Laccodytes olibroides Régimbart, 1895

Toledo, Mario, Spangler, Paul J. & Balke, Michael, 2010, Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical diving beetles genus Laccodytes Régimbart, 1895 (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), Zootaxa 2347, pp. 37-58 : 54

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.193406


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scientific name

Laccodytes olibroides Régimbart, 1895


Laccodytes olibroides Régimbart, 1895 View in CoL

Figs (36, 43, 52, 62)

Laccodytes olibroides Régimbart (1895: 347) View in CoL ; Peschet (1919: 146); Zimmermann (1920: 29); Nilsson (2001: 239).

Type locality. According to the original description, Mexico or Brazil ( Régimbart, 1895). However, considering that neither this species nor others of the genus have so far been found in Mexico, and that the male from BMNH studied here (see below) comes from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), we suggest that Brazil is the more likely candidate.

Type material. According to Régimbart (1895), there is one specimen, the holotype, from Mr. D. de Donceel, housed in the MNHN. We did not study the type but a male from BMNH agrees well with the description and habitus drawing of this species, provided in the original description.

Material studied. “ Brasilia, Rio Jan” // “6005” (1 3 BMNH).

Diagnosis. Habitus ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 28 – 39 ). Body length 1.5 mm. Body almost discoidal. Tip of elytron continuously rounded. Hind angle of pronotum rounded. Without angle between pronotum and elytron.

Color. Head black. Pronotum yellow but anterior margin, posterior 2/5 and middle black. Elytron black with three orange spots ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 28 – 39 ) which are isolated and do not reach margin or suture; posteriorly slightly paler. Body appendages yellowish. Venter, including epipleuron, dark, reddish to blackish, prosternum orange.

Scultpure. Head with fine MR, same but much fainter MR on pronotum and elytron. Few small punctures visible anteriorly on metaventrite, few larger ones posteriorly. No longitudinal lines or longish meshes visible.

Structures. Pronotum with distinct lateral bead; posterior angle rounded. Prosternum and prosternal process with small ridge; prosternal process broadly carinate and with a long, nose-like tip emerging at a rather steep angle ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES 40 – 43 ). Epipleuron distinct up to level of sternite 7. Fore and middle legs very long and slender. Metatarsomeres 1–4 with apico-lateral angle slightly lobed. Outer metatibial spur truncate. Hind lobes of metacoxal process divided by a deep V-shaped notch.

Male. Pro- and mesotarsi not dilated. Aedeagus ( Fig. 52 View FIGURES 48 – 53 ): median lobe very similar to that of L. obscuratus but, in lateral view, even more slender on distal 2/3, with a step on ventral side between this and the base. Parameres as in L. obscuratus n.sp., but the right is more clubbed.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution ( Fig. 62). Apparently southeastern Brazil.

Biology. Unknown.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle














Laccodytes olibroides Régimbart, 1895

Toledo, Mario, Spangler, Paul J. & Balke, Michael 2010

Laccodytes olibroides Régimbart (1895: 347)

Nilsson 2001: 239
Zimmermann 1920: 29
Peschet 1919: 146
Regimbart 1895: 347
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