Solenoxyphus major Wagner, 1969

Konstantinov, Fedor V., 2008, Review of Solenoxyphus Reuter, 1875 (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae), American Museum Novitates 3607 (1), pp. 1-44 : 33-36

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0082(2008)3607[1:ROSRHM]2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Solenoxyphus major Wagner, 1969


Solenoxyphus major Wagner, 1969 View in CoL

Figures 22, 23, 31 View Figs , 68

Solenoxyphus major Wagner, 1969: 75–77 View in CoL ,

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the dense and almost regular dotting on forewings, absence of dark setae on dorsum, pale tibial spines, and structure of the vesica. Externally similar to S. kerzhneri but differs in the strongly reduced longitudinal flange of the vesica and extension of a series of teeth proximally to secondary gonopore (compare figs. 20, 21, 30 and 22, 23, 31).

DESCRIPTION: VESTITURE: Composed of recumbent long, silver setae only.

COLORATION: Body pale yellow to greenish (fig. 68). Head and antennae uniformly pale, first antennal segment without dots. Pronotum without any dark markings in all specimens. Scutellum apically with several minute and indistinct pale brown dots, rarely uniformly pale. Whole forewings except membrane covered with dense, at times confluent brown dotting even laterally and at base. Diameter of dots on forewings about half the width of second antennal segment at base. Dotting on medioapical part of corium sometimes slightly darker than at extreme base. Base of cuneus usually with rather pale dots. Membrane smoky hyaline, with more or less embrowned, rarely transparent apical part. Cells wholly or apically embrowned, rarely milky but with narrow embrowned area along outer vein. Veins whitish or partly embrowned. Ventral surface pale. All femora with pale brown mottling on entire ventral surfaces except extreme bases. Dorsal surfaces of femora with identical mottling apically. Dots on femora of the same size or smaller and paler than those on forewings. Hind femora with minute dots of same color or paler than those on forewings. Tibia with minute, but clearly visible dots at bases of pale tibial spines.

MALE GENITALIA: Vesica as in figs. 22, 23, 31. Apical process long, thin, and acute, with somewhat curved apex, distinctly longer than width of vesica proximal to secondary gonopore. Longitudinal flange prominent, forming gutterlike depression opposite to the main gutter of vesica-bearing ductus seminis. Series of teeth poorly developed, not extending proximal to secondary gonopore, half as long as gonopore or shorter.

STRUCTURE AND MEASUREMENTS: Labium always surpassing hind coxae, usually reaching fourth abdominal segment. Hind femora comparatively thin in males, somewhat swollen in females. Females macropterous.

In males, body 3.4–3.5 X as long as width of pronotum. Pronotum 1.9–2.0 X as wide as long, 1.2–1.3 X as wide as head. Vertex 1.2– 1.3 X as wide as eye. Second antennal segment equal in length to basal width of pronotum, 1.2–1.3 X as long as width of head. Body length: 4.1–4.5 mm.

In females, body 2.8–3.0 X as long as width of pronotum. Pronotum 2.0 X as wide as long, 1.2–1.3 X as wide as head. Vertex 1.4 X as wide as eye. Second antennal segment 0.9–1.0 X as long as basal width of pronotum, 1.1–1.2 X as long as width of head. Body length: 3.7 mm.

DISTRIBUTION: This rare species is known only from Spain.

HOST PLANT: Suaeda sp. (Chenopodiaceae) .

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: SPAIN: Catalonia: Alfes, Segria , 28 May 1995, J. Ribes, 43 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140664 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140665 About AMNH ) ( JR) ; 04 Jun 1995, J. Ribes, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140666 About AMNH ) , 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140667 About AMNH ) ( JR) . Alpicat, Segria , 28 Jun 1971, Ribes, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00137138 About AMNH ) ( AMNH) . Zaragoza: Bujalaroz, Laguna La Playa station , 09 Jun 1990, Ph. Magnien, J. Pericart & A. Matocq, Suaeda sp. , 63 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140661 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140662 About AMNH ) , 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140663 About AMNH ) . Bujalaroz , 15 Jul 1985, A. Carapezza, 1♀, without USI label ( AC) . Hostol Ciervo , 23 Jun 1989, Blasco, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140669 About AMNH ) ( JR) . Pina , 21 Jun 1990, Blasco, 13, without USI label ( AC) .

Solenoxyphus nanophyti ( Vinokurov, 1995) View in CoL , new comb.

Figures 2 View Figs , 71, 72

Leucopterum nanophyti Vinokurov in Vinokurov and Kanyukova, 1995: 55–57.

DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished by the long, dark setae on dorsum, dotting on scutellum, subbrachypterous females and acute apical process of vesica. Similar to S. asanovae in body coloration, but differs in dimensions, ratios, length of labium, and structure of vesica (see diagnosis of S. asanovae for details).

DESCRIPTION: VESTITURE: Entire dorsal surface covered with contrastingly long, dark setae. Setae always adpressed on forewings, sometimes semierect on head and pronotum. Vertex, lateral sides of pronotum, base of scutellum, bases and sides of forewings also sparsely covered with silver curved setae. Ventral surface covered only with silver setae.

COLORATION: Body (figs. 71, 72) pale yellow, naturally greenish. Head and antennae uniformly pale. Pronotum, exposed part of mesoscutum, and scutellum regularly covered with minute brown dots. In the palest specimens, dotting on pronotum greatly reduced, only apical part of scutellum with pale dots. Clavus, corium, and cuneus also covered with brown dots, usually larger than those on pronotum. Medioapical area of clavus with dense and confluent dots; basally and laterally, dotting usually sparser and paler. Claval commisure usually embrowned. Corium with dense and sometimes confluent dotting apically, almost obsolete at base of wing. Dots on basal part of cuneus absent or discolored; cuneal dotting almost absent in the palest males and nearly all females. Membrane embrowned, with transparent rectangular area along lateral margin behind cells. Veins usually whitish. Ventral surface pale. In males, all femora embrowned along foremargins, hind femora thin. In females, femora usually pale, the darkest ones with indistinct brown stripe along foremargin of hind femora. In both sexes femora densely irrorated with brown dotting, in the palest females dots present only on hind femora. Tibial spines pale to pale brown. Tibiae pale.

MALE GENITALIA: Vesica as in fig. 2. Apical process long, thin, and acute, with somewhat curved apex, longer than width of vesica proximal to secondary gonopore. Longitudinal flange narrow, but distinctly sclerotized. Series of teeth not extending proximal or distal to secondary gonopore.

STRUCTURE AND MEASUREMENTS: Labium surpassing hind coxae. Hind femora slightly swollen. Females subbrachypterous, membrane slightly surpassing apex of cuneus.

In males, body 3.6–3.8 X as long as width of pronotum. Pronotum 2.1–2.3 X as wide as long, 1.2–1.3 X as wide as head. Vertex 1.1– 1.2 X as wide as eye. Second antennal segment 0.95–1.0 X as long as basal width of pronotum, 1.2–1.4 X as long as width of head. Body length: 4.1–4.4 mm.

In females, body 2.7–2.8 X as long as width of pronotum. Pronotum 2.0–2.2 X as wide as long, 1.1–1.2 X as wide as head. Vertex 1.3– 1.4 X as wide as eye. Second antennal segment 0.8–0.9 X as long as basal width of pronotum, 0.9–1.0 X as long as width of head. Body length: 2.8–3.0 mm.

NOTE: Two specimens from the type series (Hovd aimak, 5 km NW Uench, 25.VI.1980 [Kerzhner]) differ from the description given above. They are much darker, ground color embrowned, clypeus, mandibular and maxillary plates, and first antennal segment dark brown. Dotting on forewings much more regular than in specimens from Tuva. Head, pronotum and scutellum densely covered only with silver curved setae. Vesica with spinules at extreme apex of apical process. Female macropterous. Thus, the specimens from Mongolia are identified as S. asanovae , although they fit S. nanophyti in body length.

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality, Tuva Prov. ( Russia) .

HOST PLANT: Nanophyton erinaceum (Chenopodiaceae) .

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: Holotype: RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Tuva Rep.: Kyzyl , 13 Aug 1964, I. M. Kerzhner, Nanophyton erinaceum , 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141308 About AMNH ).

Paratypes: same label as holotype, 113 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141314 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141315 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141317 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141319 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141321 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141322 About AMNH ,

AMNH _ PBI 00141324 About AMNH AMNH _ PBI 00141327 About AMNH ), 9♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141328 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141333 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141334 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141336 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141339 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141343 About AMNH ), 1 larva ( AMNH _ PBI 00141309 About AMNH ); 18 Jul 1964, I. M. Kerzhner, Nanophyton erinaceum , 33 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141316 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141320 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141323 About AMNH ), 7♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141329 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141332 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141335 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141337 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141338 About AMNH ) .

Solenoxyphus pallens ( Reuter, 1879) View in CoL , new comb.

Figures 32, 33 View Figs , 70

Leucopterum View in CoL (?) pallens Reuter, 1879: 262 View in CoL .

