-56.21777, -27.170803: 10 Treatments

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Prolycosides aussereri   comb. nov.  Paredes-Munguía, Williams, Brescovit, Antonio D. & Teixeira, Renato A., 2024, Revision of Neotropical wolf spider genus Arctosa C. L. Koch, 1847 (Araneae: Lycosidae), with description of seven new species, Zootaxa 5414 (1), pp. 1-83 : 59-66 59-66
Brachyhypopomus walteri     Crampton, William G. R., Santana, Carlos D. de, Waddell, Joseph C. & Lovejoy, Nathan R., 2016, A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical electric fish genus Brachyhypopomus (Ostariophysi: Gymnotiformes: Hypopomidae), with descriptions of 15 new species, Neotropical Ichthyology (e 150146) 14 (4), pp. 639-790 : 775-779 775-779
Forcipomyia pinamarensis     Spinelli, Gustavo R., Ronderos, María M., Ayala, Mahia M. & Díaz, Florentina, 2023, Catalog of the biting midges of Argentina (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), Zootaxa 5261 (1), pp. 1-83 : 26 26
Apostolepis dimidiata     Smith, Paul, Maciel, José, Redin Hurtado, Mikel, Galeano, Sergio, Stepan, Nicole, Brouard, Jean-Paul, Ríos, Sergio D., Ferreira Riveros, Marcela, Smith, Rebecca L., Owen, Matthew, Nicolay, Harald, Derna, Roberto, Vera Burró, Alvaro, Lahaye, Tito & Cacciali, Pier, 2024, Twenty-eight new and significant departmental reptile records for Paraguay, Acta Zoológica Lilloana 68 (2), pp. 347-385 : 362 362
Atractus paraguayensis     Smith, Paul, Maciel, José, Redin Hurtado, Mikel, Galeano, Sergio, Stepan, Nicole, Brouard, Jean-Paul, Ríos, Sergio D., Ferreira Riveros, Marcela, Smith, Rebecca L., Owen, Matthew, Nicolay, Harald, Derna, Roberto, Vera Burró, Alvaro, Lahaye, Tito & Cacciali, Pier, 2024, Twenty-eight new and significant departmental reptile records for Paraguay, Acta Zoológica Lilloana 68 (2), pp. 347-385 : 364 364
Mussurana bicolor     Smith, Paul, Maciel, José, Redin Hurtado, Mikel, Galeano, Sergio, Stepan, Nicole, Brouard, Jean-Paul, Ríos, Sergio D., Ferreira Riveros, Marcela, Smith, Rebecca L., Owen, Matthew, Nicolay, Harald, Derna, Roberto, Vera Burró, Alvaro, Lahaye, Tito & Cacciali, Pier, 2024, Twenty-eight new and significant departmental reptile records for Paraguay, Acta Zoológica Lilloana 68 (2), pp. 347-385 : 367 367
Tatia neivai     Almirón, Adriana, Casciotta, Jorge, Azpelicueta, Mercedes, Aichino, Danilo, Benítez, Mauricio, Piálek, Lubomír, Doubnerová, Klára & Říčan, Oldřich, 2014, First record of the genus Tatia (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae) in freshwaters of Argentina., Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 27, pp. 1-5 : 2-3 2-3
Ceratopogon aeschnosuga     Spinelli, Gustavo R., Ronderos, María M., Ayala, Mahia M. & Díaz, Florentina, 2023, Catalog of the biting midges of Argentina (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), Zootaxa 5261 (1), pp. 1-83 : 29-41 29-41
Forcipomyia pictoni     Spinelli, Gustavo R., Ronderos, María M., Ayala, Mahia M. & Díaz, Florentina, 2023, Catalog of the biting midges of Argentina (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), Zootaxa 5261 (1), pp. 1-83 : 26-27 26-27
Lispe serotina     LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147 : 91 91