotoma joycei   sp. n.  Soto-Adames, Felipe N. & Giordano, Rosanna, 2011, New species of springtails in the Proisotoma genus complex from Vermont and New York, USA with descriptive notes on Ballistura alpa Christiansen & Bellinger 1980 (Hexapoda, Collembola, Isotomidae)., ZooKeys 147, pp. 19-37 : 24-27 24-27
Subisotoma pusilla     Thibaud, Jean-Marc, 2017, Catalogue des collemboles de France, Zoosystema 39 (3), pp. 297-436 : 367 367
Subisotoma cruda   sp. nov.  Potapov, Mikhail, Babenko, Anatoly, Fjellberg, Arne & Greenslade, Penelope, 2009, Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. II. A revision of the genus Subisotoma and a description of Isotopenola gen. nov. (Collembola: Isotomidae), Zootaxa 2314, pp. 1-40 : 23-24 23-24

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