DIAGNOSIS: Close to S. loginovae and S. halocnemi , but differs from the former in much shorter labium, very regular dotting on forewings, and presence of pale brown setae on clavus and corium. Solenoxyphus halocnemi strongly resembles S. pallens in the previously mentioned characters, but it is much more robust. In S. halocnemi the vesica is comparatively robust, with a well-developed series of teeth running to base of apical process (figs. 6, 7). Solenoxyphus pallens has a smaller vesica with a series of teeth not extending distal to secondary gonopore (figs. 32, 33). Moreover, S. halocnemi , unlike S. pallens , has darker dotting on forewings.

DESCRIPTION: VESTITURE: On head, pronotum, and scutellum usually sparse, composed of pale brown and silver setae. Forewings covered with silver setae only at bases and laterally, while the whole coriaceous part of wing regularly covered with straight adpressed pale brown setae. In the palest and oldest specimens whole dorsal surface apparently covered with silver setae only, but pale brown setae recognizable on cuneus. Ventral surface covered only with silver setae.

COLORATION: Body (fig. 70) naturally greenish, usually pale yellow in dry specimens. Head, antennae, pronotum, and scutellum without any color pattern. Clavus, corium, and cuneus entirely yellow, regularly covered with minute pale brown dots. These dots usually somewhat depressed. Dotting on cuneus usually greatly reduced, distinct only at extreme apex. In the palest specimens, only apex of corium with clearly visible dots. Membrane whitish hyaline or very slightly embrowned. Thorax and abdomen uniformly pale, without any markings. Femora pale or with faint pale brown dotting at apices. If present, this dotting more developed on ventral sides of femora. Tibiae pale; tibial spines whitish or slightly obfuscate.

MALE GENITALIA: Vesica as in figs. 31, 32. Apical process long, thin, and acute, with somewhat curved apex, longer than width of vesica proximal to secondary gonopore. Longitudinal flange not developed. Series of teeth not extending distal to secondary gonopore; area proximal to secondary gonopore with a series of minute denticles. Degree of dentation proximal to secondary gonopore somewhat variable.

STRUCTURE AND MEASUREMENTS: Labium reaching hind coxae. Hind femora comparatively thin in males, somewhat swollen in females. Females macropterous.

In males, body 3.1–3.4 X as long as width of pronotum. Pronotum 2.0–2.2 X as wide as long, 1.2–1.4 X as wide as head. Vertex 1.0– 1.4 X as wide as eye. Second antennal segment 0.7–0.9 X as long as basal width of pronotum, 1.0–1.1 X as long as width of head. Body length: 3.3–4.4 mm.

In females, body 2.7–3.1 X as long as width of pronotum. Pronotum 2.0–2.2 X as wide as long, 1.2–1.3 X as wide as head. Vertex 1.4– 1.7 X as wide as eye. Second antennal segment 0.6–0.7 X as long as basal width of pronotum, 0.8–0.9 X as long as width of head. Body length: 3.2–3.5 mm.

DISTRIBUTION: Azerbaijan, Russia (Astrakhan Prov.), European and Asian parts of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan *, Tajikistan *, Iran ( Wagner, 1957), and Mongolia *.

HOST PLANTS: Anabasis aphylla , Anabasis salsa , Anabasis ramosissima , three specimens from Kazakhstan were collected from Anabasis ebracteolata (Chenopodiaceae) . Eight specimens from Ishkashim ( Tajikistan) were collected from Hammada wakhanica (Chenopodiaceae) . Single records from Suaeda sp. (Chenopodiaceae) in Karaganda Prov. and from Salsola arbuscula (Chenopodiaceae) in Zhambul Prov. of Kazakhstan are most probably sitting records.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: Lectotype of S. pallens : RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Astrakhan Prov.: Orb. g. [5 Orenburg Prov. in old borders, Mt. Bolshoe Bogdo ], V. E. Jakovlev, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140652 About AMNH ).

Paralectotype of S. pallens : same label as lectotype, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140678 About AMNH ) .

Additional material: AZERBAIJAN: Baku- Samaxi rd, 20 km W Baku, nr Maraz, 22 May 1972, Putshkov, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00141306), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141306) Anabasis aphylla , 53 (AMNH_PBI 00141304, AMNH_PBI 00141305). KAZAKHSTAN: Atyrau Prov.: Saraychik, lower course of Ural River, 24 Jun 1952, Arnoldi, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00141284). Karaganda Prov.: 40 km S of Atasu [Zhana-Arka], 23 Jun 1960, I. M. Kerzhner, Anabasis salsa , 7♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141245, AMNH_PBI 00141251–AMNH_PBI 00141253, AMNH_PBI 00141255–AMNH_PBI 00141257); 21 Jun 1960, I. M. Kerzhner, Suaeda sp. , 13 (AMNH_PBI 00141259); 22 Jun 1960, I. M. Kerzhner, Anabasis salsa , 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141254, AMNH_PBI 00141258). Koksengir N Dzhezkangan, 05 Jun 1961, Emeljanov, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141279). Kostanay Prov.: 200 km SO Qyzylorda, nr Tyshkanbay [Akkum], 30 Jun 1966, I. M. Kerzhner, Anabasis aphylla , 23 (AMNH_PBI 00141274, AMNH_PBI 00141275). Kyzylorda Prov.: Turkistan town, 15 Jun 1904, V. Oshanin coll., 63 (AMNH_PBI 00140681– AMNH_PBI 00140686), 22♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141185–AMNH_PBI 00141206). Mangistau Prov.: Mangghyshlaq [Mangyshlak], Karchauk, Beke, 27 Jul 1955, Grunin, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141276); 17 Sep 1955, Grunin, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00141277). S Usturt, chink Burchliburun, 05 Jun 1987, Mitroshina, Anabasis ebracteolata , 13 (AMNH_PBI 00141282), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141282). Zhambul Prov.: Akzhar [Shapovalovka] nr Taraz [Aulie-Ata], 26 May 1910, A. N. Kiritshenko, 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141207–AMNH_PBI 00141208, AMNH_PBI 00141211); 27 May 1910, A. N. Kiritshenko, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141209, AMNH_PBI 00141210). Karasay st N Shu [Chu], 16 Jul 1960, Emeljanov and Kerzhner, Anabasis ramosissima , 73 (AMNH_PBI 00141266–AMNH_PBI 00141269, AMNH_PBI 00141272, AMNH_PBI 00141272– AMNH_PBI 00141273). Shu [Chu] St., 13 Jul 1960, Emeljanov, 93 (AMNH_PBI 00141213, AMNH_PBI 00141216, AMNH_PBI 00141220– AMNH_PBI 00141225, AMNH_PBI 00141227), 5♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141246–AMNH_PBI 00141250); 13 Jul 1960, Emeljanov and Kerzhner, 43 (AMNH_PBI 00140679– AMNH_PBI 00140680, AMNH_PBI 00141270– AMNH_PBI 00141271), 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141262–AMNH_PBI 00141265). W Beptak- Dala, Kendyrlyk, 11 Jun 1961, Emeljanov, Salsola arbuscula , 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141278). W Pribalhashye, 15 km S Mynaral, 19 Jun 1978, I. M. Kerzhner, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141280) Anabasis salsa , 13 (AMNH_PBI 00141281), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141281). MONGOLIA: Bayanhongor Aimak: Khalkha, from Unyugutentala to Kuku-Shande well, 30 Jun 1909, Kozlov, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00141307). Govialtay Aimak: 30 km WNW Bij-Altay [Bidzh Altay], 21 Jul 1970, Narchuk, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00141295), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141294, AMNH_PBI 00141296). Tsaagan-Uul, 17 Jul 1969 – 18 Jul 1969, Eglon, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00141283). Hovd Aimak: 10 km N Uench, 28 Jul 1970, Emeljanov, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00141297). Bodonchin-Gol River, 12 km SW Altai, 22 Jul 1970, Emeljanov, Anabasis aphylla , 43 (AMNH_PBI 00141286, AMNH_PBI 00141287), 10♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141285, AMNH_ PBI 00141288–AMNH_PBI 00141292); 22 Jul 1970, Narchuk, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00141293). RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Astrakhan Prov.: Baskunchak Lake nr Bolshoe Bogdo Mt., 07 Jul 1961, Emeljanov and Kerzhner, Anabasis aphylla , 103 (AMNH_PBI 00141214–AMNH_PBI 00141215, AMNH_PBI 00141217–AMNH_PBI 00141219, AMNH_PBI 00141226, AMNH_PBI 00141298–AMNH_PBI 00141301), 19♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00141228–AMNH_PBI 00141244, AMNH_ PBI 00141302–AMNH_PBI 00141303). TAJIKI- STAN: Pamir, Ishkashim, 20 Jul 1965, Narchuk, Hammada wakhanica , 63 (AMNH_ PBI 00141311–AMNH_PBI 00141313), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00141313). UZBEKISTAN: Khiva, 14 May 1927, L. Zimin, 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00141212).


American Museum of Natural History


Amherst College, Beneski Museum of Natural History














Solenoxyphus major Wagner, 1969

Konstantinov, Fedor V. 2008

Leucopterum nanophyti

Vinokurov, N. N. & E. V. Kanyukova 1995: 55

Solenoxyphus major

Wagner, E. 1969: 77


Reuter, O. M. 1879: 262
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